Estudo da influência do uso de fibras de aço e de estribos no comportamento da ancoragem de barras
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O comportamento estrutural do concreto armado depende da união entre o concreto e a armadura. Esta união se estabelece por meio da aderência, que funciona como um mecanismo de transferência de tensões e garante a compatibilidade de deformações entre a armadura e o concreto. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos da adição de fibras de aço e armadura transversal no comportamento da ancoragem. A investigação experimental foi feita por meio de dois tipos de ensaio de arrancamento de barras, sendo eles o modelo-padrão do RILEM-CEB-FIP e modelo proposto pelo autor, este considerando barras de pontas retas e com ganchos de 90º. Todos os modelos utilizaram comprimento aderente igual a cinco vezes o diâmetro da barra. As armaduras longitudinais eram compostas por barras de 10 mm e 16 mm e a resistência à compressão média do concreto era igual a 50 MPa no dia do ensaio. Foram utilizadas fibras de aço com ganchos nas extremidades, com relação de aspecto igual a 65, comprimento igual a 35 mm e fração volumétrica de 2% (157 Kg/m³). Também foram realizadas comparações com modelos teóricos, analisados através do estudo de bibliografias existentes e das normas NBR 6118:2003 e ACI-318-08. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que os estribos e as fibras exercem influência significativa na resistência ao fendilhamento do concreto. Observou-se ainda que, para os corpos de prova com barras de aço de 10 mm e 16 mm com pontas retas, as fibras estudadas exerceram pequena influência na resistência ao arrancamento.
The structural behavior of reinforced concrete depends on connection behavior of concrete and steel. This union is established by means of bond, which serves as a mechanism to transfer forces and ensure the compatibility of deformation between the reinforcement and the concrete. This research aims investigating the effects of the use of steel fibers and stirrups on the behavior of the anchorage. An experimental investigation was carried out by means of pull-out tests according to the RILEM-CEB-FIP standard model and pull-out tests of straight and with 90º hooked bars, with a bonded length of five times the bar diameter. The longitudinal reinforcement bars were of 10 mm and 16 mm and concrete compressive strength was 50 MPa at the day of test. Steel fibers with hooked ends, aspect ratio of 65, and length of 35 mm and volumetric fraction of 2% (157 kg /m³) were used. Comparisons with theoretical models, analyzed through the literature review and recommendations of NBR 6118:2003 and ACI-318-08 were also performed. The experimental results showed that the stirrups and the fibers have significant influence on the cracking of the concrete. It was also observed that, for the specimens with steel bars of 10 mm and 16 mm with straight anchorage, the fibers had small influence on the pull-out resistance.
The structural behavior of reinforced concrete depends on connection behavior of concrete and steel. This union is established by means of bond, which serves as a mechanism to transfer forces and ensure the compatibility of deformation between the reinforcement and the concrete. This research aims investigating the effects of the use of steel fibers and stirrups on the behavior of the anchorage. An experimental investigation was carried out by means of pull-out tests according to the RILEM-CEB-FIP standard model and pull-out tests of straight and with 90º hooked bars, with a bonded length of five times the bar diameter. The longitudinal reinforcement bars were of 10 mm and 16 mm and concrete compressive strength was 50 MPa at the day of test. Steel fibers with hooked ends, aspect ratio of 65, and length of 35 mm and volumetric fraction of 2% (157 kg /m³) were used. Comparisons with theoretical models, analyzed through the literature review and recommendations of NBR 6118:2003 and ACI-318-08 were also performed. The experimental results showed that the stirrups and the fibers have significant influence on the cracking of the concrete. It was also observed that, for the specimens with steel bars of 10 mm and 16 mm with straight anchorage, the fibers had small influence on the pull-out resistance.
Aderência, Ancoragem, Ensaio de arrancamento, Fibras, Anchorage, Bond, Fibers, Pull-out test