Estabilidade e eficiência de um reator anaeróbio de leito fixo com agitação operado em batelada seqüencial em função da diluição inicial de esgoto sintético
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Dentro do escopo de estudo de aspectos fundamentais e tecnológicos, este trabalho foi direcionado à avaliação do comportamento da estabilidade e da eficiência de um reator anaeróbio contendo biomassa imobilizada em espuma de poliuretano para o tratamento de água residuária sintética com concentração de aproximadamente 500 mgDQO/L. O reator, de 6 litros de volume nominal, mantido à temperatura de 30 +/- 1ºC e sob a agitação mecânica de 500 rpm, foi operado em bateladas seqüenciais com a renovação de apenas parte do volume de água residuária tratada por ciclo, ou seja, a descarga do reator não foi completa, mas apenas parcial. Neste contexto, a principal característica operacional investigada foi a relação entre o volume de água residuária afluente, o qual era alimentado a cada novo ciclo de operação, e o volume de meio contido no reator, o qual não era descarregado no ciclo anterior, mantendo-se a mesma carga orgânica volumétrica. Desta forma, foi possível verificar a flexibilidade operacional do sistema com relação ao volume de água residuária tratada a cada ciclo e o tempo de duração do ciclo para uma mesma carga orgânica. Os resultados indicaram que o reator pôde operar com diferentes relações entre o volume alimentado e o volume de meio reacional sem diminuição significativa do seu desempenho, permitindo-se, assim, maior flexibilidade operacional. Para as condições em que o volume renovado foi maior ou igual a 50% do volume de meio do reator (ciclos de 4 a 8 horas), as eficiências de remoção de matéria orgânica filtrada e não filtrada mantiveram-se no patamar de 84 e 79%, respectivamente, enquanto que nas demais condições de maior diluição inicial do afluente (ciclos de 1 e 2 horas), essas eficiências foram ligeiramente menores, em torno de 80 e 74%, respectivamente. A alta velocidade de formação de material viscoso de aparência polimérica, nas condições de maior diluição inicial do afluente, dificultou a manutenção do volume de meio reacional do reator constante.
An assessment was performed on the stability and efficiency of an anaerobic reactor containing biomass immobilized on polyurethane foam for the treatment of synthetic wastewater with organic loading of approximately 500 mgCOD/L. The reactor had a total volume of 6 L. Batch operation took place at a temperature of 30 +/- 1ºC and an agitation rate of 500 rpm. During operation only part of the treated wastewater was renewed per cycle, i.e., reactor discharge was not complete, but partial. The main operation characteristic investigated was the ratio between influent wastewater volume, which was fed at each cycle, and the volume of medium contained in the reactor, which had not been discharged in the previous cycle, maintaining the same volumetric organic load. This way, it was possible to verify operation flexibility of the system regarding treated wastewater volume in each cycle as well as cycle time duration for the same volumetric organic loading. Results indicated that the reactor was able to operate at different ratios between feed and reaction medium volume without significant loss in performance, allowing, hence, greater operation flexibility. For conditions at which renewed volume was greater than or equal to 50% of the reactor medium (cycles from 4 to 8 hours), filtered and non-filtered organic matter removal efficiencies were about 84 and 79%, respectively, whereas at conditions of higher initial influent dilution (cycles from 1 to 2 hours) these efficiencies were slightly lower, about 80 and 74%, respectively. The high formation rate of viscous polymer-like material probably of microbiological origin, at the conditions of higher initial influent dilution hindered maintenance of constant reactor medium volume.
An assessment was performed on the stability and efficiency of an anaerobic reactor containing biomass immobilized on polyurethane foam for the treatment of synthetic wastewater with organic loading of approximately 500 mgCOD/L. The reactor had a total volume of 6 L. Batch operation took place at a temperature of 30 +/- 1ºC and an agitation rate of 500 rpm. During operation only part of the treated wastewater was renewed per cycle, i.e., reactor discharge was not complete, but partial. The main operation characteristic investigated was the ratio between influent wastewater volume, which was fed at each cycle, and the volume of medium contained in the reactor, which had not been discharged in the previous cycle, maintaining the same volumetric organic load. This way, it was possible to verify operation flexibility of the system regarding treated wastewater volume in each cycle as well as cycle time duration for the same volumetric organic loading. Results indicated that the reactor was able to operate at different ratios between feed and reaction medium volume without significant loss in performance, allowing, hence, greater operation flexibility. For conditions at which renewed volume was greater than or equal to 50% of the reactor medium (cycles from 4 to 8 hours), filtered and non-filtered organic matter removal efficiencies were about 84 and 79%, respectively, whereas at conditions of higher initial influent dilution (cycles from 1 to 2 hours) these efficiencies were slightly lower, about 80 and 74%, respectively. The high formation rate of viscous polymer-like material probably of microbiological origin, at the conditions of higher initial influent dilution hindered maintenance of constant reactor medium volume.
Agitação mecânica, Diluição inicial do afluente, Biomassa imobilizada, ASBR, Tratamento anaeróbio, ASBR, Anaerobic treatment, Immobilized biomass, Initial influent dilution, Mechanical stirring