Estudo dos mecanismos de instabilização em um talude de solo arenoso não saturado localizado na região Centro-Oeste Paulista
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presença de encostas com solos na condição não saturada é muito comum na região Sudeste brasileira devida às características climáticas e hidrogeológicas regional. Neste caso, o mecanismo de instabilização pode ser basicamente descrito pela redução da coesão aparente provocada pela infiltração da água da chuva, causada pela diminuição ou até mesmo a anulação dos efeitos da sucção matricial, tornando o talude instável. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo dos mecanismos instabilizadores em um talude de corte composto por solo residual arenoso localizado na Rodovia Luis Augusto de Oliveira (SP-215) no km 179+300 LE, próximo ao município de Ribeirão Bonito, Brasil. Neste trabalho foi realizado um levantamento dos dados e das propriedades do solo (física, mecânica e hidráulica) da área piloto utilizando métodos de investigação geológico-geotécnica de superfície (levantamento topográfico de detalhe, caminhamentos) e de subsuperfície (sondagem a trado e poços com coleta de amostras); ensaios de laboratório e de campo (índices físicos do solo, resistência ao cisalhamento, permeabilidade); instrumentação e monitoramento (piezômetro, pluviômetro e tensiômetro) e modelagem numérica (análises da infiltração da água da chuva e de estabilidade de talude). Na área investigada ocorrem solos residuais dos arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu (Grupo São Bento, Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná) de idade jurássico-cretácea. As modelagens numéricas realizadas no programa GeoStudio versão 2012 (Seep/W e Slope/W) confirmaram que é possível ocorrer deslizamentos rasos de solo somente pela redução da sucção e perda de coesão aparente. As modelagens do fluxo da água infiltrada no talude apresentaram resultados divergentes das leituras registradas pelos tensiômetros instalados no talude monitorado e os fatores de segurança mostraram serem bem superiores ao unitário, mesmo ocorrendo chuvas de alta intensidade pluviométrica. Estas modelagens numéricas também permitiram estabelecer a configuração geométrica crítica (altura e inclinação) para os taludes de corte em solo residual arenoso da Formação Botucatu.
The presence of slopes with soil in the unsaturated condition is very common in Brazil\'s Southeast region due to climate and regional hydrogeological characteristics. In this case, the instability mechanism can be basically described by the apparent cohesion loss caused by the rainfall infiltration that induced by the reduction or even annulling the effect of matric suction, making the slope conditionally unstable. This paper presents a study of instabilizing mechanisms in a cut slope composed of sandy residual soil located on Highway Luis Augusto de Oliveira (SP-215) at km 179 + 300 LE, near Ribeirão Bonito, Brazil. This work was carried out a survey of the data and soil properties (physical, mechanical and hydraulic) of pilot area using geological and geotechnical research techniques of surface (topographic survey) and subsurface (soil sampling and hand auger drilling); laboratory and field tests (physical indices soil, shear strength, permeability); instrumentation and monitoring (piezometer, rain gauge and tensiometer) and numerical modelling (analysis of rainfall infiltration and slope stability). In the investigated area occur residual soils of aeolian sandstones of Botucatu Formation (São Bento Group, Paraná Sedimentary Basin) Jurassic- Cretaceous age. The numerical modelling performed in GeoStudio version 2012 (Seep/W and Slope/W) confirmed that it is possible to have shallow soil slips just reducing the suction loss and apparent cohesion. The modelling of the infiltrated water flow on the slope showed conflicting results of the readings recorded by tensiometers installed on the monitored slope and the safety factors shown to be well above the unit, even occurring high intensity rainfall. These numerical models also allowed to establish the geometric critical configuration (height and slope angle) for cut slopes in a sandy residual soil of Botucatu Formation.
The presence of slopes with soil in the unsaturated condition is very common in Brazil\'s Southeast region due to climate and regional hydrogeological characteristics. In this case, the instability mechanism can be basically described by the apparent cohesion loss caused by the rainfall infiltration that induced by the reduction or even annulling the effect of matric suction, making the slope conditionally unstable. This paper presents a study of instabilizing mechanisms in a cut slope composed of sandy residual soil located on Highway Luis Augusto de Oliveira (SP-215) at km 179 + 300 LE, near Ribeirão Bonito, Brazil. This work was carried out a survey of the data and soil properties (physical, mechanical and hydraulic) of pilot area using geological and geotechnical research techniques of surface (topographic survey) and subsurface (soil sampling and hand auger drilling); laboratory and field tests (physical indices soil, shear strength, permeability); instrumentation and monitoring (piezometer, rain gauge and tensiometer) and numerical modelling (analysis of rainfall infiltration and slope stability). In the investigated area occur residual soils of aeolian sandstones of Botucatu Formation (São Bento Group, Paraná Sedimentary Basin) Jurassic- Cretaceous age. The numerical modelling performed in GeoStudio version 2012 (Seep/W and Slope/W) confirmed that it is possible to have shallow soil slips just reducing the suction loss and apparent cohesion. The modelling of the infiltrated water flow on the slope showed conflicting results of the readings recorded by tensiometers installed on the monitored slope and the safety factors shown to be well above the unit, even occurring high intensity rainfall. These numerical models also allowed to establish the geometric critical configuration (height and slope angle) for cut slopes in a sandy residual soil of Botucatu Formation.
Modelagem numérica, Caracterização do solo, Estabilidade de talude, Formação Botucatu, Instrumentação e monitoramento, Solo não saturado, Soil characterization, Slope stability, Numerical modelling, Botucatu Formation, Instrumentation and monitoring, Unsaturated soil