Avaliação e gestão de riscos no controle da qualidade da água em redes de distribuição: estudo de caso
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta pesquisa diz respeito à proposta de usar a avaliação e gestão de risco como instrumento para controle da qualidade da água para consumo humano e operação de redes de distribuição. Em 2004 a Organização Mundial da Saúde - OMS - apresentou uma proposta abrangente para controle da qualidade da água denominada PSA, na qual foi indicado um processo sistemático para identificação de perigos e procedimentos de gestão e controle de riscos. Segundo a OMS, o maior benefício em se desenvolver planos desta natureza é a sistematização, avaliação detalhada e a priorização de perigos - além de monitoramento operacional através de múltiplas barreiras de controle. Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar a pertinência de utilizar a avaliação de risco na operação de redes de distribuição e no controle da qualidade da água para consumo humano. Para tanto foi estudado como os conceitos de avaliação e de gestão de risco podem ser especificamente aplicados em redes de distribuição de água. Este estudo possibilitou a identificação e caracterização de variáveis relevantes, as quais possibilitaram definir critérios e parâmetros, a partir dos quais foi possível elaborar método para a avaliação de risco microbiológico em redes de distribuição de água, baseado nos estudos de Godfrey et. al. (2002) e Tibatemwa (2003). A avaliação e a validação do instrumento proposto foram feitas por meio de estudo de caso desenvolvido no sistema de abastecimento de água de Itatinga, cidade de pequeno porte situada no interior do Estado de São Paulo. O método proposto propiciou conhecer em detalhes como é feita a gestão da rede de distribuição de água, indicou situações de perigo e, principalmente, permitiu quantificar os referidos riscos. A partir da compreensão dos riscos avaliados, através do modelo foi possível observar o efeito sinérgico de determinadas intervenções, tais como a substituição de tubulações com elevada pontuação de risco. O método proposto mostrou ser eficaz na identificação e caracterização dos riscos microbiológicos que envolvem a operação e o controle da qualidade da água em redes de distribuição.
The basis of this study corresponds to using risk management and evaluation as a tool for the control of the quality of water for human consumption and operation of water distribution networks. The need for developing and implementing a new way to control the quality of water intended for human consumption is identified and debated in this research due to evident limitations of the current \"Final Product Analysis\" in assuring reliability of the water distributed to the population. In 2004, the World Health Organization - WHO presented a comprehensive proposal for water quality control denominated WSP, Water Safety Plan, in which a systematic process for identifying hazards, management procedures, and risk control is indicated. According to WHO, the greatest benefits of developing plans such as this one are systematization, detailed evaluation, and prioritizing hazards, besides the operational monitoring through the multi-barrier control. The objective of this research is to discuss the use of risk evaluation in water distribution networks and in the control of the quality of water for human consumption. The application of risk management and evaluation concepts in water distribution networks was investigated. Therefore, it was possible to identify and characterize relevant variables, which enabled to define criteria and parameters in order to develop a methodology to evaluate the microbiological risk in water distribution networks based on the studies of Godfrey et al. (2004) and Tibatemwa (2003). The assessment and validation of the measures proposed were done through the analysis of a case study conducted in a water supply station in Itatinga, a small town located in the province of São Paulo state. The methodology proposed allowed a thorough investigation of the management of water distribution networks, identified risks, and mainly it made possible to quantify those risks. Having evaluated the risks, the synergistic effect of some operations, such as the substitution of pipes associated with high risk, could be observed using the model. The methodology proved efficient at identifying and characterizing the microbiological risks involved in the operation and control of water quality in water distribution networks.
The basis of this study corresponds to using risk management and evaluation as a tool for the control of the quality of water for human consumption and operation of water distribution networks. The need for developing and implementing a new way to control the quality of water intended for human consumption is identified and debated in this research due to evident limitations of the current \"Final Product Analysis\" in assuring reliability of the water distributed to the population. In 2004, the World Health Organization - WHO presented a comprehensive proposal for water quality control denominated WSP, Water Safety Plan, in which a systematic process for identifying hazards, management procedures, and risk control is indicated. According to WHO, the greatest benefits of developing plans such as this one are systematization, detailed evaluation, and prioritizing hazards, besides the operational monitoring through the multi-barrier control. The objective of this research is to discuss the use of risk evaluation in water distribution networks and in the control of the quality of water for human consumption. The application of risk management and evaluation concepts in water distribution networks was investigated. Therefore, it was possible to identify and characterize relevant variables, which enabled to define criteria and parameters in order to develop a methodology to evaluate the microbiological risk in water distribution networks based on the studies of Godfrey et al. (2004) and Tibatemwa (2003). The assessment and validation of the measures proposed were done through the analysis of a case study conducted in a water supply station in Itatinga, a small town located in the province of São Paulo state. The methodology proposed allowed a thorough investigation of the management of water distribution networks, identified risks, and mainly it made possible to quantify those risks. Having evaluated the risks, the synergistic effect of some operations, such as the substitution of pipes associated with high risk, could be observed using the model. The methodology proved efficient at identifying and characterizing the microbiological risks involved in the operation and control of water quality in water distribution networks.
Avaliação de risco, Qualidade da água, Rede de distribuição de água, Risco, Quality of water, Risk, Risk assessment, Water distribution networks