Avaliação ecotoxicológica de efluente de tratamento secundário de esgoto sanitário após desinfecção com ácido peracético, cloro, ozônio e radiação ultravioleta
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Neste estudo foi avaliado o potencial tóxico de diferentes desinfetantes (cloro, ácido peracético, radiação ultravioleta e ozônio) utilizados na desinfecção de esgotos sanitários. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de desinfecção (em diversas concentrações e tempos de contato) com o esgoto doméstico originário da estação de tratamento de esgotos da cidade de Araraquara (SP) e, posteriormente, ensaios de toxicidade a fim de verificar possíveis efeitos agudos e crônicos nos seguintes organismos-teste: Daphnia similis, Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Chironomus xanthus, Danio rerio e Allium cepa. Todos os desinfetantes, nas condições experimentais testadas, foram capazes de produzir efeitos deletérios aos organismos-teste utilizados nesta pesquisa. O cloro foi considerado o desinfetante mais tóxico, sendo seguido pelo ozônio, ácido peracético e radiação UV. Verificou-se ainda que quando o efluente não desinfetado foi tóxico aos organismos-alvo, sua toxidez foi potencializada com a adição dos diferentes agentes desinfetantes. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que a utilização do cloro para desinfecção de esgotos sanitários, sem prévia descloração, deve ser revista, em face da eficiência satisfatória de inativação de bactérias proporcionada por outros agentes de desinfecção potencialmente menos tóxicos (tais como o ácido peracético e a radiação UV).
In this study, it was evaluated the toxic potential of different disinfectant agents (chlorine, peracetic acid, ultraviolet radiation and ozone) used in the disinfection of urban wastewater. For so much, disinfection assays were accomplished (in several concentrations and contact times) with the domestic sewage from Araraquara city (SP) and toxicity bioassays were developed in order to verify possible acute and chronic effects in the following test-organisms: Daphnia similis, Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Chironomus xanthus, Danio rerio and Allium cepa. All the disinfectants, in the tested experimental conditions, were capable to produce harmful effects to the test-organisms used in this research. Chlorine was considered the most toxic disinfectant, being followed by ozone, peracetic acid and UV radiation. It was noticed that when the effluent, by itself, was toxic to the test-organism, its toxicity was increased with the different disinfecting agents\' addition. The results obtained in this study suggest that the use of chlorine as a wastewater disinfectant, without previous dechlorination, should be reviewed, because it was observed that other disinfection agents (such as peracetic acid and UV radiation) were able to promote satisfactory levels of bacteria inactivation for potentially less toxicity.
In this study, it was evaluated the toxic potential of different disinfectant agents (chlorine, peracetic acid, ultraviolet radiation and ozone) used in the disinfection of urban wastewater. For so much, disinfection assays were accomplished (in several concentrations and contact times) with the domestic sewage from Araraquara city (SP) and toxicity bioassays were developed in order to verify possible acute and chronic effects in the following test-organisms: Daphnia similis, Ceriodaphnia silvestrii, Chironomus xanthus, Danio rerio and Allium cepa. All the disinfectants, in the tested experimental conditions, were capable to produce harmful effects to the test-organisms used in this research. Chlorine was considered the most toxic disinfectant, being followed by ozone, peracetic acid and UV radiation. It was noticed that when the effluent, by itself, was toxic to the test-organism, its toxicity was increased with the different disinfecting agents\' addition. The results obtained in this study suggest that the use of chlorine as a wastewater disinfectant, without previous dechlorination, should be reviewed, because it was observed that other disinfection agents (such as peracetic acid and UV radiation) were able to promote satisfactory levels of bacteria inactivation for potentially less toxicity.
Ácido peracético, Toxicidade, Radiação ultravioleta, Ozônio, Desinfecção, Cloro, Disinfection, Ozone, Peracetic acid, Chlorine, Toxicity, Ultraviolet radiation