Método expedito de análise de novos traçados de ferrovias para o transporte de cargas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os investimentos no setor ferroviário brasileiro desde o processo de privatização das ferrovias trouxeram um expressivo crescimento ao setor, evidenciado principalmente pelo aumento do volume de cargas transportadas. Entretanto, a capacidade de processamento dos trens tem sido comprometida pela imposição de limites operacionais de velocidades, decorrentes principalmente do aumento do desgaste da via permanente em função da intensificação do tráfego da malha ferroviária e das restrições das características geométricas da via construída no final do século XIX. Neste contexto e diante das perspectivas de crescimento do setor na próxima década, o objetivo desta dissertação é investigar a validade da hipótese de que a construção de uma nova via, com melhores padrões de projeto e maior capacidade no transporte de cargas, é uma alternativa mais atraente em relação à recuperação e modernização de uma ferrovia existente. O processo de investigação consiste em um método expedito de comparação de cenários através de um modelo de custos generalizado. Neste método, as características planimétricas da nova ferrovia são obtidas pela geração de um conjunto de vetores por inspeção visual no software Google Earth, posteriormente em uma plataforma de desenho assistido por computador (CAD). As características altimétricas da ferrovia são estabelecidas pela associação da geometria da via em planta com os dados altimétricos obtidos do modelo digital de terreno proposto pelo SRTM, através de um método computacional de cálculo dos gradientes da via. A partir dessas informações são estimados os volumes de movimentação de terra associados a cada cenário estabelecido. Como aplicação prática, apresenta-se a análise para um trecho de cerca de 200 km de um dos principais corredores de exportação do país entre as cidades de Santa Fé do Sul e São José do Rio Preto, no Estado de São Paulo, sob concessão da empresa América Latina Logística S.A. Os resultados da investigação permitem inferir que, apesar das limitações impostas pela técnica de modelagem utilizada, o custo total de implantação de uma nova ferrovia supera em apenas 4,3% o custo total de reforma e retificação do traçado antigo, mostrando-se como uma alternativa atraente do ponto de vista econômico, técnico e ambiental.
Investments in the Brazilian railway sector since the privatization of the railways brought a significant growth to the sector, notable primarily by the increase of cargo volume transported. However the processing capacity of the trains has been compromised by the restriction of operation speed limits, due mainly to the increased wear of the railway superstructure with the traffic increase and the geometric restriction of the track built in the late 90th century. In this context and given the sectors growth prospects over the next decade, the goal of this research is to investigate the validity of the hypothesis that the construction of a railroad with new improved design standards and greater capacity is a more attractive alternative than the repair and modernization of an existing railway. The research process consists of an expedite method of scenarios comparison through a generalized cost model. The planimetry features of the new railway are obtained by generating a set of vectors by visual inspection using the Google Earth software, which are fed into a computer aided design (CAD). The altimetry characteristics of track are set by the association of the horizontal track geometry platform with the elevation data obtained from the digital terrain model proposed by SRTM, using a computational method to calculate the gradient of the track. Earthwork volumes are calculated for each scenario based on this date. As a practical application, it presents an analysis of a segment of approximately 200 km between the cities of Santa Fé do Sul and São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, operated by America Latina Logística S.A. The results of research may imply that, despite the limitations imposed by the modeling technique show that, the total cost of deployment of a new railway exceeds in only 4,3% the total cost of rectification and reform of the old track, and therefore constitutes an attractive alternative from the economical, technical and environmental point of view.
Investments in the Brazilian railway sector since the privatization of the railways brought a significant growth to the sector, notable primarily by the increase of cargo volume transported. However the processing capacity of the trains has been compromised by the restriction of operation speed limits, due mainly to the increased wear of the railway superstructure with the traffic increase and the geometric restriction of the track built in the late 90th century. In this context and given the sectors growth prospects over the next decade, the goal of this research is to investigate the validity of the hypothesis that the construction of a railroad with new improved design standards and greater capacity is a more attractive alternative than the repair and modernization of an existing railway. The research process consists of an expedite method of scenarios comparison through a generalized cost model. The planimetry features of the new railway are obtained by generating a set of vectors by visual inspection using the Google Earth software, which are fed into a computer aided design (CAD). The altimetry characteristics of track are set by the association of the horizontal track geometry platform with the elevation data obtained from the digital terrain model proposed by SRTM, using a computational method to calculate the gradient of the track. Earthwork volumes are calculated for each scenario based on this date. As a practical application, it presents an analysis of a segment of approximately 200 km between the cities of Santa Fé do Sul and São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, operated by America Latina Logística S.A. The results of research may imply that, despite the limitations imposed by the modeling technique show that, the total cost of deployment of a new railway exceeds in only 4,3% the total cost of rectification and reform of the old track, and therefore constitutes an attractive alternative from the economical, technical and environmental point of view.
Capacidade ferroviária, SRTM, Transporte ferroviário, Modelo de custos generalizado, Ferrovias, Rail, General cost model, Railway capacity, SRTM, Railway