Aplicação da teoria da confiabilidade na obtenção de limites para o peso de veículos de carga em pontes de concreto
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O aumento nos limites de pesos estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira e o surgimento de novas combinações de veículos de carga nos últimos anos tornam necessária a verificação da segurança estrutural das pontes quando submetidas ao tráfego real. Este trabalho verifica o desempenho das obras de arte sob jurisdição do DER-SP através do índice de confiabilidade 'beta' e obtém limites para o peso de caminhões de modo a não comprometer sua integridade estrutural. São consideradas as superestruturas das pontes em concreto armado ou protendido, classes 36 e 45. Verifica-se o estado limite último nas seções transversais mais solicitadas por momento fletor positivo e negativo. No caso de pontes em concreto protendido, acrescenta-se o estado limite de formação de fissuras. Para a representação do tráfego real, é desenvolvido um modelo de carregamento móvel com base em pesagens de caminhões efetuadas em rodovias do estado de São Paulo. Admite-se a presença simultânea de veículos sobre a ponte e diferentes relações entre seus pesos. Os parâmetros estatísticos da resistência são determinados através da técnica de Monte Carlo. Apresenta-se os limites de peso em forma de equações, denominadas ECPLs (equações comprimento-peso limite), aplicáveis a quaisquer grupo de eixos consecutivos. Os resultados indicam restrições à circulação de algumas composições, especialmente ao rodotrem de 740 kN e 19,80 metros de comprimento. Considerando-se apenas o estado limite de serviço, as obras de arte classe 45 apresentam menores limites de peso devido à ponderação de ações durante o projeto
The increase in gross weight limits allowed by Brazilian legislation and the appearance of new truck configurations in last years require the assessment of bridges structural safety when submitted to real traffic. This thesis verifies the performance of the bridges under DER-SP jurisdiction using the reliability index 'beta' and obtains truck weight limits in order to guarantee its structural integrity. The superstructure of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges, classes 36 and 45, is considered. The ultimate limit state is verified in cross sections submitted to critical positive and negative bending moments. In case of prestressed bridges, the tension limit state in concrete is added. To represent the real traffic, a live load model is developed based on weighting data collected from stations located at highways of the state of Sao Paulo. Multiple presence of vehicles over the bridge and different relations between weights are admitted. The statistical parameters of resistance are determined using the Monte Carlo technique. The gross weight limits are presented in the form of equations, known as bridge formulas, to be applied on any group of two or more consecutive axles. The results indicate restrictions to the traffic of some vehicles, especially the 740 kN and 19,80 meters length roadtrain. Considering only the serviceability limit state, bridges class 45 exhibit lower weight limits due to the load factors recommended by the code during design
The increase in gross weight limits allowed by Brazilian legislation and the appearance of new truck configurations in last years require the assessment of bridges structural safety when submitted to real traffic. This thesis verifies the performance of the bridges under DER-SP jurisdiction using the reliability index 'beta' and obtains truck weight limits in order to guarantee its structural integrity. The superstructure of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges, classes 36 and 45, is considered. The ultimate limit state is verified in cross sections submitted to critical positive and negative bending moments. In case of prestressed bridges, the tension limit state in concrete is added. To represent the real traffic, a live load model is developed based on weighting data collected from stations located at highways of the state of Sao Paulo. Multiple presence of vehicles over the bridge and different relations between weights are admitted. The statistical parameters of resistance are determined using the Monte Carlo technique. The gross weight limits are presented in the form of equations, known as bridge formulas, to be applied on any group of two or more consecutive axles. The results indicate restrictions to the traffic of some vehicles, especially the 740 kN and 19,80 meters length roadtrain. Considering only the serviceability limit state, bridges class 45 exhibit lower weight limits due to the load factors recommended by the code during design
carga móvel, confiabilidade, pontes de concreto, bridge formula, concrete bridges, live load model, reliability