Desenvolvimento de modelos mecânicos, de confiabilidade e de otimização para aplicação em estruturas de concreto armado
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta desenvolvimentos na modelagem mecânica de estruturas de barras em concreto armado, bem como no acoplamento entre modelos de confiabilidade e otimização do tipo RBDO para obtenção de dimensões ótimas, respeitando os requisitos de segurança especificados em projeto. Quanto à modelagem mecânica via Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), além do comportamento não-linear geométrico e dos materiais, foi considerada a contribuição dos mecanismos complementares de resistência ao cisalhamento, dados pelo engrenamento de agregados e efeito de pino das armaduras longitudinais. Além disso, um modelo simplificado que avalia a contribuição da armadura transversal também foi proposto. Foi desenvolvida uma formulação de otimização que deixa a posição da linha neutra livre, ao contrário de formulações existentes. Esta formulação resultou em projetos mais economicos dos que aqueles encontrados na literatura. Na questão do acoplamento de confiabilidade e otimização, foram exploradas melhorias no Método de Superfície de Resposta e no acoplamento direto via Método de Confiabilidade de Primeira Ordem e Técnica dos Gradientes Numéricos. Estas resultaram em maior precisão dos resultados e aumento na velocidade de convergência. Os modelos mecânicos, incluindo análise não-linear e mecanismos complementares, a formulação de otimização e as técnicas de confiabilidade foram implementados em um programa computacional para dimensionamento ótimo de elementos em concreto armado. O programa foi utilizado na resolução de vários problemas-exemplo. Verificou-se que a consideração dos mecanismos complementares de resistência ao cisalhamento produziram acréscimo na carga última, quando comparadas com as respostas sem tais efeitos. Verificou-se também que os mesmos mecanismos produziram um aumento, até mais significativo, nos índices de confiabilidade obtidos. As dimensões ótimas de elementos estruturais também foram comparadas, considerando-se modelos lineares e não-lineares dos materiais. O estudo mostrou que os custos da estrutura otimizada são menores, quando se considera os efeitos de comportamento não-linear dos materiais.
This work presents some developments in the mechanical modeling of reinforced concrete bar structures, as well in the coupling of reliability and RBDO optimization models, with the purpose of obtaining optimal dimensions considering the safety requirements specified in design. As for the mechanical modeling via Finite Element Method (FEM), in addition to geometrical and material nonlinear behaviors, the contribution of shear resistance complementary mechanisms (aggregate interlock and dowel action of longitudinal reinforcement) was taken into account. Moreover, a simplified model that evaluates the contribution of shear reinforcement was also proposed. In an improvement of existing formulations, an optimization scheme was developed which leaves the position of the neutral axis free. This improvement resulted in more economical cross-sections, than those found in the literature. With respect to the coupling of reliability and optimization methods, improvements were sought in the Response Surface Method and in the direct coupling via First Order Reliability and Numerical Gradients methods. These improvements resulted in greater precision and in increased convergence speed. The mechanical models, including non linear effects and complementary mechanisms , the optimization and reliability formulations were implemented in a computational code for the optimum design of reinforced concrete structures. The program was used to solve a number of example problems. It was found that the complementary mechanisms resulted in an increase of ultimate loads, when compared to the response obtained without these effects. These mechanisms also resulted in an even greater increase of the elements reliability. Optimal dimensions of the structural elements were also compared, considering linear and non-linear material models. The cost of the optimum structure was found to be smaller when non linear effects are taken into account.
This work presents some developments in the mechanical modeling of reinforced concrete bar structures, as well in the coupling of reliability and RBDO optimization models, with the purpose of obtaining optimal dimensions considering the safety requirements specified in design. As for the mechanical modeling via Finite Element Method (FEM), in addition to geometrical and material nonlinear behaviors, the contribution of shear resistance complementary mechanisms (aggregate interlock and dowel action of longitudinal reinforcement) was taken into account. Moreover, a simplified model that evaluates the contribution of shear reinforcement was also proposed. In an improvement of existing formulations, an optimization scheme was developed which leaves the position of the neutral axis free. This improvement resulted in more economical cross-sections, than those found in the literature. With respect to the coupling of reliability and optimization methods, improvements were sought in the Response Surface Method and in the direct coupling via First Order Reliability and Numerical Gradients methods. These improvements resulted in greater precision and in increased convergence speed. The mechanical models, including non linear effects and complementary mechanisms , the optimization and reliability formulations were implemented in a computational code for the optimum design of reinforced concrete structures. The program was used to solve a number of example problems. It was found that the complementary mechanisms resulted in an increase of ultimate loads, when compared to the response obtained without these effects. These mechanisms also resulted in an even greater increase of the elements reliability. Optimal dimensions of the structural elements were also compared, considering linear and non-linear material models. The cost of the optimum structure was found to be smaller when non linear effects are taken into account.
Acoplamento RBDO, Método dos elementos finitos, Análise não-linear, Concreto armado, Confiabilidade, Otimização, Efeito de pino, Engrenamento de agregados, RBDO coupling, Reinforced concrete, Optimization, Non-linear analysis, Finite element method, Dowel action, Aggregate interlock, Reliability