Avaliação da resistência ao cisalhamento em GCLs - uma nova metodologia de ensaio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os GCLs (Geosynthetic Clay Liners) são materiais geossintéticos destinados a compor sistemas de controle de fluxo em obras geotécnicas e ambientais. Suas propriedades vêm sendo cada vez mais estudadas visando a avaliação de seu comportamento de curto e longo prazo. Dentre as propriedades mais importantes de um GCL, está a sua resistência ao cisalhamento interno, tendo em vista que o seu principal componente, a bentonita, possui baixa resistência quando hidratada. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de ensaio-índice para estimativa da resistência ao cisalhamento em GCLs - o método CTM (cisalhamento por tração modificado). A principal inovação do método proposto é o formato \"U\" da garra para fixação dos corpos-de-prova. Foram executadas duas séries de ensaios, nas quais, realizou-se uma seleção criteriosa das amostras e um plano de preparação dos corpos-de-prova, de forma a evitar que a variabilidade inerente à fabricação dos GCLs, influenciasse nos resultados obtidos. A primeira fase de testes foi realizada com o objetivo de se correlacionar os resultados do método CTM com dois outros métodos de ensaios-índice existentes: ensaio de adesão (peeling-test) e ensaio de cisalhamento por tração (shear-tensile test). Os resultados obtidos apresentaram boa correlação e o método CTM se mostrou bastante prático. A segunda série de ensaios foi realizada visando aprimorar a montagem do ensaio CTM e comparar os seus resultados com ensaios de cisalhamento direto. Novamente as metodologias se correlacionaram bem, o que justifica o desenvolvimento do método CTM.
GCLs (Geosynthetic Clay Liners) are geosynthetic products used to compose flux control barriers in geotechnical and environmental works. The mechanical properties of GCLs have to be investigated in short and long term. Among its mechanical parameters, GCL internal shear strength plays an important role in the stability of slopes of geotechnical works. The main component of a GCL, the bentonite, when hydrated, presents very low shear strength. This work presents the development of a new index test method that aims cheaply and quickly to estimate the shear strength of GCLs - the CTM method (modified shear-tensile test). The main innovation of the proposed method is the U-shape grip that imposes a state of deformation close to that observed in field works. Two series of tests were performed in which a careful selection of samples and specimens were done. This aimed to minimize variation effects, inherent to the GCL production, on the obtained results. The first series was carried out to correlate results from the CTM tests to other two index tests: peel test and shear-tensile test. The results showed a good correlation between CTM and the other test results. The second series of tests was planned to improve CTM test method in order to get even better results than peel or shear-tensile tests, apart from correlating its results to results of direct shear test. Comparisons of results show very good agreement what justifies the use of the cheaper and quicker CTM method.
GCLs (Geosynthetic Clay Liners) are geosynthetic products used to compose flux control barriers in geotechnical and environmental works. The mechanical properties of GCLs have to be investigated in short and long term. Among its mechanical parameters, GCL internal shear strength plays an important role in the stability of slopes of geotechnical works. The main component of a GCL, the bentonite, when hydrated, presents very low shear strength. This work presents the development of a new index test method that aims cheaply and quickly to estimate the shear strength of GCLs - the CTM method (modified shear-tensile test). The main innovation of the proposed method is the U-shape grip that imposes a state of deformation close to that observed in field works. Two series of tests were performed in which a careful selection of samples and specimens were done. This aimed to minimize variation effects, inherent to the GCL production, on the obtained results. The first series was carried out to correlate results from the CTM tests to other two index tests: peel test and shear-tensile test. The results showed a good correlation between CTM and the other test results. The second series of tests was planned to improve CTM test method in order to get even better results than peel or shear-tensile tests, apart from correlating its results to results of direct shear test. Comparisons of results show very good agreement what justifies the use of the cheaper and quicker CTM method.
Ensaios-índice, GCL, Resistência ao cisalhamento, GCL, Index tests, Shear strength