Influência do aqüífero freático na dinâmica de nutrientes (nitrogênio e fósforo) em lagoas com diferentes características hidrodinâmicas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A zona de desembocadura do rio Paranapanema na Represa de Jurumirim é uma região de desaceleração da velocidade da correnteza associada a um grande número de ambientes aquáticos com diferentes características hidrodinâmicas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do aqüífero freático superficial na dinâmica de nutrientes (nitrogênio, fósforo e os principais cátions), foram estudadas três lagoas marginais, com diferentes graus de conexão com o rio: 1) Lagoa do Coqueiral (LCQ), com elevada conectividade com o rio Paranapanema; 2) Lagoa do Camargo (LCM), com conexão permanente com o rio, mas com baixa troca de \"informações\" e 3) Lagoa dos Cavalos (LCV), ambiente isolado do ecossistema lótico. Em outubro de 2002 (final da estação de seca na região) foram perfurados poços e instalados piezômetros para determinação da superfície piezométrica e do gradiente hidráulico entre o rio e as lagoas marginais estudadas. Durante as perfurações foram retiradas amostras dos estratos do solo para análises granulométricas, capacidade de troca de cátions, matéria orgânica, soma de bases trocáveis, porcentagem de saturação de bases, macro-nutrientes e micro-nutrientes. A amostragem foi realizada em campanhas mensais no período de abril de 2003 a abril de 2005. As amostras de água subterrânea foram coletadas com o auxilio de garrafas de coleta, com volume de 1,0 L, específicas para amostragem em piezômetros. No rio e nas lagoas a coleta foi realizada na subsuperfície em pontos próximos da zona de transição entre os sistemas aquático e terrestre. A condutividade hidráulica foi determinada no campo utilizando-se testes do tipo slug. Nas amostras de água foram determinados os valores de pH, condutividade e os teores de nitrogênio total, fósforo total, cálcio, magnésio, sódio, alumínio, manganês, bário, zinco e cobalto. Os resultados obtidos do gradiente hidráulico, juntamente com os dados de precipitação, mostraram que o ambiente lótico torna-se influente no período de chuvas e no período de seca as lagoas, preferencialmente, assumem essa condição. A aplicação de modelos lineares generalizados e do teste de Tukey mostrou variações temporais na maioria das variáveis. Uma relação crescente com o tempo foi observada para as concentrações de nitrogênio, fósforo e alumínio. Os valores de pH, condutividade, cálcio, magnésio, manganês, zinco e cobalto apresentaram uma relação temporal decrescente. Em relação ao ambiente, para os dados de condutividade, pH e sódio, foram identificadas diferenças entre as três lagoas. A maioria das variáveis apresentou diferenças significativas entre a água subterrânea e as águas superficiais (rio e lagoa). Na concentração de fósforo foram observadas diferenças entre a água do aqüífero e a água do rio. Estimativa média da contribuição de nitrogênio total e fósforo total via água subterrânea para o conteúdo total nos sistemas conectados oscilaram entre 6% para o sistema Lagoa do Coqueiral a 16% no sistema Lagoa do Camargo respectivamente. No sistema isolado Lagoa dos Cavalos as estimativas da contribuição, via água subterrânea em relação ao conteúdo total da lagoa, foram maiores para o fósforo total (média = 11%) quando comparadas com as estimadas para o nitrogênio total (média = 7%).
