Investigação do desempenho de diferentes estruturas microporosas tubulares na retenção de bactérias em suspensão por microfiltração tangencial
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados experimentais do processo de filtração tangencial de uma suspensão in natura (soro de leite) aplicada na retenção de bactérias do grupo coliforme. No estudo do processo de separação utilizaram-se tubos microporosos de -alumina (Al2O3) e membranas comerciais de tamanho médio de poros no valor de 0,8 e 1,2m. Os tubos microporosos cerâmicos foram sinterizados à temperatura entre 1400 e 1450ºC, os quais foram caracterizados pela técnica de porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, constatando o tamanho médio de poros de 0,3 a 0,5µm. Após a sinterização, os tubos cerâmicos foram sujeitos à impregnação com citrato de prata (material bactericida). As membranas comerciais também passaram pelo mesmo processo de impregnação. Com o uso da técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi realizada uma caracterização da morfologia e da composição dos meios microporosos. Ensaios experimentais do processo de microfiltração foram realizados com soro de leite, com o objetivo de estudar a influência de parâmetros fluidodinâmicos tais como: número de Reynolds e pressão transmembrana, além de analisar a retenção da bactéria, Escherichia coli, em regime de escoamento para Reynolds entre 2700 e 32000 e pressões transmembrana entre 1 e 4 bar. O permeado foi analisado seguindo normas da 20ª. Edição dos Métodos Padrões para Análise de Água e Esgoto, e todos os experimentos seguiram padrões de segurança para minimizar a possibilidade de contaminação do meio junto à análise do material filtrado. A manutenção fisiológica das bactérias foi controlada com os parâmetros de pH e temperatura, respectivamente mantidos entre 6 e 7,0 e de 25 - 30ºC ± 1 ºC. Nestas condições de escoamento, da solução e do meio filtrante, o processo foi considerado satisfatório com vazões transmembrana entre 10 L/(h.m2) e 120 L/(h.m2).
This work reports experimental results of the crossflow microfiltration of emulsion (whey of milk) applied in the microrganism retention of the coliform group. In the study of the separation process were used micro-porous tubes of -alumina (Al2O3) and commercial membranes of average size pores of 0,8 and 1,2m. The micro-porous tubes were sinterised with temperature between 1400 and 1450 ºC and after, were characterized by technique of porosimetry for mercury intrusion, verifing average size of pores between 0,3 and 0,5µm. After the sintering, the ceramic tubes were treated with a citrate of silver solution (bactericidal substance), and submitted to synthesis for removed the organic matters. The commercial membranes were also impregnated by this process. With the scanning eletronic microscopy made the characterization of the morfology and micro-porous structures composition. Experimental tests of the crossflow microfiltration process were performed with whey of milk, with objective to study the influence of fluid dynamics parameters (Reynolds number and flux transmembrane) and to analyse the bacteria retention in turbulent regime, having Re between 2700 and 32000, transmembrane pressure (enters 1 to 4bar) and transmembrane flux between 0,5 and 300 L/h.m2. The permeate was analysed by the 20ª. Edition of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water, and all the experiments followed standards of security to restrict the possibility of contamination of the permeated and the atmosphere. The physiology of the bacteria was controlled by parameters of pH and temperature, respectively keeped between 6 and 7,0 and of 25 - 30ºC ± 1 ºC. In the conditions of flow, of the solution and system flow, the retention was considerated satisfactory with transmembrane flux between 10 L/(h.m2) and 120L/(h.m2).
This work reports experimental results of the crossflow microfiltration of emulsion (whey of milk) applied in the microrganism retention of the coliform group. In the study of the separation process were used micro-porous tubes of -alumina (Al2O3) and commercial membranes of average size pores of 0,8 and 1,2m. The micro-porous tubes were sinterised with temperature between 1400 and 1450 ºC and after, were characterized by technique of porosimetry for mercury intrusion, verifing average size of pores between 0,3 and 0,5µm. After the sintering, the ceramic tubes were treated with a citrate of silver solution (bactericidal substance), and submitted to synthesis for removed the organic matters. The commercial membranes were also impregnated by this process. With the scanning eletronic microscopy made the characterization of the morfology and micro-porous structures composition. Experimental tests of the crossflow microfiltration process were performed with whey of milk, with objective to study the influence of fluid dynamics parameters (Reynolds number and flux transmembrane) and to analyse the bacteria retention in turbulent regime, having Re between 2700 and 32000, transmembrane pressure (enters 1 to 4bar) and transmembrane flux between 0,5 and 300 L/h.m2. The permeate was analysed by the 20ª. Edition of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water, and all the experiments followed standards of security to restrict the possibility of contamination of the permeated and the atmosphere. The physiology of the bacteria was controlled by parameters of pH and temperature, respectively keeped between 6 and 7,0 and of 25 - 30ºC ± 1 ºC. In the conditions of flow, of the solution and system flow, the retention was considerated satisfactory with transmembrane flux between 10 L/(h.m2) and 120L/(h.m2).
Microfiltração, Alumina, Soro de leite, Escherichia coli, Meio microporoso, Prata, silver, microfiltration, alumina, micro-porous structure, Escherichia coli, whey of milk