Museu, arte e tecnologia: as transformações dos museus contemporâneos influenciadas pelas TIC\'s
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho aborda o tema do museu por meio de suas transformações no contexto da Sociedade da Informação. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, estabelece análises sobre os aspectos que envolvem museu, arte e tecnologia, proporcionados pela interação entre arte e espectador. Discute as possibilidades oferecidas pelas TIC\'s (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) e sua relevância no âmbito social, cultural e artístico como instrumento agregador e transformador das funções da arte e da arquitetura nos museus. Busca também compreender os processos de criação e desenvolvimento da arte e sua integração com a arquitetura dos museus no desenho de obras e espaços interativos. O trabalho busca identificar a incorporação destas tecnologias e discutir suas principais possibilidades, riscos e desafios. Enfatiza a importância do aspecto multidisciplinar na concepção dos novos museus e nas estratégias de organização do espaço museográfico.
This work addresses the theme of the museum space transformations in the context of the Information Society. From the standpoint of theoretical and methodological framework, seeks to establish benchmarks and qualitative aspects that involve cognitive and spatial relationships between the Museum, Art and Technology, provided mainly by the creation of interactive and integrated digital systems. It discusses the possibilities offered by new technologies and their relevance in the social, cultural and art as an aggregator tool and processor functions of Arts and Architecture. It\'s scope understand the processes of creation and development of art and its integration with architecture in the conception of museums that use interactive systems. The study points to a tendency to incorporate these technologies in order to make the public more involved and communicative with art and architecture. Emphasizes the importance of the multidisciplinary aspect designing new museums, it\'s social and cultural aspects, and the strategies of museological space.
This work addresses the theme of the museum space transformations in the context of the Information Society. From the standpoint of theoretical and methodological framework, seeks to establish benchmarks and qualitative aspects that involve cognitive and spatial relationships between the Museum, Art and Technology, provided mainly by the creation of interactive and integrated digital systems. It discusses the possibilities offered by new technologies and their relevance in the social, cultural and art as an aggregator tool and processor functions of Arts and Architecture. It\'s scope understand the processes of creation and development of art and its integration with architecture in the conception of museums that use interactive systems. The study points to a tendency to incorporate these technologies in order to make the public more involved and communicative with art and architecture. Emphasizes the importance of the multidisciplinary aspect designing new museums, it\'s social and cultural aspects, and the strategies of museological space.
Tecnologia da Informação e da Comunicação, Arquitetura, Sistemas interativos, Arte, Museu, Museum, Interactivity, Interactive systems, Information and communication technology, Art, Architecture