Análise dos aspectos condicionantes de manejo aplicada ao Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este estudo fornece subsídios para o manejo de parques a partir da análise de aspectos condicionantes de manejo aplicada ao Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo, como: funções desempenhadas pelo parque, ameaças que atingem ou podem atingir esta unidade de conservação, componentes biofísicos e medidas que possam beneficiar a unidade. A priorização destas questões foi realizada a partir de uma investigação de sondagem, com a aplicação de questionário aos funcionários, ao pessoal da administração, aos pesquisadores e vizinhos do Parque. Os resultados sugerem que esta Unidade de Conservação seja orientada principalmente para a preservação da fauna e da floresta, para a pesquisa e a educação ambiental. Dentre as ameaças identificadas, as mais severas e com maior probabilidade de ocorrência no Parque foram: a falta de recursos financeiros e de planejamento, além daquelas relacionadas com a ocupação humana do entorno (a rodovia SP-613, os incêndios e a caça, dentre outros). Os componentes biofísicos eleitos como prioritários para o manejo e o zoneamento do parque foram: a vegetação e o habitat de espécies ameaçadas. Esta constatação reforça a necessidade de identificar e mapear as principais áreas de uso pelas espécies ameaçadas, a serem integralmente protegidas. As três principais medidas eleitas como importantes para beneficiar o parque foram: a criação de corredores de vegetação, a instalação de cercas de alambrado em trechos específicos da rodovia SP-613 e a formação de uma faixa florestal ou agroflorestal de proteção no contorno do parque.
By analyzing specific aspects which influence park management, such as functions carried out by the state, the threats that affect or may affect the conservation area, the biophysical aspects and the measures that may possibly benefit the park, this study seeks to provide elements that will aid in the management of Morro do Diabo State Park. These priorities were identified by making a brief survey. This survey was made by applying a questionnaire to park administration, other park staff, researchers and visitors to the park. Results from the survey suggest that Morro do Diabo State Park should be oriented toward the preservation of flora and fauna, research and environmental education. The most serious threats that were identified and that have the greatest probability of occurring within the park were lack of financial resources, planning and effects of human settlements on the edge of the park, such as fires, hunting and the SP-613 highway which passes through the park. Vegetation and the habitats of threatened species were chosen as the priorities for park zoning and management. The identification of these priorities reinforces the need to identify and map the principal home ranges of the threatened species that require total protection. The creation of the ocorridors that connect the park to the forest fragments in the region, the installation of chain link fences along specific treks of highway SP-613 and the planting of both forest and agro forest stretches that serve to protect the park borders were elected as the three measures that have been considered of greatest benefit to the park.
By analyzing specific aspects which influence park management, such as functions carried out by the state, the threats that affect or may affect the conservation area, the biophysical aspects and the measures that may possibly benefit the park, this study seeks to provide elements that will aid in the management of Morro do Diabo State Park. These priorities were identified by making a brief survey. This survey was made by applying a questionnaire to park administration, other park staff, researchers and visitors to the park. Results from the survey suggest that Morro do Diabo State Park should be oriented toward the preservation of flora and fauna, research and environmental education. The most serious threats that were identified and that have the greatest probability of occurring within the park were lack of financial resources, planning and effects of human settlements on the edge of the park, such as fires, hunting and the SP-613 highway which passes through the park. Vegetation and the habitats of threatened species were chosen as the priorities for park zoning and management. The identification of these priorities reinforces the need to identify and map the principal home ranges of the threatened species that require total protection. The creation of the ocorridors that connect the park to the forest fragments in the region, the installation of chain link fences along specific treks of highway SP-613 and the planting of both forest and agro forest stretches that serve to protect the park borders were elected as the three measures that have been considered of greatest benefit to the park.
Manejo, Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo, Unidades de conservação, Management, Morro do Diabo State Park, Protected areas