A efetividade da informação na etapa pós-aprovação de empreendimentos hidrelétricos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A fase pós-aprovação caracteriza-se como a etapa do sistema de avaliação de impacto ambiental iniciada após a emissão da licença prévia. A etapa caracteriza-se pela produção de documentos de acompanhamento e pela gestão e tomada de novas decisões. No Brasil, esse processo caracteriza-se pela apresentação e execução dos Projetos Básicos Ambientais (PBA), que devem ser descritos e executados, pelo empreendedor, com a aprovação, o acompanhamento e a gestão dos órgãos ambientais. Na prática, tem-se a produção de muitos dados socioambientais, que são fundamentais para permitir a gestão no sistema de AIA. Por meio de análises documentais das licenças ambientais emitidas, dos relatórios decorrente do PBA e da aplicação de entrevistas com os gestores do processo de AIA, analisou-se o uso desses dados nos processos de gestões privada e pública. Com vistas aos programas de monitoramento de qualidade da água, o estudo foi aplicado para os empreendimentos hidrelétricos instalados na bacia do rio Corumbá. Verificou-se que: a maioria das licenças ambientais traz condicionantes e recomendações para a execução do programa de monitoramento de qualidade da água, indicando ser importante, na gestão da AIA; que os PBAs apresentam descrição do processo de coleta de dados, métodos de análise, distribuição espacial, cronograma de execução e processo de análise, mas tais projetos são alterados ao longo de sua execução. Os dados apresentam, muitas vezes, métodos adequados, mas carecem de certificações e responsabilidade técnica que confeririam maior confiabilidade aos dados. Por outro lado, na entrevista com os gestores do processo de AIA, todos consideram que o processo pós-aprovação é importante, e a maioria considera que a qualidade dos dados é boa. Nas entrevistas, constatou-se, também, indicativos da gestão desse processo de qualidade, como a devolução de relatórios; por outro lado, nem empreendedores nem os órgãos ambientais realizam gestão desses dados além do próprio processo de licenciamento. Mas acreditam ser possível dar publicidade aos dados para promover uma gestão mais ampla. Para que o sistema de AIA, na fase pós- aprovação, seja mais bem aplicado, é importante que se padronizem as solicitações dos programas ambientais, de modo que empreendimentos licenciados pelos estados ou pela federação tenham o mesmo padrão de detalhamento de dados e métodos, permitindo-se, com isso, uma futura integração de dados; que seja implantada uma ferramenta eletrônica de gestão da informação - preferencialmente com SIG -, o que permitiria maior publicidade; que os dados produzidos sejam adequadamente analisados; e que as atividades de ajustes e melhoras sejam implantadas.
The post-approval phase ls characterized as the environmental impact assessment system\'s stage which began after the issuance of the previous license. The stage is characterized by the production of documents, monitoring, management and making new decisions. In Brazil, this process is characterized by the presentation and implementation of the Basic Environmental Projects (PBA), which should be described and implemented by the entrepreneur, with the approval, monitoring and management of environmental agencies. In the practice, it has been the production of many social and environmental data, which are crucial to allow the management system of Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA). Through documents reviews related to issued environmental permits and reports resulting from the PBA and the application of the interviews with manegers of the AIA process, we analyzed the use of such data in the public and private process managements. With a close approach of water quality monitoring programs, the study was implemented for the hydroelectric plants installed in the Corumbá river. It was found that the majority of environmental licenses conditions provides recommendations for implementing the program of water quality monitoring, showing that the following tasks s in should be performed in the AIA process: PBAs should present description of the process of data collection, analysis methods, spatial distribution, timing of application and review process, but such projects are constantly changed thorough its execution. The data have often appropriate methods, but lack the certifications and technical responsibility that would give more reliability to the data presented. Moreover, in an interview with the managers of the AIA process, they consider that the post-approval process is important, and most of them think that data quality is good. In the interviews, there were also indicators of the quality management of this process, as the return of reports on the other hand, neither entrepreneurs nor the management of environmental agencies hold data beyond the actual licensing process. But all the actors involved believe it is possible to publicize the data in order to promote a more broad diffusion. For a better application of the AIA system in post-approval, it is imperative to standardize the demands of environmental programs, so that enterprises licensed by the states or the federation have the same standard of detail data and methods, allowing themselves, thereby further integration of data, which is implanted an electronic tool for managing information - preferably with GIS - which would allow more publicity, that the data produced are properly analyzed, and the activities of adjustments and improvements are implemented.
The post-approval phase ls characterized as the environmental impact assessment system\'s stage which began after the issuance of the previous license. The stage is characterized by the production of documents, monitoring, management and making new decisions. In Brazil, this process is characterized by the presentation and implementation of the Basic Environmental Projects (PBA), which should be described and implemented by the entrepreneur, with the approval, monitoring and management of environmental agencies. In the practice, it has been the production of many social and environmental data, which are crucial to allow the management system of Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA). Through documents reviews related to issued environmental permits and reports resulting from the PBA and the application of the interviews with manegers of the AIA process, we analyzed the use of such data in the public and private process managements. With a close approach of water quality monitoring programs, the study was implemented for the hydroelectric plants installed in the Corumbá river. It was found that the majority of environmental licenses conditions provides recommendations for implementing the program of water quality monitoring, showing that the following tasks s in should be performed in the AIA process: PBAs should present description of the process of data collection, analysis methods, spatial distribution, timing of application and review process, but such projects are constantly changed thorough its execution. The data have often appropriate methods, but lack the certifications and technical responsibility that would give more reliability to the data presented. Moreover, in an interview with the managers of the AIA process, they consider that the post-approval process is important, and most of them think that data quality is good. In the interviews, there were also indicators of the quality management of this process, as the return of reports on the other hand, neither entrepreneurs nor the management of environmental agencies hold data beyond the actual licensing process. But all the actors involved believe it is possible to publicize the data in order to promote a more broad diffusion. For a better application of the AIA system in post-approval, it is imperative to standardize the demands of environmental programs, so that enterprises licensed by the states or the federation have the same standard of detail data and methods, allowing themselves, thereby further integration of data, which is implanted an electronic tool for managing information - preferably with GIS - which would allow more publicity, that the data produced are properly analyzed, and the activities of adjustments and improvements are implemented.
Avaliação de impacto ambiental, Qualidade de água, Fase pós-aprovação, Gestão de informação, Hidrelétricas, Licenciamento ambiental, Post-approval, Information management, Hydropower, Environmental licensing, Environmental impact assessment, Water quality