Modelagem hidrodinâmica unidimensional da passagem de onda de cheia em um córrego urbano considerando escoamento transcrítico
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A compreensão, monitoramento e simulação da dinâmica da rede de drenagem de um centro urbano, inclusive os rios, podem auxiliar a análise de risco e o desenvolvimento e correção de projetos de rede de drenagem urbana. Entretanto, a simulação de rios urbanos é um grande desafio, devido a rápida variação das condições de escoamento (nível d\'água e velocidade) durante a passagem de onda de cheia, trazendo dificuldades tanto no monitoramento como na modelagem. Por se tratar de escoamentos não permanentes com significativo efeito de histerese da relação nível-vazão, torna-se necessária a utilização de modelos hidrodinâmicos. Além disso, a possível ocorrência de escoamento transcrítico aumenta a complexidade de representação do problema. Neste trabalho, um modelo hidrodinâmico capaz de resolver escoamentos transcríticos foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de simular eventos de passagem de onda de cheia em rios urbanos. O modelo, implementado na linguagem Fortran, foi baseado nas equações unidimensionais completas de Saint-Venant e utiliza o esquema de resolução de Preissmann adaptado por um redutor dos termos de inércia. Isso permitiu a resolução de escoamentos transcríticos, conforme comprovado em problemas teóricos padrões. Na aplicação prática do modelo, eventos de onda de cheia foram monitorados em um trecho do canal do córrego do Gregório na cidade de São Carlos, São Paulo, e simulações foram realizadas considerando apenas dados de níveis. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios (Eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe acima de 0,7) e permitiram a utilização das vazões estimadas para a proposição de uma curva-chave para o córrego. A metodologia aplicada neste trabalho se mostrou promissora para a definição de curva-chave de rios urbanos que apresentam dificuldades de medição de vazão.
The recognition, monitoring and simulation of the drainage system\'s dynamics of an urban center, including rivers, can assist in the risk assessment and the development and correction of urban drainage network projects. However, the simulation of urban rivers is a great challenge, due to the rapid variation of the flow conditions (water level and velocity) during the passing of flood waves, and poses difficulties for their monitoring and modeling. The use of a hydrodynamic model becomes necessary, as the flow is unsteady and produces a hysteresis effect of stage-discharge relation. Furthermore, the possible occurrence of transcritical flow increases the complexity of the problem representation even more. This manuscript addresses the development of a hydrodynamic model that solves transcritical flows and simulates flood wave events in urban rivers. The model, implemented in the Fortran programming language, was based on the one-dimensional complete equations of Saint Venant and uses the Preissmann scheme of resolution adapted by a reduction factor of the inertial terms. Such features enabled the resolution of transcritical flows, as evidenced in standard theoretical problems. In a practical application of the model, flood wave events were monitored in the Gregório creek in São Carlos, São Paulo, and simulations were performed only with level data. The results were satisfactory (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency above 0.7) and enabled the use of the flows estimated for the proposal of a rating curve for the creek. The methodology applied has shown promising for the definition of a rating curve for urban rivers of difficult flow measurements.
The recognition, monitoring and simulation of the drainage system\'s dynamics of an urban center, including rivers, can assist in the risk assessment and the development and correction of urban drainage network projects. However, the simulation of urban rivers is a great challenge, due to the rapid variation of the flow conditions (water level and velocity) during the passing of flood waves, and poses difficulties for their monitoring and modeling. The use of a hydrodynamic model becomes necessary, as the flow is unsteady and produces a hysteresis effect of stage-discharge relation. Furthermore, the possible occurrence of transcritical flow increases the complexity of the problem representation even more. This manuscript addresses the development of a hydrodynamic model that solves transcritical flows and simulates flood wave events in urban rivers. The model, implemented in the Fortran programming language, was based on the one-dimensional complete equations of Saint Venant and uses the Preissmann scheme of resolution adapted by a reduction factor of the inertial terms. Such features enabled the resolution of transcritical flows, as evidenced in standard theoretical problems. In a practical application of the model, flood wave events were monitored in the Gregório creek in São Carlos, São Paulo, and simulations were performed only with level data. The results were satisfactory (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency above 0.7) and enabled the use of the flows estimated for the proposal of a rating curve for the creek. The methodology applied has shown promising for the definition of a rating curve for urban rivers of difficult flow measurements.
Escoamento transcrítico, Rio urbano, Onda de cheia, Modelagem hidrodinâmica, Hidrometria, Hydrometry, Hydrodynamic model, Flood wave, Transcritical flow, Urban rivers