Branchiura sowerbyi (Oligochaeta, Naididae) como espécie-teste em bioensaios ecotoxicológicos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Estudos com oligoquetas aquáticos aplicados à ecotoxicologia são quase inexistentes no Brasil, embora diversas agências reguladoras já tenham demonstrado interesse na inclusão da espécie Branchiura sowerbyi (Oligochaeta, Naididae) em protocolos de monitoramento de ambientes aquáticos tropicais. Com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento sobre o potencial de utilização desta espécie em ensaios ecotoxicológicos, efetuou-se ampla revisão bibliográfica entre 1950 e 2012, verificando-se discrepâncias metodológicas, o uso quase exclusivo da matriz água e a inserção da turfa como fonte de matéria orgânica nos testes com sedimento artificial, recomendado como forma de reduzir a diferença entre os diversos tipos de sedimento avaliados. A partir desta revisão, bioensaios de toxicidade com sedimento natural e artificial (SAT, com a fibra de coco em substituição à turfa) foram realizados para avaliar a sobrevivência, crescimento e reprodução de B. sowerbyi. Posteriormente, testes de toxicidade aguda e crônica (incluindo a bioacumulação) foram realizados com B. sowerbyi eTubifex tubifex (espécie com uso padronizado) para avaliar os efeitos dos metais arsênio e zinco. Pelos resultados obtidos verifica-se que a reprodução e taxa de crescimento de B. sowerbyi, quando mantida em SAT (número de casulo: 2 ± 0,01; taxa de crescimento diário: - 0,44 ± 0,24%), foram inferiores (p < 0,05) em relação ao sedimento natural (número de casulos: 19,00 ± 6,24; taxa de crescimento diário: 0,35 ± 0,24%), demonstrando que o sedimento natural é mais favorável ao cultivo da espécie. Nos testes com metais, B. sowerbyi aparentou ser mais sensível ao arsênio e ao zinco, do que a espécie Tubifex tubifex, com valores de CL50 e CE50 inferiores aos observados para T. tubifex (CL50(96h): 297 ± 24,50 μmolAs·L-1 e 14,89 ± 1,01 μmolZn·L-1 para B. sowerbyi, contra > 1577,43 μmolAs·L-1 e 132,51 ± 12,95 μmolZn·L-1 para T. tubifex e CL50(14d): 4,28 ± 0,03 e 9,72 ± 0,38 μmolAs·g-1 para B. sowerbyi e T. tubifex, respectivamente). A partir da análise das metodologias utilizadas para as duas espécies e daquelas sugeridas em trabalhos publicados com B. sowerbyi, elaborou-se um protocolo para realização de bioensaios com a espécie B. sowerbyi em condições tropicais.
Aquatic oligochaetes studies applied to ecotoxicology are rare in Brazil, although several regulatory agencies had shown interest in the inclusion of the species B. sowerbyi (Oligochaeta, Naididae) in the tropical aquatic ecosystems monitoring. Aiming to increase the knowledge about the potential use of this species on ecotoxicological bioassays, an extensive literature review from 1950 to 2012 was performed, verifying methodological discrepancies; the majority use of the water sample and the insertion of peat as a source of organic matter on the bioassays with artificial sediment, which it is recommended to reduce the difference between the sediment samples that were collected from different places. From this review, toxicity bioassays with natural and artificial sediments (SAT, with coir instead of peat) were made to evaluate the survival, growth and reproduction of B. sowerbyi. After that, acute and chronic bioassays were made with B. sowerbyi and Tubifex tubifex (a standardized species) to evaluate the effects of arsenic and zinc. The results showed that the reproduction and growth rate of B. sowerbyi, kept in SAT (number of cocoons: 2 ± 0.01; daily growth rate: - 0.44 ± 0.24%), were smaller (p < 0.05) compared to the natural sediment (number of cocoons: 19.00 ± 6.24; diary growth rate: 0.35 ± 0.24%), showing that the natural sediment is more favorable to the cultivation of this species. In the bioassays with metals, B. sowerbyi appeared to be more sensible to arsenic and zinc than T. tubifex (CL50(96h): 297 ± 24.50 μmolAs·L-1 and 14.89 ± 1.01 μmolZn·L-1 to B. sowerbyi, against > 1577.43 μmolAs·L-1 and 132.51 ± 12.95 μmolZn·L-1 to T. tubifex and CL50(14d): 4.28 ± 0.03 and 9.72 ± 0.38 μmolAs·g-1 to B. sowerbyi and T. tubifex, respectively). From the analysis of the methodological approaches from the two species and from those suggested by other studies with B. sowerbyi, a bioassay protocol for the species B. sowerbyi was elaborated.
Aquatic oligochaetes studies applied to ecotoxicology are rare in Brazil, although several regulatory agencies had shown interest in the inclusion of the species B. sowerbyi (Oligochaeta, Naididae) in the tropical aquatic ecosystems monitoring. Aiming to increase the knowledge about the potential use of this species on ecotoxicological bioassays, an extensive literature review from 1950 to 2012 was performed, verifying methodological discrepancies; the majority use of the water sample and the insertion of peat as a source of organic matter on the bioassays with artificial sediment, which it is recommended to reduce the difference between the sediment samples that were collected from different places. From this review, toxicity bioassays with natural and artificial sediments (SAT, with coir instead of peat) were made to evaluate the survival, growth and reproduction of B. sowerbyi. After that, acute and chronic bioassays were made with B. sowerbyi and Tubifex tubifex (a standardized species) to evaluate the effects of arsenic and zinc. The results showed that the reproduction and growth rate of B. sowerbyi, kept in SAT (number of cocoons: 2 ± 0.01; daily growth rate: - 0.44 ± 0.24%), were smaller (p < 0.05) compared to the natural sediment (number of cocoons: 19.00 ± 6.24; diary growth rate: 0.35 ± 0.24%), showing that the natural sediment is more favorable to the cultivation of this species. In the bioassays with metals, B. sowerbyi appeared to be more sensible to arsenic and zinc than T. tubifex (CL50(96h): 297 ± 24.50 μmolAs·L-1 and 14.89 ± 1.01 μmolZn·L-1 to B. sowerbyi, against > 1577.43 μmolAs·L-1 and 132.51 ± 12.95 μmolZn·L-1 to T. tubifex and CL50(14d): 4.28 ± 0.03 and 9.72 ± 0.38 μmolAs·g-1 to B. sowerbyi and T. tubifex, respectively). From the analysis of the methodological approaches from the two species and from those suggested by other studies with B. sowerbyi, a bioassay protocol for the species B. sowerbyi was elaborated.
Zinco, Tubifex tubifex, Arsênio, Sedimento artificial, Bioacumulação, Zinc, Bioaccumulation, Artificial sediment, Arsenic, Tubifex tubifex