Sustentabilidade ambiental e as empresas de capital aberto no Brasil: uma avaliação do desempenho das ações
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Grandes transformações sociais, concomitantemente ao crescimento da atividade industrial e seu consequente impacto no meio ambiente, fizeram com que a preservação ecológica se tornasse parte importante das estratégias organizacionais. Conceitualmente, o desenvolvimento sustentável das organizações busca o equilíbrio entre as variáveis econômica, social e ecológica. Deste modo, com o intuito de verificar se as práticas de proteção ambiental das empresas são recompensadas pelo mercado, este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar, por meio da utilização de técnicas de análise fatorial e de ferramentas computacionais, a existência de correlação entre o desempenho financeiro e o desempenho ambiental de uma amostra de empresas posicionadas entre as maiores organizações, em valor de mercado, listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo - Bovespa. Por meio da filtragem de informações, a amostra e o número de variáveis foram reduzidos, a fim de se obter um banco de dados sem informações faltantes, permitindo a aplicação das técnicas estatísticas com maior grau de confiabilidade. Considerando os indicadores analisados nos cruzamentos de fatores rotacionados realizados na presente pesquisa, os resultados obtidos revelam a independência entre os dois grupos de variáveis, concluindo que o desempenho ambiental das empresas não impacta sobre o desempenho financeiro das mesmas.
Great social changes, along with the growth of industrial activity and its consequent impact on the environment, caused the ecological preservation became an important part of organizational strategies. Conceptually, sustainable development of organizations seeks a balance between economic, social and ecological variables related to business operations. Thus, in order to verify if the environmental protection practices of companies are rewarded by the market, this study aims to analyze, through the use of means of factorial analysis and computational tools, the existence of a correlation between the financial performance and environmental performance of a sample of companies placed among the largest organizations in market value, listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange - Bovespa. Through filtering of information, the sample and the number of variables were reduced in order to obtain a database without missing information, allowing the application of statistical techniques with higher degree of reliability. Whereas the indicators analyzed in the crosses of rotated factors performed in this study, the results show the independence between the two groups of variables, concluding that the environmental performance of companies has no impact on the financial performance of the same.
Great social changes, along with the growth of industrial activity and its consequent impact on the environment, caused the ecological preservation became an important part of organizational strategies. Conceptually, sustainable development of organizations seeks a balance between economic, social and ecological variables related to business operations. Thus, in order to verify if the environmental protection practices of companies are rewarded by the market, this study aims to analyze, through the use of means of factorial analysis and computational tools, the existence of a correlation between the financial performance and environmental performance of a sample of companies placed among the largest organizations in market value, listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange - Bovespa. Through filtering of information, the sample and the number of variables were reduced in order to obtain a database without missing information, allowing the application of statistical techniques with higher degree of reliability. Whereas the indicators analyzed in the crosses of rotated factors performed in this study, the results show the independence between the two groups of variables, concluding that the environmental performance of companies has no impact on the financial performance of the same.
Análise de correlação, Análise fatorial, Indicadores de desempenho financeiro, Desenvolvimento sustentável, Indicadores de desempenho ambiental, Financial performance indicators, Factorial analysis, Environmental performance indicators, Correlation analysis, Sustainable development