Tratamento físico químico da vinhaça de destilaria de etanol com biopolímero à base de cálcio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este presente trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação do desempenho de um biopolímero experimental à base de cálcio, desenvolvido e fornecido por uma empresa americana, na coagulação, floculação e sedimentação da vinhaça bruta como tratamento físico-químico na remoção de carga orgânica e na concentração de compostos fertilizantes no lodo. O estudo do tratamento da vinhaça por meio da aplicação deste biopolímero possibilitaria, hipoteticamente, uma redução significativa da carga orgânica como tratamento inicial da vinhaça, além de concentrar os nutrientes presentes na vinhaça no lodo gerado para uso fertilizante. Foram realizados ensaios com coagulantes convencionais (sulfato ferroso, cloreto férrico e óxido de cálcio) para efeito de comparação entre estes e o biopolímero. Os ensaios de coagulação, floculação e sedimentação foram realizados em escala de laboratório com uso do equipamento Jar Test. Os ensaios foram divididos em três etapas. Na primeira etapa foram realizados ensaios aplicando-se determinadas dosagens de biopolímero e variando-se os tempos de coagulação, velocidades de rotação, além de realizar ou não a mistura lenta após a etapa de coagulação, a fim de verificar se estes parâmetros poderiam otimizar o processo de tratamento com o aplicação do biopolímero. Para segunda etapa do procedimento experimental foram realizados ensaios com os outros coagulantes: óxido de cálcio, sulfato férrico e cloreto férrico. Os ensaios com o cloreto férrico e o sulfato férrico foram realizados nas seguintes condições: velocidade de mistura rápida de 200 rpm por um período de tempo de 30 segundos e velocidade de mistura lenta de 80 rpm por um período de 20 minutos. Já os ensaios com óxido de cálcio foram realizados com apenas velocidade de mistura rápida de 200 rpm variando os períodos de tempo em 1, 5 e 10 minutos. O tempo de sedimentação para separação dos flocos formados foi de 2 horas para todas as etapas. O tratamento com biopolímero experimental apresentou resultados de remoção de matéria orgânica abaixo dos valores esperados, que era na faixa de 60% a 80%. Os resultados limitaram-se a valores de 10% a 35% de remoção de DQO. Porém, a remoção de turbidez atingiu valores elevados, próximos a 90%. Para os compostos relacionados à fertilização NPK (nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio), o tratamento com biopolímero experimental obteve as melhores eficiências de remoção de fósforo (48,3%) e de NTK (17,2%) em relação aos demais coagulantes, porém não apresentou remoção de potássio. Não houve diferença significativa na eficiência de remoção de DQO quando se alteram as condições operacionais de velocidade de agitação. Já o aumento no tempo de agitação diminui a eficiência de remoção de DQO.
This work aimed to investigate the performance of an experimental biopolymer calcium-based, developed and supplied by an American company, on gross vinasse coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation as a physical chemical treatment on organic load removal and on fertilizer compounds concentration in sludge. The study of the vinasse treatment through the application of this biopolymer would allow, hypothetically a significant reduction of the organic load as vinasse initial treatment, besides concentrating the vinasse found nutrients in the sludge created for fertilizer use. Assays were performed with conventional coagulants (ferrous sulfate, ferric chloride and calcium oxide) for comparison between them and the biopolymer. Tests of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation were carried out in laboratory scale using Jar Test equipment. The experiments were divided in three stages. In the first stage assays were performed applying certain dosages of biopolymer and varying the clotting time, rotational speeds in addition to performing or not performing the slow mixture after the clotting stage in order to check if these parameters could optimize the treatment process with the biopolymer application. For the second stage of the experimental procedure tests were developed with other coagulants: calcium oxide, ferric sulphate and ferric chloride. Tests with ferric chloride and ferric sulphate were performed under the following conditions: fast mixing speed of 200 rpm for a period of 30 seconds and slow mixing speed of 80 rpm for a period of 20 minutes. Considering the assays with calcium oxide, they were carried out using only rapid mixing speed of 200 rpm by varying the time periods at 1, 5 and 10 minutes. The sedimentation time to the formed flakes separation was two hours for all stages. Treatment with experimental biopolymer presented results of removal of organic matter below the expected values, which was in the range 60% to80%. The results limited to values of 10% to 35% of COD clearance. However, the removal of turbidity reached high values near 90%. For compounds related to NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) fertilization, the treatment with experimental biopolymer obtained the best efficiency of phosphorus removal (48,3) and TKN removal (17.2%) in comparison with the other coagulants, but showed no removal of potassium. There was no significant difference in COD removal efficiency when the operating conditions of agitation speed are changed. Regarding to the increase in the agitation time, it reduces the efficiency of COD removal.
This work aimed to investigate the performance of an experimental biopolymer calcium-based, developed and supplied by an American company, on gross vinasse coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation as a physical chemical treatment on organic load removal and on fertilizer compounds concentration in sludge. The study of the vinasse treatment through the application of this biopolymer would allow, hypothetically a significant reduction of the organic load as vinasse initial treatment, besides concentrating the vinasse found nutrients in the sludge created for fertilizer use. Assays were performed with conventional coagulants (ferrous sulfate, ferric chloride and calcium oxide) for comparison between them and the biopolymer. Tests of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation were carried out in laboratory scale using Jar Test equipment. The experiments were divided in three stages. In the first stage assays were performed applying certain dosages of biopolymer and varying the clotting time, rotational speeds in addition to performing or not performing the slow mixture after the clotting stage in order to check if these parameters could optimize the treatment process with the biopolymer application. For the second stage of the experimental procedure tests were developed with other coagulants: calcium oxide, ferric sulphate and ferric chloride. Tests with ferric chloride and ferric sulphate were performed under the following conditions: fast mixing speed of 200 rpm for a period of 30 seconds and slow mixing speed of 80 rpm for a period of 20 minutes. Considering the assays with calcium oxide, they were carried out using only rapid mixing speed of 200 rpm by varying the time periods at 1, 5 and 10 minutes. The sedimentation time to the formed flakes separation was two hours for all stages. Treatment with experimental biopolymer presented results of removal of organic matter below the expected values, which was in the range 60% to80%. The results limited to values of 10% to 35% of COD clearance. However, the removal of turbidity reached high values near 90%. For compounds related to NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) fertilization, the treatment with experimental biopolymer obtained the best efficiency of phosphorus removal (48,3) and TKN removal (17.2%) in comparison with the other coagulants, but showed no removal of potassium. There was no significant difference in COD removal efficiency when the operating conditions of agitation speed are changed. Regarding to the increase in the agitation time, it reduces the efficiency of COD removal.
Biopolímero, Tratamento físico-químico, Floculação, Coagulação, Vinhaça, Coagulation, Flocculation, Physical chemical treatment, Biopolymer, Vinasse