The discharge zone of Paranapanema river at Jurumirim reservoir is an area of decreased current velocity associated to a great number of aquatic environments with different hydrodynamic characteristics. To evaluate the influence of the superficial phreatic aquifer in the nutrient dynamics (nitrogen and phosphorus and main cations), three floodplain lakes with different degrees of connection to the main channel were studied: 1) Coqueiral Lake (LCQ), with high connection to Paranapanema river; 2) Camargo Lake (LCM), with permanent connection to the main channel but low \"information\" interchange and 3) Cavalos Lake (LCV), isolated from the main channel. In October 2002 (end of the regional dry period) piezometers were installed at drilled wells to evaluate the piezometric surface and the hydraulic gradient between the main channel and floodplain lakes. During drilling, samples of soil strata were collected to proceed granulometric analysis, cation interchange capacity, organic matter, sum of exchangeable bases, percent base saturation, macro and micro-nutrients. Sampling was undertaken from April 2003 to April 2005. Groundwater samples were collected with 1,0 L bailers, specific for piezometers sampling. At the main channel and floodplain lakes, sampling was undertaken at the subsurface at stations located near the transitions zone between the aquatic and terrestrial systems. The hydraulic conductivity was determined by slug tests. Values of pH, conductivity, total nitrogen and phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, manganese, barium, zinc and cobalt were obtained for the water samples. Hydraulic gradient and pluviometric data showed that the lotic environment exerts influence during the raining period; during the dry one, this role is played by the lakes. Most variables showed temporal variation when submitted to generalized linear models and the test of Tukey. An increased relationship with time was observed for nitrogen, phosphorus and aluminum concentrations. Values of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and cobalt showed a decreasing temporal relationship. Concerning the conductivity, pH and sodium data of the environment, differences among the three lakes were evaluated. Most variables showed significative differences between ground and surface waters (river and lakes). The aquifer and river waters showed differences concerning the concentrations of phosphorus. Mean estimates of the total nitrogen and phosphorus groundwater contribution to the total content fluctuated, in the connected system, between 6%, for the Coqueiral Lake system, to 16%, for Camargo Lake system respectively. For the isolated system Cavalos Lake, the groundwater contribution estimates related to the total content of the lake were higher for total phosphorus (average = 11%) when compared to the total nitrogen estimates (average = 7%).
The discharge zone of Paranapanema river at Jurumirim reservoir is an area of decreased current velocity associated to a great number of aquatic environments with different hydrodynamic characteristics. To evaluate the influence of the superficial phreatic aquifer in the nutrient dynamics (nitrogen and phosphorus and main cations), three floodplain lakes with different degrees of connection to the main channel were studied: 1) Coqueiral Lake (LCQ), with high connection to Paranapanema river; 2) Camargo Lake (LCM), with permanent connection to the main channel but low \"information\" interchange and 3) Cavalos Lake (LCV), isolated from the main channel. In October 2002 (end of the regional dry period) piezometers were installed at drilled wells to evaluate the piezometric surface and the hydraulic gradient between the main channel and floodplain lakes. During drilling, samples of soil strata were collected to proceed granulometric analysis, cation interchange capacity, organic matter, sum of exchangeable bases, percent base saturation, macro and micro-nutrients. Sampling was undertaken from April 2003 to April 2005. Groundwater samples were collected with 1,0 L bailers, specific for piezometers sampling. At the main channel and floodplain lakes, sampling was undertaken at the subsurface at stations located near the transitions zone between the aquatic and terrestrial systems. The hydraulic conductivity was determined by slug tests. Values of pH, conductivity, total nitrogen and phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, manganese, barium, zinc and cobalt were obtained for the water samples. Hydraulic gradient and pluviometric data showed that the lotic environment exerts influence during the raining period; during the dry one, this role is played by the lakes. Most variables showed temporal variation when submitted to generalized linear models and the test of Tukey. An increased relationship with time was observed for nitrogen, phosphorus and aluminum concentrations. Values of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and cobalt showed a decreasing temporal relationship. Concerning the conductivity, pH and sodium data of the environment, differences among the three lakes were evaluated. Most variables showed significative differences between ground and surface waters (river and lakes). The aquifer and river waters showed differences concerning the concentrations of phosphorus. Mean estimates of the total nitrogen and phosphorus groundwater contribution to the total content fluctuated, in the connected system, between 6%, for the Coqueiral Lake system, to 16%, for Camargo Lake system respectively. For the isolated system Cavalos Lake, the groundwater contribution estimates related to the total content of the lake were higher for total phosphorus (average = 11%) when compared to the total nitrogen estimates (average = 7%).
Água subterrânea, Carga de nutrientes, Fósforo, Nitrogênio, Groundwater, Nitrogen, Nutrient load, Phosphorus