Estratégia operacional de sistema formado por reator não compartimentado com setores com aeração/sem aeração precedido por reator anaeróbio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A opção por sistemas biológicos prevalece para o tratamento do esgoto sanitário. Nas décadas recentes, sistemas que possuem regiões e/ou zonas anaeróbia, anóxica e aeróbia têm-se mostrado como alternativas atraentes para remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio e fósforo. No entanto, os aspectos operacionais ainda merecem ser objeto de estudo para alcançar desempenho otimizado. Nesse cenário, com intuito de comparar alternativas para a operação das unidades de tratamento de esgoto, o presente trabalho propôs-se a estudar estratégias operacionais associadas ao monitoramento, em tempo real, sem adição de fonte externa de carbono, para um reator aerado não compartimentado com crescimento suspenso e fluxo contínuo precedido de reator anaeróbio. O sistema experimental, em escala de bancada, era constituído de um reator anaeróbio, com volume útil de 43,54 L, e reator aerado, com volume útil de 68,07 L; sendo que este era formado por sete setores, em série, sem separação física. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: I - estudo da variação dos volumes da região aerada e da não aerada; II - estudo da aeração intermitente com ciclo de aeração/agitação pré-fixado e controlado em tempo real por sistema informatizado. Em todas as Etapas do estudo ocorreu elevada remoção de DBO e conversão de NTK para nitrato, contudo não se conseguiu obter desnitrificação em nível desejado. O uso de reatores com setores sequenciais sem divisão física (Etapa I) dificultou a obtenção de regiões distintas predominantemente anóxica e aeróbia, comprometendo a remoção de nitrogênio (principalmente a desnitrificação). A maior eficiência média de remoção de nitrogênio alcançada no reator aerado foi de 35,6% (Etapa II), quando o reator era operado com aeração intermitente sendo o ciclo de aeração/agitação controlado em tempo real. A estratégia de operação com aeração intermitente, estudada na Etapa II, favoreceu a remoção de nitrogênio. A aeração intermitente demonstrou ser uma opção promissora comparada à aeração contínua em setores específicos do reator. O controle automatizado e informatizado em tempo real dos ciclos de aeração/agitação pode ser aplicado no aperfeiçoamento da operação dos sistemas de tratamento de esgoto sanitário.
The option of biological systems prevails for the treatment of sewage waste and in recent decades, systems that have anaerobic, anoxic, aerobic regions and / or zones have proven attractive for simultaneous removal of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. However, the operational aspects still deserve to be studied in order to achieve the optimized performance of these systems. In this scenario, in order to compare alternatives for the operation of sewage treatment plants, the present work aimed to study operational strategies associated with monitoring, in real time, without the addition of external carbon source, for a non-compartmentalized aerated reactor with growth suspended and continuous flow preceded by anaerobic reactor. The experimental system in bench scale consisted of an anaerobic reactor, with a volume of 43.54 L and an aerated reactor, with a volume of 68.07 L; consisting of seven sectors, in series, without physical separation. The study was divided into two stages: I - study of the variation of the volume of the aerated and non-aerated regions; II - study of intermittent aeration with cycle of aeration/agitation controlled by a pre-fixed time interval; and controlled in real time by a computerized system. In all Stages of the study high BOD removal and conversion of TKN to nitrate occurred, but were unable to obtain denitrification at desired level. The use of reactors with sequential sectors without physical division (Stage I) made it difficult to obtain predominantly distinct anoxic and aerobic regions, compromising the removal of nitrogen (mainly the denitrification). The highest average removal efficiency of nitrogen attained in aerated reactor was 35.6% when the reactor was operated with intermittent aeration with aeration cycle controlled in real time. The operation strategy with intermittent aeration, studied in Stage II, favored the removal of nitrogen. The intermittent aeration proved to be a promising option compared to continuous aeration in specific sectors of the reactor. The automated and computerized control in real-time of the aeration / agitation cycles can be applied in improving the operation of sewage waste treatment systems.
The option of biological systems prevails for the treatment of sewage waste and in recent decades, systems that have anaerobic, anoxic, aerobic regions and / or zones have proven attractive for simultaneous removal of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. However, the operational aspects still deserve to be studied in order to achieve the optimized performance of these systems. In this scenario, in order to compare alternatives for the operation of sewage treatment plants, the present work aimed to study operational strategies associated with monitoring, in real time, without the addition of external carbon source, for a non-compartmentalized aerated reactor with growth suspended and continuous flow preceded by anaerobic reactor. The experimental system in bench scale consisted of an anaerobic reactor, with a volume of 43.54 L and an aerated reactor, with a volume of 68.07 L; consisting of seven sectors, in series, without physical separation. The study was divided into two stages: I - study of the variation of the volume of the aerated and non-aerated regions; II - study of intermittent aeration with cycle of aeration/agitation controlled by a pre-fixed time interval; and controlled in real time by a computerized system. In all Stages of the study high BOD removal and conversion of TKN to nitrate occurred, but were unable to obtain denitrification at desired level. The use of reactors with sequential sectors without physical division (Stage I) made it difficult to obtain predominantly distinct anoxic and aerobic regions, compromising the removal of nitrogen (mainly the denitrification). The highest average removal efficiency of nitrogen attained in aerated reactor was 35.6% when the reactor was operated with intermittent aeration with aeration cycle controlled in real time. The operation strategy with intermittent aeration, studied in Stage II, favored the removal of nitrogen. The intermittent aeration proved to be a promising option compared to continuous aeration in specific sectors of the reactor. The automated and computerized control in real-time of the aeration / agitation cycles can be applied in improving the operation of sewage waste treatment systems.
Aeração intermitente, Controle em tempo real, Esgoto sanitário, Monitoramento on-line, Remoção de matéria orgânica, Reator não compartimentado, Removal of organic matter, Real-time control, On-line monitoring, Non-compartmentalized reactor, Intermittent aeration, Sewage waste