Capital social na rede colaborativa de pesquisa do café no Brasil
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Pesquisadores de diversos campos do conhecimento têm investigado o arranjo em redes, na medida em que essa forma de governança se consolida como opção estratégica de número crescente de organizações em diferentes ambientes, submetidas à égide da competitividade e ao isomorfismo institucional. Uma das faces desse fenômeno é a erupção das redes colaborativas de pesquisas, também no Brasil, a partir da segunda metade da década passada. A presente investigação tomou como objeto de estudo a rede subjacente ao Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café com o objetivo de aferir o poder explicativo e preditivo do construto do capital social, de larga aceitação na teoria de redes partindo da construção de um modelo dito aplicativo, que se pretende testável e passível de conferir relações substantivas à teorização, capaz inclusive de permitir o confronto de seus achados com tentativas semelhantes de outros acadêmicos. O estudo contou com duas fases. A primeira fase foi prospectiva e se deu pela imersão nas transcrições de 39 entrevistas, na observação participante em eventos patrocinados pelo Consórcio e na análise documental de material atinente à pesquisa. A segunda fase utilizou-se das análises sociométrica e multivariada para examinar os dados: (1) da rede de co-autoria de 1495 artigos publicados em anais de Simpósios e de Congressos, (2) de 889 pesquisas (subprojetos) financiadas pelo Consórcio e (3) de uma survey aplicada ao universo de 397 líderes desses subprojetos que envolveram mais de 50 entidades (institutos, universidades, empresas). Assumindo seu caráter hipotético-dedutivo, predominantemente quantitativo e com fins descritivos e explicativos, o estudo resultou em uma contribuição para o entendimento do Consórcio e das estratégias de ligação entre pessoas e entidades dentro de uma rede colaborativa de pesquisa, comprovando-se a viabilidade de seu modelo de capital social. Além de suprir uma descrição sociométrica do objeto de estudo, a pesquisa encontrou uma relação positiva entre prestígio, participação em órgãos do Consórcio e participação em projetos com o volume de recursos amealhado pelo pesquisador no que se constituiria em um efeito do capital social, que, no entanto, não se demonstrou eficaz em discriminar a visão dos pesquisadores em temas relevantes para a rede, favorecendo uma interpretação que confere maior grau de liberdade a esses agentes frente à estrutura, em contrário ao determinismo presente em outros estudos de rede.
Researchers from various fields of knowledge have investigated the arrangement in networks, to the extent that this form of governance is consolidated as a strategic option, of an increasing number of organizations in different environments, submitted to the auspices of competitiveness and institutional isomorphism. One facet of this phenomenon is the eruption of collaborative research networks, also in Brazil, from the second half of the last decade. This research has taken as a subject of study the network underlying the Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café in order to assess the explanatory and predictive power of the social capital construct, of wide acceptance in networks theory, starting from the construction of the so called \"aplicative\" model. It intends to be testable and capable of giving substantive relations to the theorization, including confronting its findings with similar attempts by other scholars. The study had two phases. The first stage was forward-looking and done by immersion in the transcripts of 39 interviews, participant observation in events sponsored by the Consortium, and the analysis of documentary material relating to the research. The second stage used sociometric and multivariate analyses to examine the data: (1) the network of co-authors of articles published in 1495 annals of symposiums and conferences, (2) 889 pieces of research (sub-projects) financed by the Consortium and (3) a survey applied to the universe of 397 leaders of these sub-projects involving more than 50 entities (institutes, universities, enterprises). Assuming its character as hypothetical-deductive, predominantly quantitative and with descriptive and explanatory purposes, the study resulted in a contribution to the understanding of the Consortium and the strategies for linking people and entities within a collaborative network of research proving the viability of its social capital model. Beyond supplying a sociometric description of the object of study, the research found a positive relationship between prestige, participation in bodies of the Consortium and participation in projects with a level of resources hoarded by the researcher - as would be a social capital effect, which however, did not prove to be effective in discriminating the vision of the researchers on topics relevant to the network, favoring an interpretation that gives greater degree of freedom to those agents in term of the structure, in contrast to other deterministic network studies.
Researchers from various fields of knowledge have investigated the arrangement in networks, to the extent that this form of governance is consolidated as a strategic option, of an increasing number of organizations in different environments, submitted to the auspices of competitiveness and institutional isomorphism. One facet of this phenomenon is the eruption of collaborative research networks, also in Brazil, from the second half of the last decade. This research has taken as a subject of study the network underlying the Consórcio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café in order to assess the explanatory and predictive power of the social capital construct, of wide acceptance in networks theory, starting from the construction of the so called \"aplicative\" model. It intends to be testable and capable of giving substantive relations to the theorization, including confronting its findings with similar attempts by other scholars. The study had two phases. The first stage was forward-looking and done by immersion in the transcripts of 39 interviews, participant observation in events sponsored by the Consortium, and the analysis of documentary material relating to the research. The second stage used sociometric and multivariate analyses to examine the data: (1) the network of co-authors of articles published in 1495 annals of symposiums and conferences, (2) 889 pieces of research (sub-projects) financed by the Consortium and (3) a survey applied to the universe of 397 leaders of these sub-projects involving more than 50 entities (institutes, universities, enterprises). Assuming its character as hypothetical-deductive, predominantly quantitative and with descriptive and explanatory purposes, the study resulted in a contribution to the understanding of the Consortium and the strategies for linking people and entities within a collaborative network of research proving the viability of its social capital model. Beyond supplying a sociometric description of the object of study, the research found a positive relationship between prestige, participation in bodies of the Consortium and participation in projects with a level of resources hoarded by the researcher - as would be a social capital effect, which however, did not prove to be effective in discriminating the vision of the researchers on topics relevant to the network, favoring an interpretation that gives greater degree of freedom to those agents in term of the structure, in contrast to other deterministic network studies.
Capital social, Redes, Redes colaborativas, Redes sociais, Collaborative networks, Networks, Social capital, Social networks