Cianobactérias e cianotoxinas em águas continentais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As cianobactérias pertencem a um grupo de organismos que surgiram no planeta há cerca de 3,5 bilhões de anos. Durante 270 milhões de anos elas dominaram, em um período que ficou conhecido como o Período das Cyanophyceae (Pré-Cambriano). Águas eutrofizadas oferecem os requisitos para haver floração aumentando as chances estatísticas de aparecimento de cianobactérias, inclusive as tóxicas. Há alteração substancial das características das comunidades e do ecossistema e, por seu potencial tóxico, esses organismos causam conseqüências danosas à integridade ambiental e à saúde pública. Essas florações são resultado da interação de fatores físicos, químicos e bióticos, evidenciados por crescimento explosivo - florações - de poucas espécies, freqüentemente as menos exigentes a gás carbônico. Entre as cianobactérias formadoras de florações destacam-se os gêneros: Aphanizomenon sp., Oscillatoria sp., Anabaena sp., Microcystis sp., Gloeotrichia sp., Cylindrospermospsis sp. e Nodularia sp. Entre as cianobactérias produtoras de toxinas destacam-se as espécies: Anabaena flos-aquae, Microcysits aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Oscillatoria agardhii, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii e Nodularia spumigena. O problema para a saúde pública e ambiental relaciona-se à liberação das toxinas que sempre ocorre após a lise celular, devido ao uso de algicidas, ao estresse celular ou à senescência. As cianotoxinas - neurotoxinas, hepatotoxinas, endotoxinas (lipopolissacarídeos) - não causam os mesmos efeitos nos diferentes organismos que as ingerem. Para análises quantitativas e qualitativas das amostras fitoplanctônicas são necessárias rotinas laboratoriais, que têm início desde a coleta, estocagem, sedimentação e identificação das espécies ao microscópio. Em câmaras de sedimentação apropriadas é possível contar e identificar os organismos em questão. O volume celular é estimado por meio de formas geométricas, correspondentes às dimensões celulares dos organismos. O carbono orgânico e os pigmentos fotossintetizantes, principalmente a clorofila a, fornecem indicação da biomassa fitoplanctônica. A extração desta pode ser feita utilizando-se acetona, etanol ou metanol. Os métodos mais usados para determinação da concentração de clorofila a são: fluorimetria, espectrofotômetria e HPLC, este último o método mais preciso. No Brasil têm sido registradas ocorrências de florações de cianobactérias e a preocupação tem aumentado significamente após o caso de Caruaru (PE). Como é difícil prever as florações de cianobactérias potencialmente tóxicas, alguns métodos laboratoriais, como bioensaios, HPLC, CG, ELISA, Inibição de Fosfatase e Inibição de Acetilcolinesterase têm sido de grande ajuda na determinação das cianotoxinas, o que possibilita que as empresas abastecedoras de água tomem as providências cabíveis, quanto ao abastecimento da população e cumprimento da Portaria 518, de 24 de março de 2004. No entanto a Portaria nº 518 do Ministério da Saúde mostra-se ineficaz pela falta de artigos sobre o gerenciamento dos corpos hídricos eutrofizados, que mostram alterações em suas características e que podem ser associados a problemas de saúde pública, e também pela falta de penalidades e outras sanções (exemplo: fiscalização) que auxiliem no cumprimento da legislação. Devido a isso, procedimentos e profissionais devem ser encontrados e treinados para o entendimento de como, onde e por que, as florações acontecem.
