Contribuições do planejamento ambiental para o planejamento territorial de áreas rurais: proposta de uma estrutura base para elaboração e revisão de planos diretores municipais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Poucas referências teóricas e práticas são encontradas em relação ao planejamento territorial de áreas rurais a nível municipal no Brasil, indicando a necessidade de ampliar a discussão sobre o tema. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho busca dar contribuições à discussão teórica e a uma proposta em torno da elaboração e revisão do Plano Diretor Municipal como instrumento capacitado e responsável por atuar no planejamento destas áreas. Para tanto, busca-se na teoria de planejamento ambiental, pontos chave capazes de conduzir a discussão sobre o cenário atual encontrado e nortear uma proposta para práticas futuras. Trazendo o olhar para uma perspectiva mais pragmática, é apresentada uma visão geral sobre a situação atual do planejamento territorial no Brasil, e como o planejamento ambiental interfere ou tem potencial de intervir sobre esta situação. Indo um pouco além e buscando em outro contexto insumos ao debate e conhecimento de outras realidades, o sistema de planejamento holandês é também descrito e analisado, ampliando a visão quanto às dificuldades e possibilidades aqui discutidas. Por fim, com base no referencial teórico e prático desenvolvido, é feita a proposta de uma estrutura base para elaboração e revisão de Planos Diretores, sistematizando e sumarizando propostas às deficiências identificadas. O trabalho foi construído fundamentalmente com base em revisão bibliográfica e documental, além de contar com casos ilustrativos, utilizando reuniões com especialistas e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Com isto, foi possível mesclar elementos da perspectiva ambiental à perspectiva urbanística predominante no planejamento territorial municipal brasileiro, e fortalecer o debate sobre a necessidade de trabalhar tais perspectivas, seus planos e instrumentos de forma complementar e integrada, incluindo questões de recorte e escala de trabalho, bem como, de participação pública e inclusão de valores sociais no planejamento, culminando na proposta de uma estrutura base.
There are few theoretical and practical references available in relation to spatial planning of rural areas at the municipal level in Brazil, indicating the necessity of a broader discussion about this theme. In this sense, this work aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion and to make a practical proposal regarding the preparation and review processes of the municipal Master Plan, a tool able and responsible for planning these areas. Key points were selected from the theory of environmental planning to conduct the discussion about the actual scenario and to guide a proposal for future practices. A general vision of the spatial planning practice in Brazil was built, also presenting deficiencies and the connections and potential interferences of the environmental planning perspective in this context. Going further and searching for inputs to the debate in another practical context, the Dutch planning system was described and analysed, providing broader ideas in relation to the difficulties and possibilities discussed here. By the end, a basic framework to prepare and revise Master Plans was designed, based on the theoretical and practical referential developed, organizing and summarizing proposals to the identified deficiencies. The work was based on literature and document review, and illustrative case studies, counting on informal meetings with specialists and semi-structured interviews applied to practitioners. With this, it was possible to merge elements from the environmental perspective to the urban planning perspective, which still dominates the municipal spatial planning practice in Brazil, and to strength the debate about working these two perspectives together, their plans and tools, in an integrated and complementary way, including different scales and areas of planning, and emphasizing the importance of public participation and the inclusion of social values in the planning process. By the end, a basic framework was designed.
There are few theoretical and practical references available in relation to spatial planning of rural areas at the municipal level in Brazil, indicating the necessity of a broader discussion about this theme. In this sense, this work aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion and to make a practical proposal regarding the preparation and review processes of the municipal Master Plan, a tool able and responsible for planning these areas. Key points were selected from the theory of environmental planning to conduct the discussion about the actual scenario and to guide a proposal for future practices. A general vision of the spatial planning practice in Brazil was built, also presenting deficiencies and the connections and potential interferences of the environmental planning perspective in this context. Going further and searching for inputs to the debate in another practical context, the Dutch planning system was described and analysed, providing broader ideas in relation to the difficulties and possibilities discussed here. By the end, a basic framework to prepare and revise Master Plans was designed, based on the theoretical and practical referential developed, organizing and summarizing proposals to the identified deficiencies. The work was based on literature and document review, and illustrative case studies, counting on informal meetings with specialists and semi-structured interviews applied to practitioners. With this, it was possible to merge elements from the environmental perspective to the urban planning perspective, which still dominates the municipal spatial planning practice in Brazil, and to strength the debate about working these two perspectives together, their plans and tools, in an integrated and complementary way, including different scales and areas of planning, and emphasizing the importance of public participation and the inclusion of social values in the planning process. By the end, a basic framework was designed.
Planejamento rural, Município, Participação, Planejamento regional, Política urbana, Política ambiental, Rural planning, Regional planning, Environmental policy, Participation, Municipality, Urban policy