Inovação tecnológica na indústria brasileira: investimento, financiamento e incentivo governamental
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar os aspectos financeiros do processo de implementação de inovações tecnológicas na indústria brasileira, no período 1998-2005. Em tal processo foram analisados o financiamento e os mecanismos financeiros de incentivo governamental para a realização de investimentos em atividades inovativas na indústria brasileira. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos em fontes secundárias, como Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), Organização para Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento (OCDE) e Oficina Estatística da União Européia (EUROSTAT). Especificamente sobre inovação tecnológica na indústria brasileira, foram utilizados os dados da Pesquisa Industrial sobre Inovação Tecnológica (PINTEC), do IBGE. Tais dados foram comparados com os resultados da quarta versão da Community Innovation Survey (CIS IV), da EUROSTAT. Há, na indústria brasileira, uma larga predominância das inovações que correspondem a aprimoramento de produtos e ou processos já existentes na empresa, ou de inovações para a própria empresa, mas já existentes no setor, no Brasil. O investimento nacional em P&D é relativamente baixo e a execução de P&D está associada mais ao governo. O setor empresarial executa cerca de 40% da P&D no Brasil. Na indústria brasileira, cerca de metade dos recursos investidos em atividades inovativas é destinada à aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos para inovar. Em segundo lugar aparecem os investimentos em atividades internas de P&D e em terceiro lugar as atividades de projeto industrial. Dentre as diferentes fontes de financiamento para inovação, o percentual de recursos próprios utilizados no financiamento das atividades inovativas é maior, principalmente no caso das atividades de P&D, em comparação com o financiamento dos investimentos em geral. Com relação aos recursos de terceiros, o percentual de utilização de recursos privados é maior no caso do financiamento das demais atividades inovativas, quando comparado com o percentual de recursos privados no financiamento da P&D, ainda que o percentual de recursos públicos seja maior que o de linhas de mercado, tanto no financiamento da P&D como das demais atividades inovativas. As possibilidades de utilização de linhas de financiamento de mercado para financiamento da P&D são reduzidas, por conta do risco elevado de tais atividades. A possibilidade de utilização de financiamento público para as atividades inovativas, principalmente a P&D, torna-se particularmente importante. As empresas maiores, com 500 ou mais pessoas ocupadas, têm melhor acesso aos recursos públicos, quando a base de comparação utilizada é o percentual de empresas que receberam financiamento público para realização de P&D e de aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos para inovar. O percentual de empresas inovadoras que utilizaram incentivos fiscais à P&D também apresentou grande disparidade entre as empresas maiores (com 500 ou mais pessoas ocupadas) e as menores. Essa disparidade é conseqüência das características dos benefícios previstos pela legislação.
The general purpose of the present study was the identification and characterization of the financial aspects of the process of implementation of technological innovation in the Brazilian industry, from 1998 to 2005. Funding and incentive mechanisms provided by the government to enhance investments in innovation in the Brazilian industry were assessed. The data used in this study were obtained from secondary sources, such as the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT). Concerning specifically technology innovation in the Brazilian industry, data from IBGEs Industrial Research on Technological Innovation (PINTEC) were used. Such data were compared to the results obtained in the fourth version of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS IV) by EUROSTAT. Innovation in the Brazilian industry is mostly based on the improvement of existing products and processes, or else on the introduction of processes that constitute an innovation in a given company, but already exist in the industry segment of the country. Brazilian investment levels in R&D are relatively low and most R&D activities are carried out by the government. Around 40% of R&D activities in Brazil are carried out by the entrepreneurial segment. Approximately half of the resources invested in innovation in the Brazilian industry are devoted to the purchase of machinery and implements to be used in innovation processes. Investments in in-house R&D activities come next and, finally, investments in industrial projects. Considering the various sources of financing innovation, the largest percentage corresponds to enterprises own funds, particularly in R&D activities, compared to the funding of investments in general. With regard to third-party funding, a greater percentage of private resources is used in other innovative activities compared to the percentage of private resources used in the funding of R&D activities, although the percent of public funding is greater than the private funding lines both for R&D and other innovative activities. There are few private funding lines for financing innovative activities, particularly R&D, due to the high risk of such activities. Therefore, the use of public funding in innovative activities, particularly R&D activities, becomes an important alternative. Larger companies, with 500 or more employees, have better access to public funding, when the comparative basis used is the percentage of companies that obtained public funding for performing R&D activities and the purchase of machinery and equipment for innovation purposes. The percentage of innovative companies that used fiscal incentives for R&D activities also showed a great disparity between larger companies (with 500 or more employees) and smaller companies. Such disparity results from the characteristics of the benefits stipulated by legislation.
The general purpose of the present study was the identification and characterization of the financial aspects of the process of implementation of technological innovation in the Brazilian industry, from 1998 to 2005. Funding and incentive mechanisms provided by the government to enhance investments in innovation in the Brazilian industry were assessed. The data used in this study were obtained from secondary sources, such as the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT). Concerning specifically technology innovation in the Brazilian industry, data from IBGEs Industrial Research on Technological Innovation (PINTEC) were used. Such data were compared to the results obtained in the fourth version of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS IV) by EUROSTAT. Innovation in the Brazilian industry is mostly based on the improvement of existing products and processes, or else on the introduction of processes that constitute an innovation in a given company, but already exist in the industry segment of the country. Brazilian investment levels in R&D are relatively low and most R&D activities are carried out by the government. Around 40% of R&D activities in Brazil are carried out by the entrepreneurial segment. Approximately half of the resources invested in innovation in the Brazilian industry are devoted to the purchase of machinery and implements to be used in innovation processes. Investments in in-house R&D activities come next and, finally, investments in industrial projects. Considering the various sources of financing innovation, the largest percentage corresponds to enterprises own funds, particularly in R&D activities, compared to the funding of investments in general. With regard to third-party funding, a greater percentage of private resources is used in other innovative activities compared to the percentage of private resources used in the funding of R&D activities, although the percent of public funding is greater than the private funding lines both for R&D and other innovative activities. There are few private funding lines for financing innovative activities, particularly R&D, due to the high risk of such activities. Therefore, the use of public funding in innovative activities, particularly R&D activities, becomes an important alternative. Larger companies, with 500 or more employees, have better access to public funding, when the comparative basis used is the percentage of companies that obtained public funding for performing R&D activities and the purchase of machinery and equipment for innovation purposes. The percentage of innovative companies that used fiscal incentives for R&D activities also showed a great disparity between larger companies (with 500 or more employees) and smaller companies. Such disparity results from the characteristics of the benefits stipulated by legislation.
Financiamento, Incentivo governamental, Inovação tecnológica, Investimento, Financing, Governmental incentive, Investment, Technological innovation