Formação e gerência de redes de empresas de construção civil: sistematização de um modelo de atores e recursos para obras de edificações
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Mudanças significativas ocorridas no cenário político e econômico do país provocaram transformações expressivas no contexto da indústria da construção civil em geral e, em particular, no setor de edificações. Redes de cooperação entre empresas possuem um papel estratégico, pois permitem que as empresas participantes tenham acesso a tecnologias, informação, mercados e recursos, podendo aumentar seus conhecimentos, suas experiências e obterem economias de escala e escopo. Utilizando-se do referencial teórico em redes de cooperação, esse trabalho se baseia em um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório em sete obras de edificações em diferentes estágios de execução, com o objetivo de sistematizar um modelo que permita descrever os relacionamentos entre atores e recursos no canteiro de obras. A modelagem organizacional foi realizada com a metodologia enterprise knowledge development (EKD) para descrever esse relacionamento e a responsabilidade entre atores. O modelo gerado a partir dos dados coletados em campo quando compatibilizado com a programação operacional da obra permite esclarecer os momentos nos quais a rede é reconfigurada e avaliar as possíveis mudanças nos fatores de produção advindas dessa compatibilização.
Significant changes occurred on the country political and economical scenery caused expressive transformation in the context of civil construction industry, particularly in the building construction sector. Interorganizacional cooperation networks allows the participant enterprises to have access to new technologies, information, markets and resources, having the opportunity to develop their knowledge, experience and reach scale and scope economies. Considering the cooperation networks concept, this research is based on an exploratory case study in seven different building construction works, on different execution stages. The research objective is to introduce a model that allows describing the relationships between actors and resources in a construction site. The organizational modeling was performed with the enterprise knowledge development (EKD) methodology to expose this relationship and the responsibility between actors. The compatibilization between the model generated from the collected data on the case study with the building operational schedule allows explain the moments that occurs the network reconfiguration and assess the possible production factors changes that outcomes from this compatibilization.
Significant changes occurred on the country political and economical scenery caused expressive transformation in the context of civil construction industry, particularly in the building construction sector. Interorganizacional cooperation networks allows the participant enterprises to have access to new technologies, information, markets and resources, having the opportunity to develop their knowledge, experience and reach scale and scope economies. Considering the cooperation networks concept, this research is based on an exploratory case study in seven different building construction works, on different execution stages. The research objective is to introduce a model that allows describing the relationships between actors and resources in a construction site. The organizational modeling was performed with the enterprise knowledge development (EKD) methodology to expose this relationship and the responsibility between actors. The compatibilization between the model generated from the collected data on the case study with the building operational schedule allows explain the moments that occurs the network reconfiguration and assess the possible production factors changes that outcomes from this compatibilization.
Construção civil, EKD, Modelagem organizacional, Redes de cooperação, Civil construction, Cooperation networks, EKD, Organizational modeling