Gestão de obras públicas: um diagnóstico sobre aditivos de contratos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo principal com esta pesquisa é analisar as ocorrências de aditivos de tempo e de serviço em contratos de obras públicas para construção e ampliação de equipamentos de saúde e educação. O tema da pesquisa é o contrato de obra pública que pode ser entendido como o documento no qual ficam estabelecidos o prazo e o orçamento para a construção ou ampliação dos equipamentos públicos estudados. O aditivo de contrato é o instrumento jurídico utilizado para que se possa alterar limites de tempo e de serviço, sem que haja a necessidade de rescisão de contrato e da elaboração de um novo processo licitatório. O método de pesquisa fundamentou-se na abordagem qualitativa com uso de dados quantitativos e qualitativos. A coleta dos dados quantitativos baseou-se em análise de documentos e dos dados qualitativos em questionário com questões abertas respondidas pelos engenheiros da prefeitura estudada, os quais foram responsáveis pela fiscalização das obras. O principal resultado encontrado foi a excessiva quantidade de aditivos de tempo enquanto que os de serviço estão controlados, mas devido às leis brasileiras, e não em razão de um planejamento eficiente. A pesquisa deixa como contribuição um roteiro para análise de aditivo em obras públicas que pode ser replicada tanto em outras prefeituras municipais como em outras esferas do governo.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the occurrences of additives and time of service in public works contracts for the construction and expansion of health facilities and education. The research topic is the contract for public work which can be understood as the document in which are set the deadline and the budget for the construction or expansion of public facilities studied. The additive of contract is the legal instrument that can be used to change time limits and service, without the need for termination of contract and the drafting of a new bidding process. The research method was based on a qualitative approach with the use of quantitative and qualitative data. Data collection was based on quantitative analysis of documents and data in qualitative questionnaire with open questions answered by engineers studied the city, which were responsible for supervising the works. The main result was found excessive amounts of additives of time while the service are controlled, but due to Brazilian law, and not due to efficient planning. The research makes contribution as a roadmap for analyzing additive in public works which can be replicated in other municipalities as much as in other spheres of government.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the occurrences of additives and time of service in public works contracts for the construction and expansion of health facilities and education. The research topic is the contract for public work which can be understood as the document in which are set the deadline and the budget for the construction or expansion of public facilities studied. The additive of contract is the legal instrument that can be used to change time limits and service, without the need for termination of contract and the drafting of a new bidding process. The research method was based on a qualitative approach with the use of quantitative and qualitative data. Data collection was based on quantitative analysis of documents and data in qualitative questionnaire with open questions answered by engineers studied the city, which were responsible for supervising the works. The main result was found excessive amounts of additives of time while the service are controlled, but due to Brazilian law, and not due to efficient planning. The research makes contribution as a roadmap for analyzing additive in public works which can be replicated in other municipalities as much as in other spheres of government.
Aditivos, Cronograma, Gestão, Orçamento, Obras públicas, Additives, Public works, Management, Budget, Schedule