Análise experimental e numérica do comportamento de junta em painéis de contraventamento de alvenaria estrutural
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A avaliação da capacidade de carga das estruturas de alvenaria submetidas a ações horizontais depende da confiabilidade dos modelos de dimensionamento utilizados. De fato, a alvenaria é um material heterogêneo com característica ortotrópicas. Além disso, por possuir juntas de argamassa que acarretam planos de fraqueza, geralmente a modelagem computacional desse tipo de estrutura apresenta grandes dificuldades. Um modelo robusto para alvenaria só pode ser desenvolvido por meio de uma descrição suficientemente precisa do comportamento mecânico individual de cada um dos seus componentes (unidades de alvenaria e a argamassa) e sobretudo nas juntas de argamassa, as quais são responsáveis pela maior parte dos fenômenos não-lineares que ocorrem na estrutura. Entretanto, diante da escassez de resultados experimentais, descrever esses comportamentos com a precisão e o rigor necessários é uma tarefa bastante difícil. Diante desta motivação, este trabalho se propôs a identificar e quantificar a influência da ligação unidade-argamassa, denominada junta, no comportamento estrutural de painéis de contraventamento de alvenaria estrutural executados com blocos de concreto. Assim, foram obtidos dados experimentais do comportamento da ligação unidade-argamassa e das partes componentes que posteriormente foram utilizados em modelagens computacionais realizadas para prever o comportamento estrutural de painéis de contraventamento submetidos a esforços horizontais no plano. Posteriormente, a partir dos resultados obtidos dos ensaios de painéis submetido a força horizontal e vertical e das modelagens numéricas propostas foi possível comparar os resultados experimentais e numéricos com os resultados obtidos pelo procedimento de dimensionamento da norma brasileira NBR 15812-1 (ABNT, 2010). Assim pode-se concluir que os valores da força horizontal máxima determinados a partir das recomendações da NBR 15812-1 (ABNT, 2010) apresentaram valores mais conservadores que os resultados experimentais e numéricos, como seria esperado.
The evaluation of load bearing capacity of masonry structures subjected to horizontal actions depends on the reliability of the dimensional models used. Masonry is indeed a heterogeneous material with orthotropic characteristics. In addition, due to its weak mortar joints, in general, the computational modeling of this type of structure presents major difficulties. A robust model for masonry structures can only be developed through a fairly accurate description of the individual mechanical behavior of each of its constituents (masonry units and mortar) and, especially, in the mortar joints, which are responsible for most nonlinear phenomena occurring in the structure. However, due to the lack of experimental data, describing these behaviors with the accuracy and rigor required is a rather difficult task. Hence, the objective of this study is to identify and quantify the influence of mortar-unit bond, also called joint, on the structural behavior of concrete block masonry shear walls. Accordingly, the experimental data of the behavior of the mortar-unit bond and the constituents, which were further used in the numerical modeling developed to predict the structural behavior of shear wall subjected to horizontal forces in the plane, were obtained. Subsequently, from the results obtained in the assays of shear walls subjected to a horizontal and vertical force and the numerical modeling proposed it was possible to compare the experimental and numerical results with those obtained by mean of the Brazilian Code NBR 15812-1 (ABNT, 2010). Therefore, it can be concluded that the values of maximum horizontal force determined according to the recommendations of Brazilian Code design criterion are more conservative values than the experimental and numerical values, as expected.
The evaluation of load bearing capacity of masonry structures subjected to horizontal actions depends on the reliability of the dimensional models used. Masonry is indeed a heterogeneous material with orthotropic characteristics. In addition, due to its weak mortar joints, in general, the computational modeling of this type of structure presents major difficulties. A robust model for masonry structures can only be developed through a fairly accurate description of the individual mechanical behavior of each of its constituents (masonry units and mortar) and, especially, in the mortar joints, which are responsible for most nonlinear phenomena occurring in the structure. However, due to the lack of experimental data, describing these behaviors with the accuracy and rigor required is a rather difficult task. Hence, the objective of this study is to identify and quantify the influence of mortar-unit bond, also called joint, on the structural behavior of concrete block masonry shear walls. Accordingly, the experimental data of the behavior of the mortar-unit bond and the constituents, which were further used in the numerical modeling developed to predict the structural behavior of shear wall subjected to horizontal forces in the plane, were obtained. Subsequently, from the results obtained in the assays of shear walls subjected to a horizontal and vertical force and the numerical modeling proposed it was possible to compare the experimental and numerical results with those obtained by mean of the Brazilian Code NBR 15812-1 (ABNT, 2010). Therefore, it can be concluded that the values of maximum horizontal force determined according to the recommendations of Brazilian Code design criterion are more conservative values than the experimental and numerical values, as expected.
Ações horizontais, Alvenaria estrutural, Elemento de junta, Elementos finitos, Painel de contraventamento, Masonry structures, Joint element, Horizontal actions, Finite elements, Shear wall