Debriefing formativo e personalizado em jogos de simulação de empresa
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A maioria das metodologias educacionais utilizadas em sala de aula é limitada em relação às experiências de aprendizado relativas ao mundo real. As pesquisas evidenciam que os Jogos de Simulação de Empresa (JSEs), que oferecem experiências reais, têm mostrado potencial para contribuir com o aprendizado e motivação do aprendiz. Consonante com esse potencial, observa-se crescimento na produção e na utilização de jogos de simulação na última década. Apesar do crescimento, há preocupação com a qualidade desse tipo de aprendizagem, fator crítico de sucesso. Estudos indicam que a avaliação formativa e o ensino personalizado podem ajudar na melhoria da qualidade do aprendizado de todos os aprendizes. Apesar de existirem pesquisas acerca do debriefing em JSEs, não foram encontradas pesquisas, acerca do impacto do debriefing formativo e personalizado em JSEs no ensino superior, no Brasil. Assim, neste trabalho objetivou-se implementar e avaliar um modelo de debriefing formativo e personalizado para JSEs no ensino superior que incremente as oportunidades de aprendizagem. O modelo de debriefing plus é dividido em quatro etapas e contempla desde o treinamento até à avaliação. Foi realizado um experimento, com duração de dois meses. A amostra da pesquisa compreendeu 20 alunos, distribuídos nos cursos de Graduação em Administração de Empresas, Ciências Contábeis, Economia e Relações Internacionais de um renomado Centro Universitário, localizado em São Paulo. O debriefing plus foi avaliado em três dimensões: desempenho financeiro dos alunos no ambiente simulado, eficiência do facilitador usando o DASH e indícios motivacionais do aluno, por meio da entrevista. Os resultados indicam que o debriefing plus teve impacto direto na avaliação do facilitador e no desempenho financeiro. No experimento, 100% dos que concluíram o curso tiveram melhora no seu desempenho financeiro, e em média, mais de 95% dos respondentes considerarem como bom, muito bom, ou excelente a avaliação do facilitador. Esse modelo proposto pode melhorar a experiência de aprendizagem de todos os alunos, se comparado com o modelo tradicional de debriefing, cujo maior foco está nos resultados financeiros da equipe e não no aprendizado individual. O modelo de debriefing plus demonstrou potencial de incrementar o processo de aprendizagem mais personalizado por meio da melhoria do desempenho financeiro de todos os alunos. Ressalta-se que o treinamento do facilitador é fundamental para o sucesso desse modelo.
Most educational methodologies used in classrooms are limited concerning learning experiences related to the real world. Researchers have shown that business gaming simulations (BSG) which offer real experiments can potentially contribute to the learning process as well as learners´ motivation. An increase in the production and use of BSG has been observed over the last decade. Despite this growth, there has been concern about the quality of this type of learning, which is a critical success factor. Studies have shown that formative assessment and personalized learning can help to improve the learning quality of all learners. Although research on debriefing has been conducted, we have not found any study that focuses on the impact of formative and personalized debriefing on the higher education in Brazil. This research deals with the implement of a debriefing formative and personalized model for BSG in higher education that enhances the learning opportunities. The Debriefing Plus model is divided into four stages and covers from training to evaluation. One experiment was conducted in a two-month period and the study sample comprised 20 undergraduates of Business Administration, Accountancy, Economy and International Relationship of a well known university in São Paulo city. The debriefing Plus has three dimensions: financial performance of the team, efficiency of the facilitator, and evidence of student motivation, which were measured by the DASH model, the simulated environment, and interview respectively. The results show that Debriefing Plus exerted a direct impact on the evaluation of the facilitator and financial performance. In the experiment, 100% of those who finished the course had improved their financial performance, and on average over 95% of the respondents considered the facilitator´s evaluation good, very good, or excellent. The debriefing model proposed can improve the learning experience of all students, in comparison with the traditional model of debriefing, whose major focus is on the financial results of the team and not on individual learning. The model can potentially enhance the more personalized learning process by improving the financial performance of all students. It should be highlighted that the facilitators training is the key to the success of this model.
Most educational methodologies used in classrooms are limited concerning learning experiences related to the real world. Researchers have shown that business gaming simulations (BSG) which offer real experiments can potentially contribute to the learning process as well as learners´ motivation. An increase in the production and use of BSG has been observed over the last decade. Despite this growth, there has been concern about the quality of this type of learning, which is a critical success factor. Studies have shown that formative assessment and personalized learning can help to improve the learning quality of all learners. Although research on debriefing has been conducted, we have not found any study that focuses on the impact of formative and personalized debriefing on the higher education in Brazil. This research deals with the implement of a debriefing formative and personalized model for BSG in higher education that enhances the learning opportunities. The Debriefing Plus model is divided into four stages and covers from training to evaluation. One experiment was conducted in a two-month period and the study sample comprised 20 undergraduates of Business Administration, Accountancy, Economy and International Relationship of a well known university in São Paulo city. The debriefing Plus has three dimensions: financial performance of the team, efficiency of the facilitator, and evidence of student motivation, which were measured by the DASH model, the simulated environment, and interview respectively. The results show that Debriefing Plus exerted a direct impact on the evaluation of the facilitator and financial performance. In the experiment, 100% of those who finished the course had improved their financial performance, and on average over 95% of the respondents considered the facilitator´s evaluation good, very good, or excellent. The debriefing model proposed can improve the learning experience of all students, in comparison with the traditional model of debriefing, whose major focus is on the financial results of the team and not on individual learning. The model can potentially enhance the more personalized learning process by improving the financial performance of all students. It should be highlighted that the facilitators training is the key to the success of this model.
Aprendizagem experiencial, Debriefing, Jogos, Simulação, Business simulation, Debriefing, Games