Estudo do processo de dobramento a frio de grampo para feixe de mola
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O aço SAE 1552 modificado é um desenvolvimento recente da família do aço carbono manganês ligado ao silício, sendo utilizado para confecção de grampo U que tem como finalidade prender o feixe de molas no eixo do veículo. A somatória das fases de produção dessa matéria prima introduz os limites de resistência mecânica final necessária para atender a classe de resistência normativa. A peça produzida com esse aço tem alcançado crescimento de utilização na indústria automotiva devido à mesma apresentar propriedades mecânicas que atendem a requisitos normativos de classe de resistência e com vantagem de evitar tratamento térmico na fase de confecção do grampo e sendo esse processo realizado a frio em todas as suas fases. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar falha de grampo na etapa do processo de dobramento em forma de U e aplicar ensaios como: programa de simulação de tratamento térmico Stecal 3.0, ultrassom, fadiga, teste de cela e análise de fratura para solucionar essas falhas. Também foi realizado ensaios para prever fraturas catastróficas como: elementos finitos através de programa de computador Abaqus, ensaio de extensometria, tenacidade a fratura e medições de tensões residuais através de técnica de difração de raios-x. Foi concluído através dos resultados dos estudos de microestrutura resultante de tratamento térmico da matéria prima que o processo com resfriamento controlado em esteira é mais adequado para a produção do aço para confecção de grampo. O ensaio de ultrassom antes e após ensaio de fadiga possibilitou dimensionar o crescimento da profundidade da trinca em cotovelo de grampo e através de elementos finitos e extensometria associado com mecânica da fratura foi possível conhecer as tensões em ponto de estudo e entender o motivo de não ocorrer falha catastrófica. O ensaio de difração de raios-x permitiu o entendimento das tensões residuais introduzidas na peça de estudo.
SAE 1552 steel modified is a recent development of manganese carbon steel group linked to silicon, which is used to manufacture u-bolt that aims to fix leaf spring at vehicle axle in the back part. The sum of production stages of this raw material introduces the final mechanical resistance limits to meet class rules resistance. The piece produced with this steel has achieved growth of use in the automotive industry due to the mechanical properties it presents, which meet regulatory requirements for strength class and the advantage of avoiding heat treatment during manufacturing of the u-bolt and all the phases of this process are carried out in cold. This work aims to study the u-bolt failure during the folding process in the form of U and apply tests such as heat treatment simulation -Stecal 3.0, ultrasonic test, fatigue test, cell testing and analysis of crack. Other tests have been carried out to predict catastrophic fractures such as: finite element through computer program called Abaqus, extensometry testing, toughness testing for fracture and residual stress measurement by X ray diffraction technique. Results of heat treatment studies, by microstructure analysis, allowed choosing appropriate process for steel production. Ultrasonic testing before and after fatigue testing enabled to measure growth of crack depth on u-bolt elbow, and through finite element and extensometry testing associated with Mechanical of Fracture it was possible to know the stress concentrated at a point and to understand why catastrophic failure did not occur. Residual stress understanding has provided overall vision of u-bolt studied and contributed to have precision in measurement at inner and outer part of the u-bolt elbow.
SAE 1552 steel modified is a recent development of manganese carbon steel group linked to silicon, which is used to manufacture u-bolt that aims to fix leaf spring at vehicle axle in the back part. The sum of production stages of this raw material introduces the final mechanical resistance limits to meet class rules resistance. The piece produced with this steel has achieved growth of use in the automotive industry due to the mechanical properties it presents, which meet regulatory requirements for strength class and the advantage of avoiding heat treatment during manufacturing of the u-bolt and all the phases of this process are carried out in cold. This work aims to study the u-bolt failure during the folding process in the form of U and apply tests such as heat treatment simulation -Stecal 3.0, ultrasonic test, fatigue test, cell testing and analysis of crack. Other tests have been carried out to predict catastrophic fractures such as: finite element through computer program called Abaqus, extensometry testing, toughness testing for fracture and residual stress measurement by X ray diffraction technique. Results of heat treatment studies, by microstructure analysis, allowed choosing appropriate process for steel production. Ultrasonic testing before and after fatigue testing enabled to measure growth of crack depth on u-bolt elbow, and through finite element and extensometry testing associated with Mechanical of Fracture it was possible to know the stress concentrated at a point and to understand why catastrophic failure did not occur. Residual stress understanding has provided overall vision of u-bolt studied and contributed to have precision in measurement at inner and outer part of the u-bolt elbow.
Análise de falha, Tratamento térmico, Tensão residual, Tenacidade a fratura, Ultrassom, Ensaio de fadiga, Extensometria, Elementos finitos, Ultrasonic testing, Analysis of failure, Thoughness for fracture, Extensometry, Residual stress, Finite element, Fatigue testing, Heat treatment