Estudo psicofísico sobre conspicuidade, estética e harmonia ambiental de sinais de trânsito
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Neste trabalho são analisadas a conspicuidade (impacto visual), a estética e a harmonia com o meio ambiente dos principais sinais verticais de trânsito na área urbana. A análise é realizada com base nas respostas de questionários aplicados a grupos de pessoas (sujeitos), utilizando o método de comparação aos pares, da psicofísica. A pesquisa se concentrou nos seguintes sinais de regulamentação: sinal vertical de parada obrigatória, sinal vertical de sentido de circulação de via, sinal vertical de lombada, e no sinal de orientação de indicação de lugares. No caso dos sinais de regulamentação foram investigadas as seguintes características: tamanho da placa, largura do suporte e cor do suporte. No sinal de indicação de lugares, foram investigadas a cor do fundo da placa e a cor da estrutura de sustentação. No que concerne ao sinal de parada obrigatória, a pesquisa aponta como mais indicados uma largura da placa de 80 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor vermelha ou branca. Quanto ao sinal de sentido de circulação de via, as características mais indicadas são: largura da placa entre 60 e 70 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor vermelha. Em relação a placa de lombada, as características mais indicadas são: largura da placa de 80 cm, suporte com largura de 12,5 cm e cor preta. No que diz respeito de indicação de lugares, a pesquisa aponta como mais indicadas as seguintes características: cor da placa azul (distinta da cor verde regulamentada pelo Código de Trânsito Brasileiro) e suporte de sustentação da placa de cor verde (cor regulamentada pelo código do país) na cor preta ou verde. A comparação de alguns dos resultados encontrados no trabalho com aqueles obtidos em outras pesquisas mostram grande conformidade. Cabe ressaltar, contudo, que os resultados obtidos no trabalho devem ser vistos como tendências, pois o tamanho e a estratificação das amostras não satisfazem os requisitos para que os resultados tenham confiabilidade estatística.
In this work the conspicuity (visual impact), aesthetic and the environment harmony of the main traffic signs in the urban area are analyzed. The analysis is performed based on questionnaires answers applyed the groups of people (subjects), using the psychophysics method of comparison in pairs. The research is focus in the following traffic signs: regulatory signs - stop sign, one way sign - , speed bump warning sign and guide signs. In the case of the regulatory and warning signs the next attributes had been investigated: size of the sign, width and color of the support. In guide sings, the ground color sign and structure color had been investigated. About stop sign, the research points as more indicated a sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red or white color. Concerning on one way sign, the pointed out characteristics are: sign width between 60 and 70 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red color. In relation the speed bump warning sign, the more indicated characteristics: sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and black color. About guide sings, the research indicates as more indicated the following featuress: blue color to the sign ground (distinct of the green sing regulated by the brazilian traffic code) and black or green color to sustentation structure of the green color sign (color regulated by country laws). The comparison of some results found in the work with those gotten in other early research shows a great conformity. Its important to highlightes, however, that the results gotten in the work must be seen as tendencies, because the sample size and stratification does not satisfy the requirements to the trustworthiness statistics results.
In this work the conspicuity (visual impact), aesthetic and the environment harmony of the main traffic signs in the urban area are analyzed. The analysis is performed based on questionnaires answers applyed the groups of people (subjects), using the psychophysics method of comparison in pairs. The research is focus in the following traffic signs: regulatory signs - stop sign, one way sign - , speed bump warning sign and guide signs. In the case of the regulatory and warning signs the next attributes had been investigated: size of the sign, width and color of the support. In guide sings, the ground color sign and structure color had been investigated. About stop sign, the research points as more indicated a sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red or white color. Concerning on one way sign, the pointed out characteristics are: sign width between 60 and 70 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and red color. In relation the speed bump warning sign, the more indicated characteristics: sign width of 80 cm, support width of 12,5 cm and black color. About guide sings, the research indicates as more indicated the following featuress: blue color to the sign ground (distinct of the green sing regulated by the brazilian traffic code) and black or green color to sustentation structure of the green color sign (color regulated by country laws). The comparison of some results found in the work with those gotten in other early research shows a great conformity. Its important to highlightes, however, that the results gotten in the work must be seen as tendencies, because the sample size and stratification does not satisfy the requirements to the trustworthiness statistics results.
Conspicuidade, Engenharia de tráfego, Harmonia ambiental e estética, Psicofísica, Sinalização de trânsito, Segurança viária, Traffic signs, Traffic engineering, Road safety, Psychophysics, Conspicuity, Urban environment harmony and aesthetics