Contribuição ao conhecimento limnológico de reservatórios do semi-árido brasileiro que abastecem a região metropolitana de Fortaleza: Açudes Pacajus e Gavião (Ceará, Brasil)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a influência das alterações nas condições climáticas e hidrodinâmicas sobre a estabilidade física, a disponibilidade de recursos, a estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica e os padrões de heterogeneidade espacial dos açudes Pacajus e Gavião, amostrados bimestralmente entre nov. 1988 e dez. 1998. Nos dois reservatórios os pontos foram distribuídos ao longo dos respectivos eixos longitudinais principais, sendo 06 no açude Pacajus e 05 no Gavião. As medidas de temperatura da água, condutividade elétrica, turbidez, pH e oxigênio dissolvido (OD) foram realizadas em intervalos regulares da coluna d\'água com o uso de sonda multiparamétrica (HORIBA U-10). Amostras para determinação de alcalinidade total, nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos e fósforo total foram coletadas em profundidades correspondentes à superfície, meio e fundo da coluna d´água. A determinação de clorofila a foi realizada em amostras de superfície. A estrutura vertical dacoluna d\'água dos reservatórios foi caracterizada por pequenos gradientes térmicos e salinos, especialmente durante o segundo semestre, quando o vento atuou como principal forçante indutora de mistura turbulenta. Nessa época do ano as concentrações de OD foram típicas de supersaturação nos dois reservatórios. A dinâmica de nutrientes nos açudes Pacajus e Gavião dependeu das contribuições alóctones durante o período chuvoso e dos processos de regeneração e carga interna durante o período de estiagem. O maior grau de enriquecimento e biomassa algal observados no açude Pacajus classificou-o como eutrófico-hipereutrófico, enquanto que o açude Gavião foi classificado como meso-eutrófico. A heterogeneidade espacial dos reservatórios foi condicionada pelo regime hidrológico do rio barrado, no caso do açude Pacajus, pelos gradientes hidráulicos ao longo ) do eixo longitudinal, pela influência dos procedimentos de transferências hídricas internas, especialmente no açude Gavião, e pela irregularidade na distribuição espacial do fitoplâncton, acompanhando gradientes tróficos. De modo geral, pode-se afirmar que as espécies do zooplâncton identificadas nos açude Pacajus e Gavião são bem representativas da fauna de microinvertebrados planctônicos Neotropical, com amplo espectro de distribuição geográfica no Brasil. A dominância dos Rotifera no açude Pacajus em dez. 1998 foi indicativo das condições hipereutróficas da maioria dos pontos amostrados. Espacialmente, os organismos desse grupo, representados principalmente por espécies dos gêneros Brachionus e Keratella, indicadores de ambientes nutriente-enriquecidos, foram mais abundantes nos compartimentos com estado trófico superior. Comportamento similar foi observado para o Copepoda Cyclopoida Thermocyclops decipiens, espécie indicadora de condições eutróficas, a qual colonizou, preferencialmente, regiões com maior concentração de nutrientes. Ao contrário, organismos dos grupos Copepoda e Cladocera foram mais abundantes nas regiões menos enriquecidas dos reservatórios, apresentando gradientes longitudinais inversos em relação àqueles dos Rotifera e Cyclopoida. Portanto, a distribuição e os padrões de dominância do zooplâncton nos açudes Pacajus e Gavião foram condicionadas, principalmente, pela variabilidade espaço-temporal dos gradientes tróficos.
