Critérios para análise do zoneamento ambiental como instrumento de planejamento e ordenamento territorial
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O zoneamento ambiental, instrumento de planejamento e ordenamento territorial estabelecido pela Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente em 1981, sem ser imediatamente regulamentado resultou em práticas diversificadas quanto aos recortes territoriais adotados, métodos utilizados, objetivos específicos e caráter de implementação: ora indicativo, ora restritivo. Em 2002, por meio do Decreto n° 4.297/02, tal instrumento foi regulamentado sob a denominação de Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico (ZEE), devendo estabelecer padrões de proteção ambiental a serem seguidos pelos agentes públicos e privados na tomada de decisão em relação a planos, projetos e programas que envolvam o uso de recursos naturais. Mesmo após esta regulamentação, pode-se observar a continuidade na utilização de métodos de trabalho e produtos finais que não seguem um padrão único, levando a questionamentos quanto à utilização ou mesmo à identidade deste instrumento. No entanto, apesar da diversidade verificada em estudos dessa natureza, pode-se afirmar que sua principal função é inserir a variável ambiental no ordenamento do território. Diante destas questões, o presente trabalho buscou propor critérios que sirvam de referência para a análise de zoneamentos ambientais enquanto instrumentos de planejamento e ordenamento territorial, bem como, de sua utilização, cumprindo ou não os objetivos específicos aos quais se propõem e colaborando para o atendimento dos objetivos da PNMA. A proposta destes critérios e de seus cenários ótimos, representando o que se entende neste trabalho como situação ideal para cada um deles, foi realizada com base em revisão bibliográfica e documental, passando pela consulta a pesquisadores e especialistas em planejamento, buscando validar a proposta feita. Por fim, foi realizada a aplicação teste destes critérios, nos casos do Zoneamento Ambiental de Brotas, do Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico do Litoral Norte de São Paulo e do Zoneamento Agroambiental para o setor sucroalcooleiro paulista. A partir desta aplicação teste, pôde-se observar que nem todos os zoneamentos considerados têm atingido seus objetivos específicos, ao mesmo tempo em que vêm sendo utilizados como uma base de informações sistematizada sobre o meio, além de colaborarem para o alcance dos objetivos colocados pela PNMA, em conjunto com outros de seus instrumentos. Foi possível também identificar pontos positivos e negativos nos casos analisados, com destaque para a participação pública, bastante diferenciada em cada caso. Ainda que dependente de conhecimentos prévios sobre o tema tratado por parte de seus usuários, os critérios sugeridos cumprem seu papel na colaboração para a discussão sobre o zoneamento ambiental enquanto instrumento de planejamento e ordenamento territorial.
The environmental zoning, a planning and territorial order instrument established by the Environmental National Policy in 1981, without being immediately regulated, resulted in diverse practices, regarding territorial clipping adopted, used methods, specific goals, and implementation characteristic: sometimes indicative, sometimes restrictive. In 2002, through Decree n° 4.297/02, this instrument was regulated under the name of Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ), establishing standards for environmental protection to be followed in decision making by public and private stakeholders in relation to plans, projects and programs involving the use of natural resources. Even after this regulation, we can observe the continuous use of working methods and end products that do not follow a single pattern, leading to questions about the use or even the identity of this instrument. However, despite the diversity observed in studies of this nature, it can be said that its main function is to insert the environmental variable into planning. Faced with these issues, this work aims to propose several criteria to serve as references for the analysis of environmental zoning as an instrument of environmental planning and territorial order, and their use as well, fulfilling or not the specific goals that they propose and collaborating to meet the goals of the ENP. The proposal of these criteria and their best scenario, representing what is meant in this work as the ideal situation for each of them, was based on bibliographical and documental review, going through consultation with researchers and experts in planning, seeking to validate the proposal made. Finally, it was performed a test application of these criteria, to the Environmental Zoning of Brotas, the Ecological-Economic Zoning of the North Coast of São Paulo and Zoning Agro-Environmental for sugar and ethanol sector in São Paulo. From this test application, it was observed that not all the considered zonings have achieved their specific goals, at the same time they are being utilized as a data source about the environment, and also collaborating to achieve the goals of the ENP, together with others of its instruments. It was also possible to identify strengths and weaknesses in the cases analyzed, with emphasis on very different public participation in each case. Although dependent on prior knowledge on the subject by their users, the criteria suggested fulfill their role in the collaboration for the discussion about the environmental zoning as an instrument of planning and territorial order.
The environmental zoning, a planning and territorial order instrument established by the Environmental National Policy in 1981, without being immediately regulated, resulted in diverse practices, regarding territorial clipping adopted, used methods, specific goals, and implementation characteristic: sometimes indicative, sometimes restrictive. In 2002, through Decree n° 4.297/02, this instrument was regulated under the name of Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ), establishing standards for environmental protection to be followed in decision making by public and private stakeholders in relation to plans, projects and programs involving the use of natural resources. Even after this regulation, we can observe the continuous use of working methods and end products that do not follow a single pattern, leading to questions about the use or even the identity of this instrument. However, despite the diversity observed in studies of this nature, it can be said that its main function is to insert the environmental variable into planning. Faced with these issues, this work aims to propose several criteria to serve as references for the analysis of environmental zoning as an instrument of environmental planning and territorial order, and their use as well, fulfilling or not the specific goals that they propose and collaborating to meet the goals of the ENP. The proposal of these criteria and their best scenario, representing what is meant in this work as the ideal situation for each of them, was based on bibliographical and documental review, going through consultation with researchers and experts in planning, seeking to validate the proposal made. Finally, it was performed a test application of these criteria, to the Environmental Zoning of Brotas, the Ecological-Economic Zoning of the North Coast of São Paulo and Zoning Agro-Environmental for sugar and ethanol sector in São Paulo. From this test application, it was observed that not all the considered zonings have achieved their specific goals, at the same time they are being utilized as a data source about the environment, and also collaborating to achieve the goals of the ENP, together with others of its instruments. It was also possible to identify strengths and weaknesses in the cases analyzed, with emphasis on very different public participation in each case. Although dependent on prior knowledge on the subject by their users, the criteria suggested fulfill their role in the collaboration for the discussion about the environmental zoning as an instrument of planning and territorial order.
Ordenamento territorial, Política ambiental, Zoneamento ambiental, Environmental policy, Environmental zoning, Territorial order