O uso do GPS como instrumento de controle de deslocamentos dinâmicos de obras civis - aplicação na área de transportes
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de metodologia para avaliar a utilização do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) como ferramenta de pesquisa no estudo do comportamento dinâmico de obras viárias. Para ser caracterizado como um instrumento de medição, foi estudada a potencialidade de um método, que se fundamenta numa forma específica de coleta e processamento de dados GPS; análise dos resíduos resultantes do processamento da dupla diferença de fase e aplicação de análise espectral para filtragem de informações indesejáveis (multicaminhamento dos sinais GPS). A coleta envolve um oscilador eletro-mecânico, especialmente projetado, que permite calibrar as medidas de amplitude e freqüência das oscilações mensuráveis pela obra sob teste. Inúmeros experimentos foram realizados em ambientes de reflexões e difrações variáveis e com diversos tipos de receptores e antenas GPS. Alguns ensaios foram realizados utilizando, simultaneamente, equipamentos como transdutores de deslocamento, acelerômetros e estações totais. Comparando os resultados obtidos, mesmo com valores prescritos em normas e códigos, afirma-se que o GPS, sob o método de coleta de dados testado, é um instrumento confiável para detecção e caracterização do comportamento dinâmico de estruturas, apresentado confiabilidade para as medições realizadas, da ordem de décimos de milímetro. Quanto à detecção das freqüências, as mais baixas ficam comprometidas pela presença do multicaminhamento e as mais elevadas têm a detecção limitada pela máxima taxa de coleta dos receptores (Lei de Nyquist)
This work presents the development of a methodology to appraise the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) as a tool for researching of dynamic behavior of road transport structures. To be characterized as an instrument for measuring it was studied the potentiality of one method which includes a specific mode of GPS data collection; analyses of double difference phase residuals and application of spectral analyses and filtering for excluding undesirable information (multipath). The GPS data collected applies an electro-mechanical oscillator, specially built for that, which permits to calibrate the measures of frequency and amplitude of structure s oscillations under dynamic load test. Several field tests were carried out in vicinities with high and low capacity of causing signal reflections and diffractions and with different types of GPS receivers and GPS antennas. A couple of fields were carried out using, at the same time, transducers of displacement, accelerometers and total stations. Comparing these results obtained even with values of codes, it is affirmed that GPS, under the data collection method tested, it is a trustworthy instrument for detection and characterization of dynamic behavior of structures, presenting reliability of measures ranging around tenths of millimeters. The very low frequencies are highly degraded by multipath and very high frequencies have its detection limited by the receiver data rate (Theorem s Nyquist)
This work presents the development of a methodology to appraise the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) as a tool for researching of dynamic behavior of road transport structures. To be characterized as an instrument for measuring it was studied the potentiality of one method which includes a specific mode of GPS data collection; analyses of double difference phase residuals and application of spectral analyses and filtering for excluding undesirable information (multipath). The GPS data collected applies an electro-mechanical oscillator, specially built for that, which permits to calibrate the measures of frequency and amplitude of structure s oscillations under dynamic load test. Several field tests were carried out in vicinities with high and low capacity of causing signal reflections and diffractions and with different types of GPS receivers and GPS antennas. A couple of fields were carried out using, at the same time, transducers of displacement, accelerometers and total stations. Comparing these results obtained even with values of codes, it is affirmed that GPS, under the data collection method tested, it is a trustworthy instrument for detection and characterization of dynamic behavior of structures, presenting reliability of measures ranging around tenths of millimeters. The very low frequencies are highly degraded by multipath and very high frequencies have its detection limited by the receiver data rate (Theorem s Nyquist)
monitoramento de estruturas, passarelas, GPS, ponte estaiada, freqüência L1, ponte suspensa, deslocamentos milimétricos, deslocamentos dinâmicos, single receiver, cable-stayed bridge, monitoring of structures, millimetric displacements, GPS, footbridge, dynamic displacements, suspension bridge