Cyanobacteria are part of a group of organisms that have had a long evolutionary history extending to at least 3,5 billion years ago. During 270 million years they had been dominant, in a period that was known as the \"Age of Cyanophyceae\" (Early Cambrian Period or Proterozoic Era). Eutrophic waters offer the requirements for the blooms increasing statistically the chances of cyanobacteria emergence, including the toxic ones. There is substantial disturbance of characteristics of the communities and ecosystem and, because of their toxic potential, those organisms cause harmful consequences to the environmental integrity and public health. Those blooms are a result of an interaction of physical, chemical and biotic factors, evidenced by the proliferation of few species, frequently the least demanding ones to carbonic gas. Globally among the most frequently found freshwater cyanobacteria forming water-blooms it must be emphasized the following strains: Aphanizomenon sp., Oscillatoria sp., Anabaena sp., Microcystis sp., Gloeotrichia sp., Cylindrospermospsis sp. and Nodularia sp. Among the cyanobacteria producing toxins it must be emphasized the following species: Anabaena flos-aquae, Microcysits aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Oscillatoria agardhii, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Nodularia spumigena. Environmental and public health problems are largely associated with the release of toxins occurring after cellular lisys, caused by the use of algicides, cell stress or senescence. Cyanotoxins - neurotoxins, hepatotoxins, endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides) - cause distinct effects in the different organisms ingesting them. For quantitative and qualitative analyses of phytoplanktonic samples they are necessary laboratory routines as collection, stocking, sedimentation and identification of the species performed by microscopic examination. It is possible to count and identify such organisms in appropriate sedimentation chambers. Cell volumes are calculated for each species from formulae for solid geometric shapes that most closely match the cell shape based on cell dimensions. Organic carbon and photosynthetic pigments primarily chlorophyll-a are used to estimate the biomass of the phytoplankton. Chlorophyll-a extraction can be made by using acetone, ethanol or methanol. The major methods used for determination of chlorophyll-a concentrations are fluorometry, spectrophotometry and HPLC. In particular, HPLC has been considered the most accurate analytical method. Occurrences of cyanobacteria blooms in Brazil have been recorded, and a concern has becoming increasingly significant after the Caruaru (PE) episode. It is difficult to foresee the potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooms, so some laboratory methods as Bioassays, HPLC, CG, ELISA, Inhibition of Phosphatase and Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase have been of great help in the determination of the cyanotoxins, what permits that the health authorities take reasonable providences related to drinking water supplies and fulfill the Guideline 518, of March 24, 2004. Nevertheless, national legislation becomes inefficient by the lack of ordinances about the management of eutrophic water bodies, which may notably alter the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems and cause public health problems. Penalties and other sanctions to assist in enforcement of the legislation are also needed. Procedures must be taken and operators must be trained in order to clarify how, where and why blooms happen.
Cyanobacteria are part of a group of organisms that have had a long evolutionary history extending to at least 3,5 billion years ago. During 270 million years they had been dominant, in a period that was known as the \"Age of Cyanophyceae\" (Early Cambrian Period or Proterozoic Era). Eutrophic waters offer the requirements for the blooms increasing statistically the chances of cyanobacteria emergence, including the toxic ones. There is substantial disturbance of characteristics of the communities and ecosystem and, because of their toxic potential, those organisms cause harmful consequences to the environmental integrity and public health. Those blooms are a result of an interaction of physical, chemical and biotic factors, evidenced by the proliferation of few species, frequently the least demanding ones to carbonic gas. Globally among the most frequently found freshwater cyanobacteria forming water-blooms it must be emphasized the following strains: Aphanizomenon sp., Oscillatoria sp., Anabaena sp., Microcystis sp., Gloeotrichia sp., Cylindrospermospsis sp. and Nodularia sp. Among the cyanobacteria producing toxins it must be emphasized the following species: Anabaena flos-aquae, Microcysits aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Oscillatoria agardhii, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Nodularia spumigena. Environmental and public health problems are largely associated with the release of toxins occurring after cellular lisys, caused by the use of algicides, cell stress or senescence. Cyanotoxins - neurotoxins, hepatotoxins, endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides) - cause distinct effects in the different organisms ingesting them. For quantitative and qualitative analyses of phytoplanktonic samples they are necessary laboratory routines as collection, stocking, sedimentation and identification of the species performed by microscopic examination. It is possible to count and identify such organisms in appropriate sedimentation chambers. Cell volumes are calculated for each species from formulae for solid geometric shapes that most closely match the cell shape based on cell dimensions. Organic carbon and photosynthetic pigments primarily chlorophyll-a are used to estimate the biomass of the phytoplankton. Chlorophyll-a extraction can be made by using acetone, ethanol or methanol. The major methods used for determination of chlorophyll-a concentrations are fluorometry, spectrophotometry and HPLC. In particular, HPLC has been considered the most accurate analytical method. Occurrences of cyanobacteria blooms in Brazil have been recorded, and a concern has becoming increasingly significant after the Caruaru (PE) episode. It is difficult to foresee the potentially toxic cyanobacteria blooms, so some laboratory methods as Bioassays, HPLC, CG, ELISA, Inhibition of Phosphatase and Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase have been of great help in the determination of the cyanotoxins, what permits that the health authorities take reasonable providences related to drinking water supplies and fulfill the Guideline 518, of March 24, 2004. Nevertheless, national legislation becomes inefficient by the lack of ordinances about the management of eutrophic water bodies, which may notably alter the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems and cause public health problems. Penalties and other sanctions to assist in enforcement of the legislation are also needed. Procedures must be taken and operators must be trained in order to clarify how, where and why blooms happen.
Métodos de detecção, Florações, Casos no Brasil, Cianobactérias, Cianotoxinas, Detection methods, Cyanotoxins, Cyanobacteria, Brazilian episodes, Blooms