Instrumento para mensurar presença social em curso de graduação ofertado na modalidade a distância
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A Educação a Distância tem crescido de forma muito expressiva nos últimos anos. Com esse crescimento, a preocupação com a qualidade em cursos ofertados nessa modalidade tem aumentado. Para nortear gestores sobre o que é qualidade nessa modalidade de ensino, referenciais de qualidade foram criados pelo Ministério da Educação, objetivando orientá-los na concepção e na condução dos seus cursos. Um dos fatores abordado nesse referencial de qualidade se trata de que o estudante deve ser o centro do processo educacional, no qual os cursos devem prever vias efetivas de comunicação para que o estudante não se sinta isolado e consequentemente venha a abandoná-lo, diminuindo os índices de retenção dos estudantes e aumentando os índices de evasão. Portanto, o tema presença social, que é a forma com que o estudante se sente pertencente ao seu curso, contribui para o aumento da qualidade do mesmo. Diante disso, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema e seus benefícios para essa modalidade de ensino. Também foram apresentadas estratégias que podem ser utilizadas para fomentar a presença social, no que tange o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem quanto aos professores/tutores e estudantes. Porém, para que a presença social seja detectada é necessário que se tenha um instrumento válido e confiável. Diante disso, foram pesquisados instrumentos existentes que pudessem contribuir para atingir o objetivo desta pesquisa. Na pesquisa foi encontrado um instrumento validado num contexto educacional que se mostrou importante para esta pesquisa. Esse instrumento, para ser validado no contexto em que a pesquisa foi realizada, passou por tradução, consulta a especialistas e pré-teste, antes da sua aplicação. Posteriormente, o instrumento foi aplicado para estudantes de um curso de graduação de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior particular e para seus professores/tutores. Para verificar a confiabilidade do construto, foi utilizado o alfa de Cronbach e para a validade do construto foi utilizada a análise fatorial. As análises dos dados mostraram que o instrumento, resultado desta pesquisa, é confiável e válido, podendo contribuir efetivamente para mensurar presença social em cursos de graduação a distância e contribuir com estratégias para melhorar ações nos cursos.
Distance education has increased quite significantly in recent years and this growth has in turn heightened concern about the quality of courses offered in this mode. To guide course managers on what is quality in this type of education, quality guidelines were created by Brazils Ministry of Education in order to guide them in the design and conduction of their courses. One of the factors discussed in this quality referential regards that the student should be the center of the educational process. This means that the courses should provide effective means of communication so that the student does not feel isolated and as a result abandon the course, thereby decreasing students retention rates and increasing dropout rates. Therefore, the theme social presence, which is the way for a student to feel he belongs to his course, contributes to increasing the quality of the course. Therefore, a literature review was conducted on the subject and its benefits to this type of education. Additionally, strategies that can be used to foster social presence were presented both in terms of the virtual learning environment as well as teachers/tutors and students. However, for social presence to be detected it is necessary to have a valid and reliable instrument. Therefore, the existing instruments that could help achieve the goal of this research were investigated and an instrument validated in an educational context was found, which was vital for this research. For this instrument to be validated in the context in which the research was conducted, prior to its application, it was translated and experts were consulted and pre-test were performed. The instrument was then administered to undergraduate students in a private Higher Education Institution as well as to their teachers/tutors. Cronbach\'s alpha was used to verify the construct reliability and the factor analysis was used to verify the construct validity. The data analysis showed that the instrument, the result of this research, is reliable and valid and can effectively contribute to measure social presence in undergraduate distance courses as well as contribute with strategies to improve course activities.
Distance education has increased quite significantly in recent years and this growth has in turn heightened concern about the quality of courses offered in this mode. To guide course managers on what is quality in this type of education, quality guidelines were created by Brazils Ministry of Education in order to guide them in the design and conduction of their courses. One of the factors discussed in this quality referential regards that the student should be the center of the educational process. This means that the courses should provide effective means of communication so that the student does not feel isolated and as a result abandon the course, thereby decreasing students retention rates and increasing dropout rates. Therefore, the theme social presence, which is the way for a student to feel he belongs to his course, contributes to increasing the quality of the course. Therefore, a literature review was conducted on the subject and its benefits to this type of education. Additionally, strategies that can be used to foster social presence were presented both in terms of the virtual learning environment as well as teachers/tutors and students. However, for social presence to be detected it is necessary to have a valid and reliable instrument. Therefore, the existing instruments that could help achieve the goal of this research were investigated and an instrument validated in an educational context was found, which was vital for this research. For this instrument to be validated in the context in which the research was conducted, prior to its application, it was translated and experts were consulted and pre-test were performed. The instrument was then administered to undergraduate students in a private Higher Education Institution as well as to their teachers/tutors. Cronbach\'s alpha was used to verify the construct reliability and the factor analysis was used to verify the construct validity. The data analysis showed that the instrument, the result of this research, is reliable and valid and can effectively contribute to measure social presence in undergraduate distance courses as well as contribute with strategies to improve course activities.
Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, Educação a distância, Presença social, Retenção, Distance education, Retention, Social presence, Virtual learning environment