Caracterização e avaliação do fluxo produtivo de habitação em madeira de plantios florestais segundo indicadores de sustentabilidade: consumo de energia e resíduos gerados
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O setor da construção civil é hoje considerado não somente o maior consumidor de recursos e energia, mas também o maior gerador de resíduos nos centros urbanos. Uma reformulação no setor faz-se necessária para a melhoria dos processos de produção e prevenção dos efeitos da poluição. Estas mudanças são essenciais para que se desenvolvam tecnologias construtivas mais limpas e mais eficientes, que reduzam os impactos ao meio ambiente através de um uso mais racional dos recursos naturais (com menor consumo energético e diminuição dos resíduos gerados), minimizando o desperdício de matéria-prima já escassas. Este trabalho foi realizado a partir de dados coletados em 10 serrarias que processam madeira serrada de pinus na região administrativa de Sorocaba. Nesta região concentra-se atualmente o maior potencial madeireiro do Estado de São Paulo, 42,3% de toda a área de florestas plantadas do Estado, sendo também o maior centro produtor de pinus do Estado, com 58,5%. Esses dados foram convertidos para o cálculo do consumo energético no processamento do eucalipto. Dada a relevância do consumo de energia e a quantidade de entulhos gerados pelo setor da construção civil, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, dentro da cadeia produtiva da madeira serrada, o consumo energético e os resíduos gerados na produção de componentes construtivos utilizados em painéis de vedação para casas de madeira. Foram analisadas peças de seções comerciais utilizadas em três tipos diferentes de painéis. Dois destes sistemas pré-fabricados, executados na cidade de São Carlos - SP, possuem sistema estrutural em madeira serrada de eucalipto com paredes duplas de pinus. Um deles possui na face interna, lambri e, na externa, deck horizontal, enquanto o outro sistema construtivo possui na face interna, lambri e, na face externa, tábua mata-junta. O terceiro sistema de vedação, construído em Campos do Jordão - SP, é composto por estrutura em pórticos de madeira serrada de pinus com paredes externas de fechamento duplo de lambri de 2,2 cm de espessura. A parede interna é simples com apenas uma camada de lambri de igual espessura. O consumo de energia foi medido para cada tipologia de painel construído, calculando-se o número de operações de corte e a potência de cada equipamento envolvido. Os resíduos gerados foram obtidos a partir do cálculo da área de material particulado removido. O índice de desempenho energético foi aferido em kWh por metro quadrado de painel (energia) e em metros cúbicos por metro quadrado de painel (resíduo). Estes resultados poderão vir a ser comparados com diferentes materiais de construção utilizados em sistemas de vedação, assim como fornecer informações para análise do grau de sustentabilidade na produção de um edifício de madeira em relação ao consumo energético.
The civil construction sector today is considered not only the greatest consumer of material and energy resources in urban centres, but also a major generator of waste. The sector needs a reformulation for the improvement of production and for the prevention of pollution. It is therefore essential to consider cleaner and more efficient technological processes, i. e., to decrease environmental impacts through a more rational use of resources (with lower consumption of energy anbd less production-related waste), minimizing the squandering of scarce resources. The study reported on here was based on data collected from ten pine sawmills in the region of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. This region currently possesses the greatest potential for sawed wood in the state of São Paulo, 42.3% of all the forest planted in State, and is the state\'s largest pinewood producer, about 58.5%. Those datas were also aplicated to calculate the energy consumed for sawn eucalyptus pieces. Given the relevance of energy consumption and the quantity of produced rubbish by the construction sector, the purpose of this work is to analyse the consumption of energy and the produced waste in the productive cycle of boards for wooden housing, from the cutting stage, processing, and prefabrication of componentes to the assembly of wall panels. This study involved wooden boards of commercial dimensions applied in three different types of panelling in three buildings. Two of theseprefabricated systems, executed in the city of São Carlos, have a structural system made of sawn eucalyptus wood with double walls of pine. One of them is lined internally with wainscoting and externally with horizontal decking, while the other system has internal wainscotting and external match boarding. The third system, built in Campos de Jordão, is composed of a structural framework of sawed pine, with external double shutter walls of 2.2 mm match boarding and simple internal walls consisting of a single layer of 2.2 mm thick match boarding. The consumption of energy was measured for each kind of board produced, calculated from the number of cutting operations and the power of each machines involved. The produced waste was calculated by the area of removed particulate material. The energy performance index were expressed in kWh consumed per square meter of wood panel produced (enegy) and in m3 produced per square meter of wood panel produced (waste). These data will serve as the basis for a comparison with various types of construction materials used in wall systems (concrete, brick and others), and provide information for the analysis of the sustainability of wooden construction systems from the standpoint of energy consumption.
The civil construction sector today is considered not only the greatest consumer of material and energy resources in urban centres, but also a major generator of waste. The sector needs a reformulation for the improvement of production and for the prevention of pollution. It is therefore essential to consider cleaner and more efficient technological processes, i. e., to decrease environmental impacts through a more rational use of resources (with lower consumption of energy anbd less production-related waste), minimizing the squandering of scarce resources. The study reported on here was based on data collected from ten pine sawmills in the region of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. This region currently possesses the greatest potential for sawed wood in the state of São Paulo, 42.3% of all the forest planted in State, and is the state\'s largest pinewood producer, about 58.5%. Those datas were also aplicated to calculate the energy consumed for sawn eucalyptus pieces. Given the relevance of energy consumption and the quantity of produced rubbish by the construction sector, the purpose of this work is to analyse the consumption of energy and the produced waste in the productive cycle of boards for wooden housing, from the cutting stage, processing, and prefabrication of componentes to the assembly of wall panels. This study involved wooden boards of commercial dimensions applied in three different types of panelling in three buildings. Two of theseprefabricated systems, executed in the city of São Carlos, have a structural system made of sawn eucalyptus wood with double walls of pine. One of them is lined internally with wainscoting and externally with horizontal decking, while the other system has internal wainscotting and external match boarding. The third system, built in Campos de Jordão, is composed of a structural framework of sawed pine, with external double shutter walls of 2.2 mm match boarding and simple internal walls consisting of a single layer of 2.2 mm thick match boarding. The consumption of energy was measured for each kind of board produced, calculated from the number of cutting operations and the power of each machines involved. The produced waste was calculated by the area of removed particulate material. The energy performance index were expressed in kWh consumed per square meter of wood panel produced (enegy) and in m3 produced per square meter of wood panel produced (waste). These data will serve as the basis for a comparison with various types of construction materials used in wall systems (concrete, brick and others), and provide information for the analysis of the sustainability of wooden construction systems from the standpoint of energy consumption.
Habitação de madeira, Índice de desempenho energético, Painéis, Resíduos gerados, Boards, Energy performance index, Produced waste, Wooden houses