A abordagem participativa na construção de uma trilha interpretativa como uma estratégia de educação ambiental em São José do Rio Pardo - SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A indagação central que norteou esta investigação, conduzida no município de São José do Rio Pardo (SP), refere-se à incorporação de abordagens participativas na construção de estratégias educativas contextualizadas e significativas para a comunidade envolvida, criando oportunidades para reflexão, ação e disseminação de idéias e práticas conservacionistas. Assim, esta pesquisa objetivou planejar um processo participativo de desenvolvimento de uma trilha interpretativa como instrumento de educação ambiental, e analisar como a aplicação de metodologias participativas contribui para um maior envolvimento dos participantes nas diversas etapas deste processo. Representantes das secretarias municipais de Educação, de Cultura, de Turismo e de Agricultura, assim como organizações não governamentais, empresas e estudantes participaram da pesquisa. Todos envolveram-se, em maior ou menor grau, nas várias etapas de construção da trilha interpretativa: no diagnóstico prévio e escolha do local e do público-alvo; na elaboração do roteiro interpretativo; na realização e avaliação das atividades de visita à trilha por estudantes de ensino fundamental; e na avaliação do processo como um todo. As técnicas utilizadas para coleta de dados no diagnóstico e na construção da trilha foram o diagnóstico rural participativo e os grupos focais, já que com ambas as técnicas é possível lidar com a dimensão interativa de um grupo. A trilha interpretativa tem sido considerada como uma estratégia educativa capaz de transcender os aspectos cognitivos da aprendizagem, proporcionando oportunidades de desenvolvimento dos aspectos afetivos e habilidades dos educandos, podendo, portanto, ser considerada um instrumento efetivo de educação ambiental. Contudo, ela deve ser planejada e considerada como parte de um processo mais amplo e, não, apenas como um evento educativo pontual. A construção da trilha constituiu-se em uma oportunidade de reflexão individual e coletiva a respeito de temas ambientais relevantes. A metodologia participativa possibilita lidar com diferentes níveis de convívio em grupo, como o respeito pelas diferenças, a capacidade de negociação e a tomada de decisões em conjunto. O interesse inicial pelo tema, as afinidades pessoais e a experiência prévia de trabalho em grupo por parte de alguns dos participantes facilitaram o envolvimento em todas as etapas do projeto. Algumas das dificuldades que podem ser encontradas na continuidade de projetos participativos vão desde a seqüência das atividades - quando a pesquisadora se afasta do grupo - até mudanças no cenário político nos quais estes projetos tenham sido iniciados, o que justifica a importância da participação de representantes também da iniciativa privada e de ONGs. A metodologia participativa, além de gerar uma autonomia dos integrantes do grupo, proporciona maiores possibilidades de continuidade do projeto e possibilita novas iniciativas de ações de conservação e educação ambiental por parte dos envolvidos
The central issue of this investigation, which was conducted in the city of São José do Rio Pardo (SP), is the incorporation of participatory approaches to developing contextualized and significant educational strategies for the community involved, thus creating opportunities for reflection, action and spread of conservationist ideas and practices. This research, therefore, aimed to plan a participatory process of developing an interpretive trail as a tool for environmental education and assess the application of such methodologies in the engagement of the local participants in the different steps of this process. Representatives from the municipal departments for Education, Culture, Tourism and Agriculture as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations, companies and students participated in the research. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, took part in the different steps in the process of creating the interpretive trail: the early diagnosis of the place; the choice of the place and target public; the creation of the interpretive itinerary; the accomplishment and assessment of the activities involved in the visit to the trail made by secondary school students; and the assessment of the process as a whole. Since techniques of participatory rural appraisal and focus groups can provide an interactive dimension of a group, they were used for collecting data from the diagnosis and the development of the trail. Interpretive trail has been shown to be an educational strategy capable of transcending the cognitive aspects of the learning and providing students with opportunities to develop their affective aspects and skills. Thus, it can be considered as an effective tool for environmental education. Nevertheless, it should be first considered as a part of a wider process rather than a prompt educational event. The process consisted of opportunities for individual and collective reflection on the relevant environmental themes. The group life, the respect for differences, and the ability to compromise and make collective decisions were evolved. The initial interest in the theme, the personal affinities, and the previous experience some of the participants had in working group facilitated the engagement, participation and articulation. Some of the difficulties in continuing participatory projects range from the sequence of activities when the researcher leaves the group to changes in the political context in which they were initiated. It can explain the importance of the participation of representatives from the private and service sectors. The participatory methodology generates the autonomy of the participants, thus promoting further possibilities for continuing the project and allowing new initiatives for conservationist actions and environmental education from the participants
The central issue of this investigation, which was conducted in the city of São José do Rio Pardo (SP), is the incorporation of participatory approaches to developing contextualized and significant educational strategies for the community involved, thus creating opportunities for reflection, action and spread of conservationist ideas and practices. This research, therefore, aimed to plan a participatory process of developing an interpretive trail as a tool for environmental education and assess the application of such methodologies in the engagement of the local participants in the different steps of this process. Representatives from the municipal departments for Education, Culture, Tourism and Agriculture as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations, companies and students participated in the research. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, took part in the different steps in the process of creating the interpretive trail: the early diagnosis of the place; the choice of the place and target public; the creation of the interpretive itinerary; the accomplishment and assessment of the activities involved in the visit to the trail made by secondary school students; and the assessment of the process as a whole. Since techniques of participatory rural appraisal and focus groups can provide an interactive dimension of a group, they were used for collecting data from the diagnosis and the development of the trail. Interpretive trail has been shown to be an educational strategy capable of transcending the cognitive aspects of the learning and providing students with opportunities to develop their affective aspects and skills. Thus, it can be considered as an effective tool for environmental education. Nevertheless, it should be first considered as a part of a wider process rather than a prompt educational event. The process consisted of opportunities for individual and collective reflection on the relevant environmental themes. The group life, the respect for differences, and the ability to compromise and make collective decisions were evolved. The initial interest in the theme, the personal affinities, and the previous experience some of the participants had in working group facilitated the engagement, participation and articulation. Some of the difficulties in continuing participatory projects range from the sequence of activities when the researcher leaves the group to changes in the political context in which they were initiated. It can explain the importance of the participation of representatives from the private and service sectors. The participatory methodology generates the autonomy of the participants, thus promoting further possibilities for continuing the project and allowing new initiatives for conservationist actions and environmental education from the participants
biodiversidade, educação ambiental, São José do Rio Pardo, trilha interpretativa, biodiversity, environmental education, interpretive trail, São José do Rio Pardo