The main aim of this research was to investigate the influence of climatic and hydrodynamics\' alterations about physical stability, resources availability, zooplankton community structure and spatial heterogeneity standard of Pacajus and Gavião dams, collected at two-month period between Nov. 1988 and Dec. 1998. In the reservoirs, the sample stations were distributed along the main longitudinal axis, being six on Pacajus dam and five on Gavião dam. Water temperature, electric conductivity, turbidity, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured in regular intervals in water column using a multiparametric probe (HORIBA U-10). Sample for total alkalinity, inorganic dissolved nutrients and total phosphorous determination were collected in the corresponding depth in water column (surface, middle and deep). Chlorophyll a determination was measured in surface samples. Vertical structure of water column in reservoirs was characterized by little thermal and saline gradients, especially duringsecond semester, when wind was the main induced force of turbulent mixture. At this same period dissolved oxygen concentrations were typical supersaturated on both reservoirs. Nutrients dynamic on both dams were dependent on allocthonous contributions during rainy season and on regeneration processes and internal load during dry season. The greatest rank of enrichment and algal biomass measured in Pacajus\' dam classified it as eutrophic or hipereutrophic while Gavião\'s dam was mesotrophic or eutrophic. Spatial heterogeneity of reservoirs was controlled by hydrological regime of the dammed river in case of Pacajus\' dam, by hydraulic gradients along main axis and the influence of internal hydraulic transferences proceedings in the case of Gavião\'s dam and by irregularity on phytoplankton spatial distribution according to trophic gradients. In general, it can be said that zooplankton species ) identified on both dams are representative of Neotropical plankton micro invertebrate fauna, with large geographic distribution in Brazil. The dominance of rotifers in Pacajus\' dam on Dec. 1998 was favored by hipereutrophic conditions in most of sample stations. Especially, this group of organisms, represented mainly by Brachionus and Keratella, indicators of nutrient enriched environments, were abundant in segments with higher trophic state. Similar behavior was observed to the copepod Thermocyclops decipiens, an indicator of eutrophic conditions, which has colonized regions with higher nutrient concentrations. On the other hand, Copepoda and Cladocera were more abundant on poorer nutrient compartiments of reservoirs, presenting inverse longitudinal gradients in relation with those of Rotifera and Cyclopoida. Therefore, distribution and patterns of zooplankton dominance in Pacajus and Gavião dams were conditioned mainly by spatial-temporal variability of trophic gradients.
The main aim of this research was to investigate the influence of climatic and hydrodynamics\' alterations about physical stability, resources availability, zooplankton community structure and spatial heterogeneity standard of Pacajus and Gavião dams, collected at two-month period between Nov. 1988 and Dec. 1998. In the reservoirs, the sample stations were distributed along the main longitudinal axis, being six on Pacajus dam and five on Gavião dam. Water temperature, electric conductivity, turbidity, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured in regular intervals in water column using a multiparametric probe (HORIBA U-10). Sample for total alkalinity, inorganic dissolved nutrients and total phosphorous determination were collected in the corresponding depth in water column (surface, middle and deep). Chlorophyll a determination was measured in surface samples. Vertical structure of water column in reservoirs was characterized by little thermal and saline gradients, especially duringsecond semester, when wind was the main induced force of turbulent mixture. At this same period dissolved oxygen concentrations were typical supersaturated on both reservoirs. Nutrients dynamic on both dams were dependent on allocthonous contributions during rainy season and on regeneration processes and internal load during dry season. The greatest rank of enrichment and algal biomass measured in Pacajus\' dam classified it as eutrophic or hipereutrophic while Gavião\'s dam was mesotrophic or eutrophic. Spatial heterogeneity of reservoirs was controlled by hydrological regime of the dammed river in case of Pacajus\' dam, by hydraulic gradients along main axis and the influence of internal hydraulic transferences proceedings in the case of Gavião\'s dam and by irregularity on phytoplankton spatial distribution according to trophic gradients. In general, it can be said that zooplankton species ) identified on both dams are representative of Neotropical plankton micro invertebrate fauna, with large geographic distribution in Brazil. The dominance of rotifers in Pacajus\' dam on Dec. 1998 was favored by hipereutrophic conditions in most of sample stations. Especially, this group of organisms, represented mainly by Brachionus and Keratella, indicators of nutrient enriched environments, were abundant in segments with higher trophic state. Similar behavior was observed to the copepod Thermocyclops decipiens, an indicator of eutrophic conditions, which has colonized regions with higher nutrient concentrations. On the other hand, Copepoda and Cladocera were more abundant on poorer nutrient compartiments of reservoirs, presenting inverse longitudinal gradients in relation with those of Rotifera and Cyclopoida. Therefore, distribution and patterns of zooplankton dominance in Pacajus and Gavião dams were conditioned mainly by spatial-temporal variability of trophic gradients.
Comunidade zooplanctônica, Eutrofização, Qualidade da água, Recursos hídricos, Reservatórios, Variabilidade espaço-temporal, Semi-árido, Water resources, Water quality, Space-temporal heterogeneity, Semi-arid region, Reservoirs, Eutrophication, Zooplanktonic community