Ligação viga-pilar em elementos pré-moldados de concreto solidarizados por concreto reforçado com fibras de aço: análises estática e dinâmica
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No presente trabalho, utiliza-se concreto com fibras de aço, traspasse de armaduras e chaves de cisalhamento para desenvolver uma ligação viga-pilar capaz de resistir a ações cíclicas e dinâmicas e que possa ser empregada na pré-moldagem de estruturas de casas de força de usinas hidrelétricas. Para atingir este objetivo, inicialmente foram realizados ensaios de caracterização dos materiais, cujos resultados mostraram aumentos de 34% na resistência à tração na flexão, 16% na resistência à compressão e 33% na tenacidade, comprovando os efeitos benéficos das fibras de aço nas propriedades mecânicas do concreto. Em seguida, foram realizados ensaios de tração em tirantes, cujos resultados sugeriram que um comprimento de 15Ø é suficiente para que a emenda desenvolva as tensões de aderência de modo adequado; e ensaios de cisalhamento, cujos resultados mostraram que a ligação viga-pilar resiste a tensões de cisalhamento direto de até 0,77 MPa. Na sequencia, foram realizados ensaios cíclicos em dois modelos cruciformes para caracterização da ligação (um monolítico e outro de concreto pré-moldado, o qual empregava concreto com 1% de fibras na região da ligação), sendo o carregamento aplicado em cinco níveis de força, cada um com dez ciclos de carregamento e descarregamento. Os resultados desses ensaios mostraram que a ligação do modelo em concreto pré-moldado apresentou 85% da resistência do modelo monolítico e ruptura governada por flexão. Por fim, os ensaios dinâmicos foram realizados nos modelos cruciformes em três diferentes situações (íntegros, fraturados e após ruptura da ligação) para estimar o coeficiente de amortecimento, o qual sofreu uma redução de 31% após o ensaio cíclico. Simulações computacionais foram realizadas para complementar a investigação realizada neste trabalho. Elas mostraram representação aceitável da rigidez, mas não da resistência do modelo.
In the present work, steel fiber reinforced concrete, splicing bars and shear keys are used in order to develop a beam-column connection able to support cyclic and dynamic loadings and which can be used in precasting power houses structures of power plants. To achieve this goal, tests were carried out to characterize the materials, which showed increases of 34% in flexural tensile strength, 16% in compressive strength and 33% in toughness factor, confirming the beneficial effects of steel fibers in mechanical properties of the concrete. Then, tensile tests were carried out on rods, whose results suggested that a length of 15Ø can assure appropriate development of bond stresses through the splice; and shear tests, whose results showed that the beam-column connection resists to shear stresses of up to 0,77 MPa on shear key. After, cyclic tests were performed in two cruciform models in order to characterize the beam-column connection (one monolithic and the other precast concrete, which employed 1% steel fiber reinforced concrete in connection region, being the loading applied in five loading levels, each one in 10 cycles of loading and unloading. Results of these tests showed that precast beam-column connection presented 85% of the strength presented by the monolithic model and bending failure. Finally, dynamic tests were performed in cruciform models in three different situations (uncracked, cracked and after failure) for estimating the damping ratio, which was reduced by 31% after cycles. Computer simulations were performed to complement the research developed in this work. They showed acceptable representation of stiffness, but the strength of the model.
In the present work, steel fiber reinforced concrete, splicing bars and shear keys are used in order to develop a beam-column connection able to support cyclic and dynamic loadings and which can be used in precasting power houses structures of power plants. To achieve this goal, tests were carried out to characterize the materials, which showed increases of 34% in flexural tensile strength, 16% in compressive strength and 33% in toughness factor, confirming the beneficial effects of steel fibers in mechanical properties of the concrete. Then, tensile tests were carried out on rods, whose results suggested that a length of 15Ø can assure appropriate development of bond stresses through the splice; and shear tests, whose results showed that the beam-column connection resists to shear stresses of up to 0,77 MPa on shear key. After, cyclic tests were performed in two cruciform models in order to characterize the beam-column connection (one monolithic and the other precast concrete, which employed 1% steel fiber reinforced concrete in connection region, being the loading applied in five loading levels, each one in 10 cycles of loading and unloading. Results of these tests showed that precast beam-column connection presented 85% of the strength presented by the monolithic model and bending failure. Finally, dynamic tests were performed in cruciform models in three different situations (uncracked, cracked and after failure) for estimating the damping ratio, which was reduced by 31% after cycles. Computer simulations were performed to complement the research developed in this work. They showed acceptable representation of stiffness, but the strength of the model.
Concreto, Concreto com fibras de aço, Ligação viga-pilar, Pré-moldados, Beam-column connection, Concrete, Precast concrete structures, Steel fiber reinforced concrete