Análise teórica e experimental de vigas em alvenaria estrutural submetidas à flexão simples
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Em projetos de alvenaria estrutural é indispensável à verificação de elementos submetidos à flexão simples, como vigas, vergas, reservatórios e muros de arrimos. Neste trabalho foram analisados oito grupos de vigas, compostos por três exemplares cada um, diferenciando seu comprimento, altura, tipo da unidade (blocos de concreto e blocos cerâmicos) e taxa de armadura. Os traços de graute e argamassa foram mantidos. As vigas e as armaduras longitudinais foram instrumentadas para obtenção dos deslocamentos e deformações. A finalidade do trabalho foi realizar uma comparação dos resultados obtidos através de ensaios experimentais com os dimensionamentos propostos pelas normas ABNT NBR 15812-1:2010 e NBR 15961-1:2011. Foi possível observar que o dimensionamento proposto pelas normas é conservador, pois limita o comportamento à flexão das vigas em cargas baixas quando comparados com experimentais. Já com a retirada dos coeficientes de segurança pode ocorrer, em alguns casos, que a carga teórica prevista seja maior que a dos resultados experimentais. A formulação adaptada da NBR 6118:2007 para obter valores de deslocamentos apresentou uma boa correlação para as vigas de uma fiada. Já para as vigas de duas fiadas observou-se uma pior correlação entre valores teóricos e experimentais, sendo os deslocamentos teóricos menores que os valores medidos experimentalmente.
In structural masonry projects is essential to verify elements subjected to simple bending, such as beams, lintels, water tanks and retaining walls. In this study, an experimental parametric analysis was conducted. Eight groups of beams composed by three specimens were tested and the parameters varied were: length, height, unit type (concrete blocks and ceramic blocks) and reinforcement ratio. The proportion of grout and the mortar were fixed. The beams and longitudinal bars were instrumented to obtain the displacements and strains. The purpose of this study was to compare the results obtained through experimental analysis with the proposed methods presented on ABNT NBR 15812-1:2010 and NBR 15961-1:2011. In the comparison was observed that the proposed design method is conservative, due to the limit load obtained by the code prescriptions was lower than the experimental results. In some cases, the theoretical load results were greater than experimental results when the safety factors were removed. The adapted formulation of the NBR 6118:2007, to obtain displacement values, showed a good correlation to the beams of one row. Regarding to beams with two rows, the correlation between experimental and theoretical values was not suitable, the theoretical displacements presented smaller than the values measured in the tests.
In structural masonry projects is essential to verify elements subjected to simple bending, such as beams, lintels, water tanks and retaining walls. In this study, an experimental parametric analysis was conducted. Eight groups of beams composed by three specimens were tested and the parameters varied were: length, height, unit type (concrete blocks and ceramic blocks) and reinforcement ratio. The proportion of grout and the mortar were fixed. The beams and longitudinal bars were instrumented to obtain the displacements and strains. The purpose of this study was to compare the results obtained through experimental analysis with the proposed methods presented on ABNT NBR 15812-1:2010 and NBR 15961-1:2011. In the comparison was observed that the proposed design method is conservative, due to the limit load obtained by the code prescriptions was lower than the experimental results. In some cases, the theoretical load results were greater than experimental results when the safety factors were removed. The adapted formulation of the NBR 6118:2007, to obtain displacement values, showed a good correlation to the beams of one row. Regarding to beams with two rows, the correlation between experimental and theoretical values was not suitable, the theoretical displacements presented smaller than the values measured in the tests.
Alvenaria estrutural, Flexão simples, Vigas, Beams, Simple bending, Structural masonry