Degradação anaeróbia de tolueno em reatores em batelada
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente trabalho avaliou a degradação anaeróbia de tolueno por Bactérias Redutoras de Sulfato (BRS), utilizando como inóculo lodo anaeróbio proveniente de reator UASB. Os ensaios foram realizados com reatores em batelada de 2300 mL contendo meio de cultura específico para o crescimento de BRS. No ensaio de enriquecimento, com lactato de sódio (2230 mg/L) e acetato de sódio (670 mg/L) na ausência de tolueno, ocorreu consumo total de sulfato (aproximadamente 1070 mg/L) em 192 horas e percentual de metano de 31% em 72 horas. A degradação do tolueno foi realizada em reatores sulfetogênicos e metanogênicos. Nos reatores sulfetogênicos alimentados com 2,1 mg/L e 7,7 mg/L houve degradação total do tolueno em 264 e 792 horas, respectivamente. Nesses reatores foi observado consumo total de sulfato e percentual de metano de aproximadamente 20,9%. Nos reatores metanogênicos a degradação do tolueno foi de, no máximo, 53%, e percentual de metano de 27,3% em 1032 horas. Nas condições sulfetogênicas, a degradação do tolueno foi mais rápida se comparada às condições metanogênicas. E em ambas as condições, a produção de metano foi relacionada aos bacilos hidrogenotróficos. As alterações na diversidade da população microbiana presente nos reatores, observadas em microscopia ótica, foram confirmadas nas análises por biologia molecular.
The present work evaluated the anaerobic degradation of toluene by sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), using anaerobic sludge from reactor UASB as inoculum. The essays were accomplished in batch reactors of 2300 mL containing specific culture medium for the growth of SRB. In the enrichment essay with sodium lactate (2230 mg/L) and sodium acetate (670 mg/L) without toluene accured total consumption of sulfate (approximately 1070 mg/L) in 192 hours and percentile of methane of 31% in 72 hours. The toluene degradation it was accomplished in sulfetogenics and methanogenics reactors. In the sulfetogenics reactors fed with 2,1 mg/L and 7,7 mg/L there was total degradation of toluene in 264 and 792 hours, respectively. In those reactors it was observed total consumption of sulfate and percentile of methane of approximately 20.9%. In the methanogenic reactors the degradation of toluene was to the utmost of 53%, accompanied of production of 27.3% of methane in 1032 hours. In the sulfetogenics conditions, the degradation of tolueno was faster if compared to the methanogenic conditions. In both conditions, the methane production was related to the hidrogenotrophic bacilli. The alterations in the diversity of the microbial population present in the reactors, observed by optic microscopy, were confirmed in the analysis by molecular biology.
The present work evaluated the anaerobic degradation of toluene by sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), using anaerobic sludge from reactor UASB as inoculum. The essays were accomplished in batch reactors of 2300 mL containing specific culture medium for the growth of SRB. In the enrichment essay with sodium lactate (2230 mg/L) and sodium acetate (670 mg/L) without toluene accured total consumption of sulfate (approximately 1070 mg/L) in 192 hours and percentile of methane of 31% in 72 hours. The toluene degradation it was accomplished in sulfetogenics and methanogenics reactors. In the sulfetogenics reactors fed with 2,1 mg/L and 7,7 mg/L there was total degradation of toluene in 264 and 792 hours, respectively. In those reactors it was observed total consumption of sulfate and percentile of methane of approximately 20.9%. In the methanogenic reactors the degradation of toluene was to the utmost of 53%, accompanied of production of 27.3% of methane in 1032 hours. In the sulfetogenics conditions, the degradation of tolueno was faster if compared to the methanogenic conditions. In both conditions, the methane production was related to the hidrogenotrophic bacilli. The alterations in the diversity of the microbial population present in the reactors, observed by optic microscopy, were confirmed in the analysis by molecular biology.
Bactérias redutoras de sulfato, Reatores em batelada, Tolueno, Metanogênese, Biologia molecular, Biodegradação, Biodegradation, Molecular biology, Batch reactors, Sulfate reducing bacteria, Toluene, Methanogenisis