Análise da influência da distribuição temporal das chuvas intensas e de cenários de uso e ocupação do solo na quantificação dos prejuízos econômicos diretos provocados pelas inundações urbanas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Como já sabemos, as inundações urbanas no Brasil são decorrentes principalmente do processo de urbanização desordenado que se acentuou a partir da década de 50. As inundações causam problemas tais como: perdas humanas, problemas de saúde pública, degradação da qualidade das águas e prejuízos econômicos da ordem de bilhões de reais. Para tanto, a pesquisa objetivou analisar os prejuízos decorrentes de inundações urbanas na bacia do Córrego do Gregório no município de São Carlos SP, sob duas formas de distribuição temporal de chuvas intensas, considerando seis cenários alternativos de ocupação da bacia e períodos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos. A pesquisa ocorreu em etapas: foram aplicados os métodos de distribuição temporal de chuvas de Huff 1º quartil e blocos alternados para análise dos hidrogramas de cheia na região central da cidade, próxima ao mercado municipal, área sujeita a inundações frequentes. Na sequência, foram traçadas as manchas de inundação resultantes por meio de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG); cadastrados os imóveis residenciais e comerciais (objetos de estudo) presentes na mancha de inundação; desenvolvido um banco de dados em plataforma SIG com as informações dos imóveis; definidas as profundidades de submersão dos imóveis cadastrados para as condições de contorno do estudo. Finalmente, foram calculados os prejuízos aos imóveis cadastrados decorrentes das profundidades de submersão para os cenários estudados pelos diferentes métodos de distribuição das chuvas. Conclui-se que a alteração do método de distribuição temporal das chuvas pode trazer incertezas quanto à transformação da chuva em vazão e, dessa forma, introduzir diferenças significativas nos resultados. Porém, percebeu-se que essas diferenças possuem correlação direta com o processo de infiltração da água no solo, que por sua vez influi no volume da precipitação efetiva, a qual gerará o escoamento superficial. A variação dos resultados em relação aos métodos de distribuição temporal da chuva para os prejuízos econômicos diretos alcançaram valores da ordem de R$ 750.000,00 pelo método de Huff 1º quartil e da ordem de R$ 5.200.000,00 pelo método dos blocos alternados com pico na metade da duração da chuva para o mesmo tempo de retorno e cenário de uso e ocupação do solo.Dessa forma, além da forte influência dos métodos de distribuição temporal das chuvas, os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os prejuízos diretos das inundações urbanas são também afetados pelos cenários de ocupação vislumbrados para a bacia hidrográfica e pelos valores do período de retorno adotado para a tormenta de projeto. Levando em consideração esses três fatores observou-se que, para certas situações, houve uma grande sensibilidade frente aos eventos simulados a qual foi constatada em uma análise das variáveis estatísticas aplicadas ao estudo.
Urban flooding in Brazil is mainly caused by urban development that has increased since 60\'s decade. Floods cause problems such as: human loss, public health problems, degradation of water quality and economic loss of billions of reais. Therefore, this research aimed to examine the damage caused by flooding in the Gregory watershed located in São Carlos - SP, by two methods of temporal distribution of intense rainfall. The area of study is located in an area subject to flooding, in the central region of the city, next to the municipal market. It was considered six alternative scenarios of land use and return period of 25, 50 and 100 years. First it were applied the methods of temporal distribution of rainfall from Huff 1st quartile and alternating blocks for analysis of runoff hydrographs. In the sequence, it was traced the resulting flooding spots by the Geographic Information System (GIS); it was registered the residential and commercial properties (objects of study) in the flooding spot; it was generated a database on GIS platform with the properties information; it was defined the submersion depths of the registered properties for the studied boundary conditions. Finally the damage was calculated for the registered properties arising from the submersion depths and the scenarios studied by different methods of distribution of rainfall. It was concluded that the change in the method of temporal distribution of rainfall may introduce uncertainties on the transformation of rainfall to flow and, thus, introduce significant differences in the results. However, it was noticed that these differences are directly correlated to the soil infiltration process. That process influences the net storm rainfall volume, which generates the runoff. The direct economic damage reached values of R$ 750,000.00 using the temporal distribution of rainfall from the Huff 1st quartile method. On the other hand, the alternating blocks method estimated the damages of R$ 5,200,000.00, with a peak in the mid of the rain duration for the same return period adopted to the rainfall project. Considering these three factors, it was observed that for certain situations there was a great sensitivity of the simulated events which were identified in a statistical analysis of the variables applied to the study.
Urban flooding in Brazil is mainly caused by urban development that has increased since 60\'s decade. Floods cause problems such as: human loss, public health problems, degradation of water quality and economic loss of billions of reais. Therefore, this research aimed to examine the damage caused by flooding in the Gregory watershed located in São Carlos - SP, by two methods of temporal distribution of intense rainfall. The area of study is located in an area subject to flooding, in the central region of the city, next to the municipal market. It was considered six alternative scenarios of land use and return period of 25, 50 and 100 years. First it were applied the methods of temporal distribution of rainfall from Huff 1st quartile and alternating blocks for analysis of runoff hydrographs. In the sequence, it was traced the resulting flooding spots by the Geographic Information System (GIS); it was registered the residential and commercial properties (objects of study) in the flooding spot; it was generated a database on GIS platform with the properties information; it was defined the submersion depths of the registered properties for the studied boundary conditions. Finally the damage was calculated for the registered properties arising from the submersion depths and the scenarios studied by different methods of distribution of rainfall. It was concluded that the change in the method of temporal distribution of rainfall may introduce uncertainties on the transformation of rainfall to flow and, thus, introduce significant differences in the results. However, it was noticed that these differences are directly correlated to the soil infiltration process. That process influences the net storm rainfall volume, which generates the runoff. The direct economic damage reached values of R$ 750,000.00 using the temporal distribution of rainfall from the Huff 1st quartile method. On the other hand, the alternating blocks method estimated the damages of R$ 5,200,000.00, with a peak in the mid of the rain duration for the same return period adopted to the rainfall project. Considering these three factors, it was observed that for certain situations there was a great sensitivity of the simulated events which were identified in a statistical analysis of the variables applied to the study.
Distribuição temporal de chuvas, Inundações urbanas, Prejuízos econômicos, Economic damages, Temporal distribution of rainfall, Urban storm water