Habitação social, habitação de mercado: a confluência entre Estado, empresas construtoras e capital financeiro
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta tese se insere no debate sobre as dinâmicas da produção e da política de habitação social no Brasil. Mais especificamente, trata da confluência recente entre Estado, mercado imobiliário e capital financeiro, que acabou por ampliar a demanda por moradia atendida por grandes empresas construtoras e incorporadoras e, ao mesmo tempo, por contemplar uma determinada fatia do público-alvo da política habitacional. Essa política é aqui compreendida não apenas pelo desenho institucional dos programas habitacionais, mas numa perspectiva analítica que põe em relevo o olhar e a atuação do mercado imobiliário sobre a própria política. Seu objetivo é duplo e requisitou abordagens metodológicas específicas para cada um deles. De um lado, busco compreender os processos que levaram ao crescimento exponencial de um tipo específico de produção habitacional, promovida por grandes empresas construtoras e incorporadoras que abriram seu capital, voltada para imóveis residenciais com valores até duzentos mil reais e para uma faixa da população com renda familiar de até dez salários mínimos. Trata-se do \"segmento econômico\", assim considerado pelo mercado, ou da \"habitação social de mercado\", como denomino nesta tese. Recorri a uma pesquisa documental e quantitativa a fim de analisar tanto os mecanismos regulatórios e institucionais promovidos pelo Estado, desde meados da década de 1990, quanto a aproximação de empresas do setor imobiliário e da construção civil ao mercado de capitais, a partir dos anos 2000. De outro lado, procuro compreender como se operacionaliza e se configura esse tipo de produção a partir de uma pesquisa de caráter etnográfico numa empresa, que chamei de Empresa Construtora Pesquisada (ECP), tomada como objeto heurístico da confluência entre Estado, mercado imobiliário e capital financeiro. Entre 2006 e 2008, essa empresa foi capaz de octuplicar a produção de unidades habitacionais padronizadas, multiplicando por treze o valor de seu lucro líquido. Para tanto, sua produção apresenta um diferencial que busquei apreender desde o trabalho no canteiro de obras até suas relações com o Estado e capital financeiro, passando pelo papel da arquitetura e da tecnologia.
This thesis contributes to the debate on the dynamics of production and of social housing policy in Brazil. More specifically, it analyses the recent confluence of state, real estate and finance capital that ultimately increased the demand for housing covered by large construction companies and developers and that, at the same time, met a particular fraction of the target public of housing policy. This policy is here understood not only by the institutional structure of housing programs, but within an analytical perspective that emphasizes the point of view and performance of the property market on the policy itself. Its goal is twofold and required specific methodological approaches to each one. On the first hand, I try to understand the processes that led to the exponential growth of a specific type of housing production, promoted by major construction companies and developers that have opened their capital, focused on residential properties with values up to two hundred thousand reais and for a population range with monthly income of up to ten minimum wages. This is the \"low-income segment\", as considered by the market, or the \"social market housing\" as I call in this thesis. I used a quantitative research to examine the regulatory and institutional mechanisms promoted by the State since the mid-1990s, and also the attempts to close the gap between the construction companies and developers and capital market from the 2000s. On the other hand, I try to understand how this type of production operates from an ethnographic study of a company, that I have called \"Empresa Construtora Pesquisada\" (ECP), taken as a heuristic object of the confluence between the State, real estate and financial capital. Between 2006 and 2008, this company was able to increase eight times the standardized production of housing units and thirteen times the value of its profits. Therefore, its production has a differential that I sought to apprehend from the working on the construction site to its relations with the State and finance capital, including the role of architecture and technology.
This thesis contributes to the debate on the dynamics of production and of social housing policy in Brazil. More specifically, it analyses the recent confluence of state, real estate and finance capital that ultimately increased the demand for housing covered by large construction companies and developers and that, at the same time, met a particular fraction of the target public of housing policy. This policy is here understood not only by the institutional structure of housing programs, but within an analytical perspective that emphasizes the point of view and performance of the property market on the policy itself. Its goal is twofold and required specific methodological approaches to each one. On the first hand, I try to understand the processes that led to the exponential growth of a specific type of housing production, promoted by major construction companies and developers that have opened their capital, focused on residential properties with values up to two hundred thousand reais and for a population range with monthly income of up to ten minimum wages. This is the \"low-income segment\", as considered by the market, or the \"social market housing\" as I call in this thesis. I used a quantitative research to examine the regulatory and institutional mechanisms promoted by the State since the mid-1990s, and also the attempts to close the gap between the construction companies and developers and capital market from the 2000s. On the other hand, I try to understand how this type of production operates from an ethnographic study of a company, that I have called \"Empresa Construtora Pesquisada\" (ECP), taken as a heuristic object of the confluence between the State, real estate and financial capital. Between 2006 and 2008, this company was able to increase eight times the standardized production of housing units and thirteen times the value of its profits. Therefore, its production has a differential that I sought to apprehend from the working on the construction site to its relations with the State and finance capital, including the role of architecture and technology.
Empresa construtora, Arquitetura, Canteiro de obras, Capital financeiro, Política habitacional, Mercado imobiliário, Housing policy, Financial capital, Architeture, Construction company, Real State