Tratamentos termoquímicos de boretação, nitrocementação e cromização no aço Fe-31,2Mn-7,5Al-1,3Si-0,9C
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As ligas do sistema Fe-Mn-Al-C constituem-se numa das famílias mais promissoras para o atendimento dos requisitos crescentes de disponibilidade de aços com altas relações resistência/peso, principalmente nas indústrias de transporte aeronáutica e automotiva, visando a redução no consumo de combustível e a consequente emissão de CO2. Suas densidades, cerca de 10% a 13% inferiores aos dos aços convencionais e a possibilidade de aumento de resistência mecânica por tratamentos de endurecimento pela precipitação de carboneto k (Fe,Mn)Al3C possibilitam a obtenção de elevadas resistências específicas. O uso de técnicas da Engenharia de Superfícies, associadas aos tratamentos térmicos adequados, podem ampliar a faixa de desempenho dessas ligas. Neste trabalho foram realizados tratamentos termoquímicos de boretação em sais fundidos, nitrocementação a plasma e cromização por pó em amostras de um aço com a composição Fe-31,2Mn-7,5Al-1,3Si-0,9C (% em peso), visando à obtenção de camadas de elevados desempenhos mecânicos e físicos. As camadas produzidas foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios micrográficos, de dureza, desgaste e corrosão. Todos os tipos de tratamentos produziram camadas com resistências ao desgaste muito superiores às do substrato, com destaque para os tratamentos de boretação e de cromização, que produziram camadas com resistências ao desgaste cerca de nove e seis vezes superiores às do substrato, respectivamente. O tratamento de cromização produziu camada com resistência à corrosão por pites muito superior à do substrato.
The alloys of the Fe-Mn-Al-C system belong to one of the most promising families to meet the increasing requirements of availability of steels with high resistance/weight ratio, particularly in the aeronautics and automotive industries, aimed at reducing the consumption of fuel and consequent CO2 emissions. Their densities, between 10% to 13% lower than those of conventional steels, and the possibility of increased strength by hardening treatment by the precipitation of k carbides (Fe, Mn)Al3C, allow to obtain high specific resistance. The use of techniques of surface engineering, attached to suitable heat treatment, can extend the performance range of these alloys. In this work were carried out thermochemical boriding treatment in molten salts, plasma nitrocarburizing and pack chromizing in a Fe-31,2Mn 7,5Al-1,3Si-0,9C(wt%) steel, in order to obtain coatings with high mechanical and physical performances. The layers produced were characterized using micrographic, hardness, wear and corrosion tests. All treatments produced layers with wear resistance superior to that the substrate, especially the boriding and chromizing treatments, which produced layers with wear resistance around nine and six times higher than that of substrate, respectively. The chromizing treatment produced layer with pitting corrosion resistance superior to that of the substrate.
The alloys of the Fe-Mn-Al-C system belong to one of the most promising families to meet the increasing requirements of availability of steels with high resistance/weight ratio, particularly in the aeronautics and automotive industries, aimed at reducing the consumption of fuel and consequent CO2 emissions. Their densities, between 10% to 13% lower than those of conventional steels, and the possibility of increased strength by hardening treatment by the precipitation of k carbides (Fe, Mn)Al3C, allow to obtain high specific resistance. The use of techniques of surface engineering, attached to suitable heat treatment, can extend the performance range of these alloys. In this work were carried out thermochemical boriding treatment in molten salts, plasma nitrocarburizing and pack chromizing in a Fe-31,2Mn 7,5Al-1,3Si-0,9C(wt%) steel, in order to obtain coatings with high mechanical and physical performances. The layers produced were characterized using micrographic, hardness, wear and corrosion tests. All treatments produced layers with wear resistance superior to that the substrate, especially the boriding and chromizing treatments, which produced layers with wear resistance around nine and six times higher than that of substrate, respectively. The chromizing treatment produced layer with pitting corrosion resistance superior to that of the substrate.
Plasma, Boretação, Cromização, Nitrocementação, Desgaste adesivo, Fe-Mn-Al, Plasma, Nitrocarburizing, Fe-Mn-Al, Cromization, Boriding, Adhesive wear