Análise estrutural das chapas metálicas de silos e de reservatórios cilíndricos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A aplicação de conceitos de estabilidade surge espontaneamente em estruturas metálicas e, mais destacadamente, nas estruturas de silos e de reservatórios. A parede cilíndrica que compõe o corpo desse tipo de estrutura é formada de chapasmetálicas delgadas, característica que surge da grande eficiência da forma cilíndrica. Neste trabalho, procura-se dispor ao engenheiro conceitos claros e distintos do comportamento e dos fenômenos de perda de estabilidade do equilíbrio dereservatórios e de silos metálicos. São expostas as teorias para a análise de silos para materiais granulares e pulverulentos não-coesivos e reservatórios para líquidos que não produzem gases. Mostra-se que a ação do material ensilado provocaesforços de compressão que possibilitam a ocorrência de fenômenos de perda da estabilidade da estrutura, conhecidos como flambagem no jargão técnico. Também a ação do vento pode ocasionar perda de estabilidade na estrutura vazia. Apresenta-se umresumo das teorias envolvidas, um ensaio numérico de modelos cilíndricos, um exemplo de silo de grãos, e uma compilação das normas e artigos mais atuais e abrangentes do problema de estabilidade em estruturas cilíndricas. Por fim, são estabelecidas as configurações estruturais que apresentam maiores riscos para a flambagem, e fornecidas as relações de diâmetro/espessura e de diâmetro/altura em que é possível se evitar os problemas advindos da perda da estabilidade do equilíbrio.
The application of the stability concepts appears spontaneously on steel structures and, more distinctly, on silos and tanks structures. The cylindrical wall that makes the body of this kind of structure is constituted of thin steel plates, characteristic that comes out of the great efficiency of the cylindrical shape. In this work, it is intended for the engineer clear and distinct notions about the behaviour and the loss of stability equilibrium phenomena of steel silos and tanks. The theories for the analysis of silos for non-cohesive, pulverulent and grain materials, and of tanks to liquids that produces no gases, are exposed. It is shown that the action of the bulk stored material causes compression that makes possible the occurrence of the phenomena of loss of the stability of the structure, commonly known in the technician jargon as buckling. Also the wind load can lead to the loss of stability of the empty structure. A summary is shown for of the involved theories, a numerical experiment with cylindrical models, an example of grain silo, and a compilation of the recommendations, norms and articles on the problem of the cylindrical structures stability. At least, it is established the structural configurations that poses major risks to buckling, and it is supplied relations of diametre/thickness and of diameter/height with whom it is possible to avoid the problems that come from the loss of the stability of equilibrium.
The application of the stability concepts appears spontaneously on steel structures and, more distinctly, on silos and tanks structures. The cylindrical wall that makes the body of this kind of structure is constituted of thin steel plates, characteristic that comes out of the great efficiency of the cylindrical shape. In this work, it is intended for the engineer clear and distinct notions about the behaviour and the loss of stability equilibrium phenomena of steel silos and tanks. The theories for the analysis of silos for non-cohesive, pulverulent and grain materials, and of tanks to liquids that produces no gases, are exposed. It is shown that the action of the bulk stored material causes compression that makes possible the occurrence of the phenomena of loss of the stability of the structure, commonly known in the technician jargon as buckling. Also the wind load can lead to the loss of stability of the empty structure. A summary is shown for of the involved theories, a numerical experiment with cylindrical models, an example of grain silo, and a compilation of the recommendations, norms and articles on the problem of the cylindrical structures stability. At least, it is established the structural configurations that poses major risks to buckling, and it is supplied relations of diametre/thickness and of diameter/height with whom it is possible to avoid the problems that come from the loss of the stability of equilibrium.
Estruturas cilíndricas, Flambagem, Silos metálicos, Buckling, Cylindrical shell structures, Steel silos