Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma para testes de controladores, em arquitetura de controle hardware in the loop, utilizando um hardware eletrônico externo e um software de simulação de voo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Essa dissertação tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma para testes de controladores de voo. Tal plataforma consiste em um hardware executando algoritmos de controle e atuando numa aeronave simulada em software de simulação de voo. O software de simulação escolhido, baseado na experiência prática de pilotos profissionais, foi o Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS), para o qual desenvolveu-se o modelo gráfico e dinâmico do quadricóptero AscTec Pelican. A comunicação entre o MSFS e o hardware é feita pela interface USB através do software FVMS v2.0 desenvolvido em ambiente DELPHI® 7.0 exclusivamente para este trabalho. O FVMS é capaz de ler o estado das variáveis de voo no MSFS, enviá-las para o hardware externo executar o controle, receber os sinais de controle de volta e utilizá-los no MSFS. O projeto e execução do hardware externo com controlador dsPIC também foi realizado neste mesmo trabalho. A título de avaliação de desempenho, também foi implementado um controlador robusto do tipo H∞ linear, desenvolvido pela equipe ART (Aerial Robots Team) da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. O mesmo controlador também foi aplicado na arquitetura software in the loop, na qual o controle é executado dentro do próprio FVMS, para comparação de desempenho entre os dois sistemas. Ao término do trabalho, as características de desempenho do sistema como um todo ficam bem evidenciadas através dos testes de estabilidade com e sem distúrbios executados em ambas arquiteturas de controle.
This dissertation aims to develop a platform for flight controllers tests. It platform consists of an electronic hardware where the control\'s algorithms will be executed and a virtual aircraft is simulated in flight simulation software. The chosen simulation software, based on practical experience of professional pilots, was Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). The graphic and dynamic model of quadrotor AscTec Pelican was developed to perform inside the software. The communication between the MSFS and the hardware is made by USB interface through FVMS v2.0 software developed in DELPHI® 7.0 environment, exclusively for this work. The FVMS can read the status of the flight variables in MSFS, send them to the external hardware, receive control signals back and write them in MSFS. The design and implementation of external hardware with dsPIC controller was also developed ons ame work. For performance evaluation of the system, it was also implemented a robust linear H∞ controller, developed by ART team (Aerial Robots Team) of the School of Engineering of São Carlos. The same controller was also applied using software in the loop architecture, in which the control is performed inside FVMS, to compare performance between the two architectures. In the end of the work, the performance characteristics of the systems were well evidenced by the stability tests carried out with and without disturbances in both control architectures.
This dissertation aims to develop a platform for flight controllers tests. It platform consists of an electronic hardware where the control\'s algorithms will be executed and a virtual aircraft is simulated in flight simulation software. The chosen simulation software, based on practical experience of professional pilots, was Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). The graphic and dynamic model of quadrotor AscTec Pelican was developed to perform inside the software. The communication between the MSFS and the hardware is made by USB interface through FVMS v2.0 software developed in DELPHI® 7.0 environment, exclusively for this work. The FVMS can read the status of the flight variables in MSFS, send them to the external hardware, receive control signals back and write them in MSFS. The design and implementation of external hardware with dsPIC controller was also developed ons ame work. For performance evaluation of the system, it was also implemented a robust linear H∞ controller, developed by ART team (Aerial Robots Team) of the School of Engineering of São Carlos. The same controller was also applied using software in the loop architecture, in which the control is performed inside FVMS, to compare performance between the two architectures. In the end of the work, the performance characteristics of the systems were well evidenced by the stability tests carried out with and without disturbances in both control architectures.
Hardware in the loop, Software in the loop, Controle H∞, Sistema microprocessado, Embedded systems, H∞ control, Hardware in the loop, Software in the loop