Hidrossolidariedade como princípio de gestão participativa de risco de inundações por associação de bacia
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Ao longo do século XXI, a cultura de solidariedade dentro de uma bacia hidrográfica é baseada em aspectos legais. No caso brasileiro, isto é legitimado pela Constituição Federal de 1988, artigo 225, caput, \"Todos têm direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, bem de uso comum do povo e essencial à sadia qualidade de vida, impondo-se ao Poder Público e à coletividade o dever de defendê-lo e preservá-lo para as presentes e futuras gerações\", e no artigo 3º que trata dos objetivos fundamentais da República Federativa do Brasil, entre eles, o inciso I que diz \"construir uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária\". Ainda neste contexto, o Código Civil Brasileiro, no artigo 265 menciona \"...a solidariedade não se presume; isto é, resulta da lei ou a vontade das partes...\". Também, visando uma gestão compartilhada, a Lei Federal 9.433/1997 cita no artigo 1º \"... a bacia hidrográfica é uma unidade territorial para políticas recursos hídricos... (V)\", e \"... a gestão dos recursos hídricos deve ser descentralizada e contar com a participação do Poder Público, dos usuários e das comunidades \"(VI). Desta forma, emerge o princípio de hidrossolidariedade destes contextos pré-mencionados nos cenários de discussão nacional e internacional. Esta pesquisa avaliou as limitações e os alcances do conceito de hidrossolidariedade, por meio da participação da comunidade nos problemas de drenagem urbana, com foco na gestão de risco de inundações. Embora a hidrossolidariedade seja um conceito pouco conhecido no Brasil, esta pesquisa estudou a viabilidade deste conceito com os atores sociais interessados em diferentes escalas espaciais da drenagem urbana: tanto na escala de lote domiciliar como na escala da bacia hidrográfica. A metodologia avaliou incentivos para os usuários da comunidade que aceitaram as ferramentas de hidrossolidariedade frente a problemas ambientais na gestão de inundações urbanas. Essas atitudes buscaram estimular a solidariedade e a responsabilidade cidadã na dimensão espaço-temporal. Em uma bacia estudada, os usuários participaram da criação de uma associação legalmente constituída por meio da metodologia explicada nesta pesquisa: \"Associação Amigos da Bacia do Tijuco Preto.\" Utilizou-se como ferramenta confirmatória entrevistas pessoais com usuários de duas bacias hidrográficas, Tijuco Preto e Gregório; analisaram-se dúvidas e realimentações de informações para propor e planejar a tomada de decisões no gerenciamento de recursos hídricos. Esta gestão foi caracterizada como participativa, compartilhada, integrada e continuada. Resultados da pesquisa apontaram que as partes possuem interesse e disponibilidade para desenvolver e compartilhar seu conhecimento sobre gestão de risco de inundação, bem como o espírito participativo e de solidariedade, para aplicação em sua comunidade com a finalidade de melhoria ambiental e bem estar do ser humano.
Throughout the XXI century, a culture of solidarity within a river basin is based on legal aspects. In Brazil, it is legitimated by the Federal Constitution of 1988, article 225, caput, \"Everybody is entitled to a ecologically-balanced environment, as well of common using by the people and essential to a healthy life quality, being imposed to the Public Power and the collective society the duty to defend it and to preserve it for the presents and future generations\". In the article 3 states about the fundamental objectives of the Federal Republic of Brazil, where in the item I says \"to build a free, just and solidarity society.\" Still in this context, the Brazilian Civil Code, in the article 265 mentions \"... the solidarity it is not presumed by itself; it is the result by law or by the willingness of the parties....\" Also, seeking a shared management, the Federal Law 9.433/1997 mention in the article 1 \"... the river basin is a territorial unit for water policies... (V)\", and \"... water resources should be decentralized and to count with the participation of the Public Power, of the users and of the communities\" (VI). Thus, the \"hydrosolidarity\" emerged from those fore-mentioned contexts at national and international arena. This research assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the concept of hydrosolidarity, thereby analyzing an application to urban drainage with community participation. Although hydrosolidarity is a concept not well known in Brazil, this research studied the feasibility of this concept with stakeholder and at different scales, either at the domiciliary lot or at the whole river basin scale. The methodology evaluated incentives for the community\'s users that accepted the tools of hydrosolidarity front to environmental problems in the management of urban floods. Those attitudes promoted stimuli toward citizenship solidarity and responsibility at spatiotemporal dimensions. Urban river basin users participated through the statements of the bylaws of a river basin association officially constituted through this research: the \"Association Friends of Tijuco Preto River Basin\". Through personal interviews to uses from two urban river basins, Tijuco Preto and Gregório, some doubts and feedbacks were surveyed in order to propose planning and decisionmaking on water management featured as participative, integrated and continuous. Results of the research depicted that social stakeholders had interests and willingness to develop and share their knowledge on flood risk management as well their participative solidarity to be applied into the community looking forward to achieving a higher environment and human well-being.
Throughout the XXI century, a culture of solidarity within a river basin is based on legal aspects. In Brazil, it is legitimated by the Federal Constitution of 1988, article 225, caput, \"Everybody is entitled to a ecologically-balanced environment, as well of common using by the people and essential to a healthy life quality, being imposed to the Public Power and the collective society the duty to defend it and to preserve it for the presents and future generations\". In the article 3 states about the fundamental objectives of the Federal Republic of Brazil, where in the item I says \"to build a free, just and solidarity society.\" Still in this context, the Brazilian Civil Code, in the article 265 mentions \"... the solidarity it is not presumed by itself; it is the result by law or by the willingness of the parties....\" Also, seeking a shared management, the Federal Law 9.433/1997 mention in the article 1 \"... the river basin is a territorial unit for water policies... (V)\", and \"... water resources should be decentralized and to count with the participation of the Public Power, of the users and of the communities\" (VI). Thus, the \"hydrosolidarity\" emerged from those fore-mentioned contexts at national and international arena. This research assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the concept of hydrosolidarity, thereby analyzing an application to urban drainage with community participation. Although hydrosolidarity is a concept not well known in Brazil, this research studied the feasibility of this concept with stakeholder and at different scales, either at the domiciliary lot or at the whole river basin scale. The methodology evaluated incentives for the community\'s users that accepted the tools of hydrosolidarity front to environmental problems in the management of urban floods. Those attitudes promoted stimuli toward citizenship solidarity and responsibility at spatiotemporal dimensions. Urban river basin users participated through the statements of the bylaws of a river basin association officially constituted through this research: the \"Association Friends of Tijuco Preto River Basin\". Through personal interviews to uses from two urban river basins, Tijuco Preto and Gregório, some doubts and feedbacks were surveyed in order to propose planning and decisionmaking on water management featured as participative, integrated and continuous. Results of the research depicted that social stakeholders had interests and willingness to develop and share their knowledge on flood risk management as well their participative solidarity to be applied into the community looking forward to achieving a higher environment and human well-being.
Associação de bacia hidrográfica, Gestão de risco de inundação, Hidrossolidariedade, Flood risk management, Hydrosolidarity, River basin association