Estudo do comportamento hidráulico de mistura solo-bentonita visando alternativa de emprego como sistema de proteção para aterros sanitários
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a influência do acréscimo de 4% de bentonita sódica, da anisotropia inerente, produzida pela compactação, e do estado de tensões no comportamento hidráulico de um solo areno-argiloso encontrado na região Costeira Sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Neste estudo, busca-se não somente viabilizar o emprego do referido solo como barreira mineral em obras de proteção ambiental, mas também verificar seu desempenho, quando misturado ao aditivo, perante as condições de fluxo de água experimentalmente impostas, antes e depois da fase de consolidação, nas direções normal e paralela aos planos de orientação preferencial das partículas e poros a elas associados. Com o escopo de atingir tais objetivos, executaram-se dois métodos de compactação (ensaios Mini e Proctor Normal) para a moldagem de corpos de prova com planos de orientação preferencial das partículas ou de compactação normais (θ = 90º) e paralelos (θ = 0º) à vertical. As amostras de solo e mistura foram compactadas na energia Proctor Normal e submetidas aos ensaios triaxiais de condutividade hidráulica, em permeâmetro de parede flexível à carga constante, e de consolidação. A técnica permitiu determinar a condutividade hidráulica dos materiais para vazões desenvolvidas preferencialmente nas direções normal e paralela aos planos de compactação dos corpos de prova. Os resultados demonstram que o acréscimo de 4% de bentonita sódica provoca uma redução da condutividade hidráulica do solo, que supera o valor mínimo exigido de 10-9 m/s em ambas as direções de fluxo, habilitando o emprego deste material para a aplicação prevista. Além disso, verifica-se que a compactação confere um comportamento hidráulico anisotrópico ao solo, no entanto, quando misturado ao aditivo no teor indicado, seu comportamento se modifica, tornando-se mais isotrópico. Os resultados ainda revelam que o efeito da tensão de confinamento sobre a diminuição da condutividade hidráulica do solo e da mistura se mostra significativo para ambas as modalidades experimentais.
This work proposes to evaluate the influence of the inherent anisotropy, promoted by compaction, and the confining pressure on the hydraulic behavior of a clayey sand from the south coastal region of Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil), in pure condition and mixed with 4% sodium bentonite content. This study aims to make possible the use of this soil as mineral barrier in environmental protection works, as well as evaluating the hydraulic behavior of both materials (soil and mixture), before and after the consolidation stage, when developed water flow conditions in the perpendicular and parallel directions in relation to the compaction planes of the compacted samples. In order to achieve these objectives, was performed a Standard Proctor Test and an alternative compaction test (Mini-test), intending to get specimens with compaction planes in the perpendicular (θ= 90º) and parallel (θ = 0º) directions in relation to the vertical. The soil and mixture samples were compacted at Normal Proctor energy and subjected to the triaxial consolidation and hydraulic conductivity tests. The technique allowed to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of the specimens for flow perpendicular and parallel to the directions of the compaction planes. The results indicate that the increase of 4% sodium bentonite content reduces the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in both flow directions, making it suitable for employment as protection system in sanitary landfills or in other similar applications. Furthermore, it is observed that compaction provides anisotropic hydraulic behavior to the soil, however, when it is mixed with 4% sodium bentonite content, its behavior changes, becoming more isotropic. The results also reveal that the effect of the confining pressure on the decrease in hydraulic conductivity of the soil and mixture is significant in both adopted experimental conditions.
This work proposes to evaluate the influence of the inherent anisotropy, promoted by compaction, and the confining pressure on the hydraulic behavior of a clayey sand from the south coastal region of Rio Grande do Sul state (Brazil), in pure condition and mixed with 4% sodium bentonite content. This study aims to make possible the use of this soil as mineral barrier in environmental protection works, as well as evaluating the hydraulic behavior of both materials (soil and mixture), before and after the consolidation stage, when developed water flow conditions in the perpendicular and parallel directions in relation to the compaction planes of the compacted samples. In order to achieve these objectives, was performed a Standard Proctor Test and an alternative compaction test (Mini-test), intending to get specimens with compaction planes in the perpendicular (θ= 90º) and parallel (θ = 0º) directions in relation to the vertical. The soil and mixture samples were compacted at Normal Proctor energy and subjected to the triaxial consolidation and hydraulic conductivity tests. The technique allowed to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of the specimens for flow perpendicular and parallel to the directions of the compaction planes. The results indicate that the increase of 4% sodium bentonite content reduces the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in both flow directions, making it suitable for employment as protection system in sanitary landfills or in other similar applications. Furthermore, it is observed that compaction provides anisotropic hydraulic behavior to the soil, however, when it is mixed with 4% sodium bentonite content, its behavior changes, becoming more isotropic. The results also reveal that the effect of the confining pressure on the decrease in hydraulic conductivity of the soil and mixture is significant in both adopted experimental conditions.
Anisotropia, Solo-bentonita, Condutividade hidráulica, Barreira mineral, Aterro sanitário, Anisotropy, Mineral barrier, Sanitary landfill, Soil-bentonite, Hydraulic conductivity