Efeitos diretos e indiretos do agrotóxico Vertimec® 18 CE e de girinos de Lithobates catesbeianus nos ecossistemas de água doce: um estudo em mesocosmos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os ecossistemas aquáticos têm sido afetados pelo uso intensivo de agrotóxicos e pela introdução de espécies exóticas. Para melhor avaliar os efeitos diretos e indiretos dessas atividades sobre as comunidades aquáticas, é essencial a utilização de experimentos em escala mais próxima a real. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar os efeitos do agrotóxico Vertimec® 18 CE, cujo princípio ativo é a abamectina, sobre a comunidade planctônica através de um experimento em mesocosmos com duração de 20 dias. Para reproduzir relações biológicas mais complexas e analisar o impacto da introdução de uma espécie exótica sobre o plâncton, inseriram-se girinos de Lithobates catesbeianus em alguns tratamentos. Foram consideradas duas concentrações do agrotóxico (2 μL L-1 em dose múltipla e 8 μL L-1 em dose única) na ausência e presença de girinos, além de dois tratamentos não contaminados (controle com e sem girinos). Variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas (clorofila a, aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do fitoplâncton e do zooplâncton) da água e do sedimento foram monitoradas. A partir dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que os girinos causaram um aumento na concentração de nutrientes na água e uma diminuição do oxigênio dissolvido e da densidade planctônica. Nos tratamentos contaminados, como um efeito indireto do incremento da concentração de nutrientes e da mortalidade das espécies de Cladocera e Copepoda, a densidade do fitoplâncton e de algumas espécies tolerantes de Rotifera aumentou. No tratamento com a concentração mais elevada do agrotóxico, registrou-se a morte de todos os girinos, proporcionando um aumento na concentração de nutrientes na água e na densidade de algumas espécies fitoplanctônicas, que alcançaram uma densidade total de 96.919 ind mL-1. Estes resultados indicam que a inserção dos girinos e a adição do agrotóxico causaram efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre a comunidade planctônica e a qualidade da água. Conclui-se que os mesocosmos podem contribuir para a compreensão de tais efeitos e oferecer subsídios ao manejo de ecossistemas de água doce impactados por atividades antrópicas.
Aquatic ecosystems have been impacted due to the intensive use of pesticides and the introduction of exotic species. It is essential to use more realistic experiments for assessing direct and indirect effects of these activities on aquatic communities. This thesis aimed to analyze the effects of the pesticide Vertimec® 18 EC, whose active ingredient is abamectin, on plankton community through a mesocosm experiment during 20 days. Tadpoles of the species Lithobates catesbeianus were introduced in some treatments to simulate complex biological relationships and to evaluate the impact of the introduction of such exotic species on plankton. Different treatments were analyzed, including one case of no contamination (control) and two cases of contamination: 2 μL L-1 (multiple dose) and 8 μL L-1 (single dose). Such conditions were considered both with absence and presence of tadpoles. Physical, chemical and biological (chlorophyll a, qualitative and quantitative aspects of phytoplankton and zooplankton) variables of water and sediment were also monitored. The tadpoles caused an increase in the concentration of nutrients and a decrease of dissolved oxygen concentration and plankton density. In the contaminated treatments, as an indirect effect of the nutrient increase and the mortality of species of Cladocera and Copepoda, the density of phytoplankton and some tolerant species of rotifers increased. In the treatment with the highest concentration of the pesticide, all the tadpoles died. As a result of the death of the tadpoles, there was nutrient enrichment in the water, with an associated increase in the density of some phytoplankton species, reaching a total density of 96,919 ind mL-1. These results suggested that direct and indirect effects occurred on plankton community and water quality through the addition of the contaminant and the tadpoles. We conclude that the mesocosms might contribute to the understanding of these effects and provide subsidies for management of freshwater ecosystems impacted by human activities.
Aquatic ecosystems have been impacted due to the intensive use of pesticides and the introduction of exotic species. It is essential to use more realistic experiments for assessing direct and indirect effects of these activities on aquatic communities. This thesis aimed to analyze the effects of the pesticide Vertimec® 18 EC, whose active ingredient is abamectin, on plankton community through a mesocosm experiment during 20 days. Tadpoles of the species Lithobates catesbeianus were introduced in some treatments to simulate complex biological relationships and to evaluate the impact of the introduction of such exotic species on plankton. Different treatments were analyzed, including one case of no contamination (control) and two cases of contamination: 2 μL L-1 (multiple dose) and 8 μL L-1 (single dose). Such conditions were considered both with absence and presence of tadpoles. Physical, chemical and biological (chlorophyll a, qualitative and quantitative aspects of phytoplankton and zooplankton) variables of water and sediment were also monitored. The tadpoles caused an increase in the concentration of nutrients and a decrease of dissolved oxygen concentration and plankton density. In the contaminated treatments, as an indirect effect of the nutrient increase and the mortality of species of Cladocera and Copepoda, the density of phytoplankton and some tolerant species of rotifers increased. In the treatment with the highest concentration of the pesticide, all the tadpoles died. As a result of the death of the tadpoles, there was nutrient enrichment in the water, with an associated increase in the density of some phytoplankton species, reaching a total density of 96,919 ind mL-1. These results suggested that direct and indirect effects occurred on plankton community and water quality through the addition of the contaminant and the tadpoles. We conclude that the mesocosms might contribute to the understanding of these effects and provide subsidies for management of freshwater ecosystems impacted by human activities.
Agrotóxicos, Cadeia trófica, Comunidade planctônica, Ecotoxicologia aquática, Espécies exóticas, Mesocosmos, Pesticides, Mesocosms, Food web, Exotic species, Aquatic ecotoxicology, Plankton community