Comportamento dinâmico de lajes maciças de concreto leve com pérolas de EPS
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O Concreto Leve Estrutural com Pérolas de EPS (CLEPE), ou simplesmente Concreto com EPS, é uma alternativa na execução de lajes maciças. Como possui uma redução da ordem de 50% no peso próprio em relação ao Concreto Convencional (CC), suas características dinâmicas são diferentes. Neste trabalho descreve-se o comportamento dinâmico de lajes de CLEPE que são comparadas com as de CC por meio de ensaios dinâmicos e uma análise paramétrica. Nos ensaios dinâmicos focou-se a obtenção de três fatores imprescindíveis em uma análise dinâmica, que são as frequências naturais, os modos de vibração (deformadas modais) e o amortecimento estrutural, valor determinado experimentalmente que constitui dado de entrada em simulações numéricas. Os resultados experimentais indicam que o fator de amortecimento do CLEPE é ligeiramente maior que o do CC. Já os resultados da análise paramétrica revelam que a diminuição da rigidez é preponderante em relação à diminuição da massa do CLEPE, o que acarreta na diminuição das frequências naturais das lajes com este material. Mesmo com um amortecimento maior, as lajes de CLEPE apresentam maior sensibilidade às vibrações. Esta constatação, entretanto, não exclui o CLEPE como um material estrutural, apenas indica que, como no uso de qualquer material, as estruturas com CLEPE também devem ser verificadas com relação ao comportamento dinâmico.
The Structural Lightweight Concrete with EPS Beads (SLCEB), or simply EPS concrete, is an alternative in the execution of massive slabs. As it has a reduction in the order of 50% in self-weight in relation to the Ordinary Concrete (OC), its dynamic characteristics are different. In this work it is described the dynamic behavior of SLCEB slabs whose are compared with those of OC by means of dynamic tests and a parametric analysis. The obtainment of three essential factors in a dynamic analysis, which are natural frequencies, the ways of vibration (deformed modal), and the structural damping, experimentally determinate value which constitutes an input data in numerical simulations are focused in the dynamical tests. The experimental results indicate that the damping factor of SLCEB is a little bigger than the OC ones. Although, the results of the parametric analysis indicate that the decrease of stiffness is preponderant in relation to the decrease of the SLCEB mass, which result in some decrease of natural frequencies of slabs with this material. In despite of having a bigger damping, the SLCEB slabs expose a bigger sensibility to vibrations. However, this observation does not exclude the SLCEB as a structural material. It only means that as in use of any material, the SLCEB structures must be also verified in relation to the dynamic behavior.
The Structural Lightweight Concrete with EPS Beads (SLCEB), or simply EPS concrete, is an alternative in the execution of massive slabs. As it has a reduction in the order of 50% in self-weight in relation to the Ordinary Concrete (OC), its dynamic characteristics are different. In this work it is described the dynamic behavior of SLCEB slabs whose are compared with those of OC by means of dynamic tests and a parametric analysis. The obtainment of three essential factors in a dynamic analysis, which are natural frequencies, the ways of vibration (deformed modal), and the structural damping, experimentally determinate value which constitutes an input data in numerical simulations are focused in the dynamical tests. The experimental results indicate that the damping factor of SLCEB is a little bigger than the OC ones. Although, the results of the parametric analysis indicate that the decrease of stiffness is preponderant in relation to the decrease of the SLCEB mass, which result in some decrease of natural frequencies of slabs with this material. In despite of having a bigger damping, the SLCEB slabs expose a bigger sensibility to vibrations. However, this observation does not exclude the SLCEB as a structural material. It only means that as in use of any material, the SLCEB structures must be also verified in relation to the dynamic behavior.
Amortecimento, Vibração, Ressonância, Lajes, Frequências naturais, Análise dinâmica, Análise modal, Concreto com EPS, Dynamic analysis, Resonance, Natural frequencies, Modal analysis, Damping, EPS concrete, Vibration