Utilização do esboço para recuperação de imagens de faces humanas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No segmento criminal, uma ferramenta digital capaz de comparar informações sobre suspeitos criminais, restringindo a lista de potenciais criminosos, representa um grande avanço tecnológico. O desafio é conseguir recuperar imagens similares em banco de dados a partir do retrato falado de um suspeito, sendo assim possível localizar as imagens de criminosos no banco de faces da polícia. A importância desse desafio deve-se ao fato que na maioria dos casos, o retrato falado gerado, a partir da descrição verbal de testemunhas é o ponto de partida para o desfecho de muitas investigações. Em vista disto, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um sistema computacional capaz de buscar imagens de faces humanas de um banco de faces através dos esboços das imagens de face, a partir de um retrato falado. Foram feitos retratos falados para comparar com os esboços das imagens das faces humanas presentes em banco de dados e foram recuperadas as mais semelhantes. Na metodologia proposta, as imagens de face passam por um processamento chamado Misturograma, que resulta no esboço da imagem de face, que é utilizado para se comparar com os retratos falados obtidos. O algoritmo proposto usa distância Euclidiana para comparação de semelhança e wavelets de Haar como descritor das imagens. Foram utilizadas as métricas estatísticas de avaliação de desempenho: Recall X Precision e Cumulative Match Score. A metodologia proposta obteve uma precisão de 95% de acertos nas buscas realizadas em Cross Validation, dessa forma mostra-se um método viável para recuperação de imagens a partir de retratos falados.
In the criminal segment, a digital tool able to compare information on criminal suspects, restricting the list of potential criminals, represents a major technological breakthrough. The challenge is to retrieve similar images in the database and thus from the sketch of a suspect you can find images of criminals in the police faces database. The importance of this challenge is due to the fact that in most cases, the sketch generated from the verbal description of witnesses is the starting point for the outcome of many investigations. In view of this, this paper aims to develop a computer system able to search for images of human faces from a database of faces using face images of outlines from a sketch. Sketches were made to compare with the outlines of the images of human faces present in the database and the most similar were retrieved. In the proposed methodology, the face images go through a process called Misturograma, resulting in the outlines of the face image, which is used to compare the obtained sketches. The proposed algorithm uses Euclidean distance to compare the similarity and Haar wavelets as a descriptor of the images. We used the statistical metrics for performance evaluation: Recall X Precision and Cumulative Match Score. The proposed method achieved an accuracy of 95% in carried out searches in Cross Validation thus proves to be a viable method for recovering images from sketches.
In the criminal segment, a digital tool able to compare information on criminal suspects, restricting the list of potential criminals, represents a major technological breakthrough. The challenge is to retrieve similar images in the database and thus from the sketch of a suspect you can find images of criminals in the police faces database. The importance of this challenge is due to the fact that in most cases, the sketch generated from the verbal description of witnesses is the starting point for the outcome of many investigations. In view of this, this paper aims to develop a computer system able to search for images of human faces from a database of faces using face images of outlines from a sketch. Sketches were made to compare with the outlines of the images of human faces present in the database and the most similar were retrieved. In the proposed methodology, the face images go through a process called Misturograma, resulting in the outlines of the face image, which is used to compare the obtained sketches. The proposed algorithm uses Euclidean distance to compare the similarity and Haar wavelets as a descriptor of the images. We used the statistical metrics for performance evaluation: Recall X Precision and Cumulative Match Score. The proposed method achieved an accuracy of 95% in carried out searches in Cross Validation thus proves to be a viable method for recovering images from sketches.
Misturograma, Processamento de imagens de faces humanas, Retrato falado, Human faces images processing, Misturograma, Sketch (Spoken portrait)