Atributos visuais para recuperação baseada em conteúdo de imagens mamográficas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Atributos visuais de textura e forma foram investigados para a recuperação baseada em conteúdo de imagens mamográficas (CBIR). Para a similaridade de imagens, foi considerada a estrutura de densidade mamária, representada principalmente pelos tecidos fibro-glandulares. A pesquisa consistiu de três etapas: (1) Preparação e processamento das imagens; (2) Extração e seleção de atributos visuais de textura e forma; (3) Implementação de um sistema de recuperação de imagem. A primeira etapa consistiu dos processos de retirada de ruído do fundo da imagem, segmentação da região da mama, detecção da região de músculo peitoral, localização do mamilo e da segmentação da região de tecidos fibro-glandulares. Utilizou-se a equação de Difusão Anisotrópica com filtro de Wiener para retirada e suavização de ruídos encontrados na imagem e preservação da borda da mama. Para a segmentação da região da mama, foram utilizadas as técnicas de limiarização de Princípio de Máxima Entropia, Método de Preservação de Momento, Método de Otsu, Método interativo de Ridler & Carvard, Método de Reddi e Método da Matriz de Co-ocorrência. A melhor imagem foi escolhida numa tarefa supervisionada. A detecção automática da região do músculo peitoral foi feita com a combinação do operador de Canny e a transformada de Radon como detector de linha. A posição do mamilo foi detectada com a transformada de Radon como detector de direção de densidade. A segmentação da região de tecidos fibro-glandulares foi feita também com as técnicas de limiarização do Princípio de Máxima Entropia, Método de Preservação de Momento, e Método de Otsu. Momentos Estatísticos extraídos do Histograma, Medida de Granulometria, Momentos Estatísticos extraídos do Domínio de Radon, Momento de Hu, e Textura de Haralick foram investigados como atributos de textura. Medida de Área, Circularidade e Razão de Diâmetro foram investigados como atributos de forma. A rede de Mapas Auto-Organizáveis de Kohonen foi utilizada como sistema de recuperação de imagem. Foram utilizadas, neste trabalho, 1080 imagens do projeto de Banco de Imagens do HCFMRP-USP, módulo Mamografia. O treinamento e teste foram feitos com a técnica de \"leaving-one-out\" e os melhores resultados obtidos foram: Taxa de precisão de 91,07% para a combinação dos cinco grupos de atributos de Forma, Estatísticos Extraídos do Histograma, Momento de Hu, Espectral no Domínio de Radon e de Medida de Granulometria; taxa de precisão e revocação do coeficiente de correlação médio representadas pela área sob a curva com valor de 0,02351 dos grupos de atributos de forma, de Textura de Haralick e Momento de Hu. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a relevância de nosso trabalho e seu potencial de utilização para a recuperação baseada em conteúdo de imagens mamográficas.
Visual texture based on texture and shape features were investigated for content-based mammographic images retrieval (CBIR). For similarity of images, the mammary density structures were considered, mainly represented by fibro-glandular tissues. This research consisted of three stages: (1) Images preparation and processing; (2) Extraction and selection of the visual features; (3) Implementation of a retrieval system. The first stage consisted of noisy removing from the image background, breast region segmentation, pectoral muscle region detection, nipple localization and the fibro-glandular tissues region segmentation. The equation of Anisotropic Diffusion was used with Wiener filter for noisy removing with the breast region edge preservation. For the breast region segmentation, the Thresholding techniques were used of Maximum Entropy Principle, Moment Preserving Method, Otsu Method, Ridler & Carvard Method, Reddi Method and Co-occurrence Matrix Method. The better image was chosen in a supervised task. The automatic pectoral muscle region detection was made with the Canny operator and Radon Transform combination as straight line detector. The nipple position was detected with the Radon Transform as density direction detector. The fibro-glandular tissues region was also defined with the thresholding techniques of the Maximum Entropy Principle, Moment Preserving Method, and Otsu Method. The Statistical Moments extracted from the Histogram, Measured of Granulometry, Statistical Moments extracted in Radon Domain, Moment of Hu, and Haralick Textures were investigated as texture features. Area, Circularity and Diameter Ratio were investigated as shape features. The Self-Organizing Maps of Kohonen was used as image retrieval system. One thousand and eighty images of the HCFMRP-USP Database Project, Mammography Module, were used in this work. The training and test processes were realized with the \"leaving-one-out\" technique and the best results obtained were: The precision rate of 91,07% for the combination of the five following features group: Shape, Statistical Moments extracted of the Histogram, Moment of Hu, Statistical Moments extracted in Radon Domain and Measure of Granulometry; precision and revocation rates of the average coefficient of correlation represented by the area under the curve with value of 0,02351 for the three following features group: Shape, Haralick Textures and Moment de Hu. The results obtained indicated the relevance of our work for the content-based mammographic images retrieval.
Visual texture based on texture and shape features were investigated for content-based mammographic images retrieval (CBIR). For similarity of images, the mammary density structures were considered, mainly represented by fibro-glandular tissues. This research consisted of three stages: (1) Images preparation and processing; (2) Extraction and selection of the visual features; (3) Implementation of a retrieval system. The first stage consisted of noisy removing from the image background, breast region segmentation, pectoral muscle region detection, nipple localization and the fibro-glandular tissues region segmentation. The equation of Anisotropic Diffusion was used with Wiener filter for noisy removing with the breast region edge preservation. For the breast region segmentation, the Thresholding techniques were used of Maximum Entropy Principle, Moment Preserving Method, Otsu Method, Ridler & Carvard Method, Reddi Method and Co-occurrence Matrix Method. The better image was chosen in a supervised task. The automatic pectoral muscle region detection was made with the Canny operator and Radon Transform combination as straight line detector. The nipple position was detected with the Radon Transform as density direction detector. The fibro-glandular tissues region was also defined with the thresholding techniques of the Maximum Entropy Principle, Moment Preserving Method, and Otsu Method. The Statistical Moments extracted from the Histogram, Measured of Granulometry, Statistical Moments extracted in Radon Domain, Moment of Hu, and Haralick Textures were investigated as texture features. Area, Circularity and Diameter Ratio were investigated as shape features. The Self-Organizing Maps of Kohonen was used as image retrieval system. One thousand and eighty images of the HCFMRP-USP Database Project, Mammography Module, were used in this work. The training and test processes were realized with the \"leaving-one-out\" technique and the best results obtained were: The precision rate of 91,07% for the combination of the five following features group: Shape, Statistical Moments extracted of the Histogram, Moment of Hu, Statistical Moments extracted in Radon Domain and Measure of Granulometry; precision and revocation rates of the average coefficient of correlation represented by the area under the curve with value of 0,02351 for the three following features group: Shape, Haralick Textures and Moment de Hu. The results obtained indicated the relevance of our work for the content-based mammographic images retrieval.
Processamento de imagem mamográfica, Equação de difusão anisotrópica, Transformada de Radon, Filtro de Wiener, Rede de mapa auto-organizável de Kohonen, Medida de granulometria, Recuperação de imagem baseada em conteúdo, Self-organizing maps of Kohonen, Radon transform, Content-based image retrieval, Measure of granulometry, Mammographic image processing, Equation of anisotropic diffusion, Wiener filter