Avaliação da recirculação da fase líquida e do regime de alimentação no reator anaeróbio, em escala piloto, operado em bateladas seqüenciais contendo biomassa imobilizada (ASBBR), no tratamento de esgoto sanitário
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Avaliou-se a influência da recirculação da fase líquida e do regime de alimentação em reator anaeróbio no tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Utilizou-se um reator anaeróbio operado em bateladas seqüenciais, contendo biomassa imobilizada (ASBBR), em escala piloto, com volume total de 1,2 \'M POT.3\' (\'fi\' 1,0 m e altura 1,53 m). O leito suporte para a imobilização da biomassa era constituído por matrizes cúbicas de espuma de poliuretano, com 5 cm de aresta, confinadas em cesto de aço inox 304, colocado no interior do reator. A influência da recirculação da fase líquida sobre o desempenho do ASBBR quanto à remoção de matéria orgânica e quanto ao arraste de sólidos foi avaliada submetendo-se o reator às velocidades ascensionais de 1,27; 3,82; 7,64 e 10,18 m/h resultantes das diferentes vazões de recirculação impostas. Contrariamente ao observado em pesquisas anteriores em reatores operados em escala de bancada e alimentados com água residuária sintética, não houve aumento significativo da eficiência do reator com o aumento da velocidade ascensional no tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A influência do regime de alimentação de esgoto sanitário no desempenho do ASBBR foi avaliada submetendo-se o reator a tempos de enchimento correspondentes a 0,25 e 0,5 do tempo total de ciclo, utilizando-se a vazão de recirculação de 6 \'M POT.3\'/h, que foi a que apresentou os melhores resultados nos ensaios anteriores. Concluiu-se que o reator pode ser operado sob batelada alimentada com duração de até 0,5 tempo de ciclo, sem que seu desempenho seja significativamente alterado. Esse resultado é importante, pois representa que o sistema de tratamento composto por reatores ASBBR pode ser projetado com número menor de reatores. A fim de esclarecer dúvidas sobre o desempenho do ASBBR observado no tratamento de água residuária de composição complexa (esgoto sanitário), o reator foi alimentado com água residuária facilmente degradável (etanol). O desempenho do reator foi aquém do esperado, mesmo quando alimentado com composto de fácil degradação. Os ensaios de atividade metanogênica específica (AME) demonstraram que houve decréscimo dos valores de AME com o aumento da velocidade ascensional. Os valores obtidos foram 0,0632; 0,0509; 0,0248 e 0,0299 g DQO-CH4/(g STV.d), respectivamente, para os valores de Va de 1,27; 3,82; 7,64 e 10,19 m/h. Concluiu-se que a baixa eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica deveu-se ao abaixamento progressivo da atividade metanogênica do lodo, cujas causas não puderam ser completamente esclarecidas nesta pesquisa.
The influence of the liquid phase recirculation and the feeding regimen on the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass (ASBBR) applied for the treatment of domestic sewage was evaluated. Biomass immobilization was provided by a basket containing cubic polyurethane foam matrices (5 cm side) inside the 1.2 \'M POT.3\' (1.0 m diameter and 1.53 m height) pilot-scale reactor. The influence of the liquid phase recirculation on the reactor performance in respect to organic matter and solids wash-out was verified by subjecting the reactor to a wide range of up flow velocities (1.27; 3.82; 7.64 and 10.18 m/h) resulting from different recirculation flow rates imposed. The increase of the up flow velocity did not increase the efficiency of the pilot reactor as expected. This result contradicts those obtained with bench-scale ASBBR experiments treating synthetic wastewaters. The influence of the feeding regimen was verified by subjecting the reactor to feeding times correspondent to 0.25 and 0.50 of the total cycle time, at the recirculation flow rate of 6 \'M POT.3\'/h. It could be concluded that the reactor can be operated at the feeding batch mode up to 0.5 of the cycle time. This result is important for full scale applications considering that a treatment system composed of ASBBR reactors can be designed using a lower number of units. In order to clear some aspects related to the limited performance of the ASBBR reactor treating a complex wastewater (sewage), the reactor was subjected to an easily degradable wastewater (ethanol). However, the performance was not improved even when the reactor was treating an easily degradable compound. The results from the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) demonstrated a decrease on the values of SMA with the increase of the up flow velocity. The values of SMA were 0.0632; 0.0509; 0.0248 and 0.0299 g DQO-CH4/(g STV.d) for the Va of 1.27; 3.82; 7.64 and 10.19 m/h respectively. It could be concluded that the low efficiency obtained for organic matter removal was due mainly to the progressive decrease of the sludge methanogenic activity. The causes for that behaviour could not be completely explained in this research. It could be concluded that the reactor performance was iv clearly limited by the low productivity of the methanogenic populations present in the biomass.
The influence of the liquid phase recirculation and the feeding regimen on the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass (ASBBR) applied for the treatment of domestic sewage was evaluated. Biomass immobilization was provided by a basket containing cubic polyurethane foam matrices (5 cm side) inside the 1.2 \'M POT.3\' (1.0 m diameter and 1.53 m height) pilot-scale reactor. The influence of the liquid phase recirculation on the reactor performance in respect to organic matter and solids wash-out was verified by subjecting the reactor to a wide range of up flow velocities (1.27; 3.82; 7.64 and 10.18 m/h) resulting from different recirculation flow rates imposed. The increase of the up flow velocity did not increase the efficiency of the pilot reactor as expected. This result contradicts those obtained with bench-scale ASBBR experiments treating synthetic wastewaters. The influence of the feeding regimen was verified by subjecting the reactor to feeding times correspondent to 0.25 and 0.50 of the total cycle time, at the recirculation flow rate of 6 \'M POT.3\'/h. It could be concluded that the reactor can be operated at the feeding batch mode up to 0.5 of the cycle time. This result is important for full scale applications considering that a treatment system composed of ASBBR reactors can be designed using a lower number of units. In order to clear some aspects related to the limited performance of the ASBBR reactor treating a complex wastewater (sewage), the reactor was subjected to an easily degradable wastewater (ethanol). However, the performance was not improved even when the reactor was treating an easily degradable compound. The results from the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) demonstrated a decrease on the values of SMA with the increase of the up flow velocity. The values of SMA were 0.0632; 0.0509; 0.0248 and 0.0299 g DQO-CH4/(g STV.d) for the Va of 1.27; 3.82; 7.64 and 10.19 m/h respectively. It could be concluded that the low efficiency obtained for organic matter removal was due mainly to the progressive decrease of the sludge methanogenic activity. The causes for that behaviour could not be completely explained in this research. It could be concluded that the reactor performance was iv clearly limited by the low productivity of the methanogenic populations present in the biomass.
Agitação, Tratamento de águas residuárias, Reator anaeróbio seqüencial em batelada, Forma de alimentação, Espuma de poliuretano, Esgoto sanitário, Biomassa imobilizada, Atividade metanogênica específica, ASBBR, Wastewater, Anaerobic sequential batch reactor, Specific methanogenic activity, ASBBR, Polyurethane foam, Mixing, Immobilized biomass, Feeding protocol, Wastewater treatment